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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Guard Seen Hitting Mentally Ill Person Fired From Job

Guard seen hitting mentally ill person in Facebook video fired from job in Negros Occidental

By: Carla Gomez, February 9th, 2016 06:05 AM
BACOLOD CITY, Negros Occidental — A security guard was terminated from his post Saturday after a video showing him kicking and hitting a mentally ill woman with a bamboo stick in front of the Negros Occidental Capitol in Bacolod City posted on social media drew angry comments from netizens.
The video posted on the Facebook account “Gugma Pa More”ť Friday had drawn 210,798 views and 346 comments as ofmidnight Sunday.
The security guard, identified as Rolly Agasang of Pax Security Agency, who had been assigned at the Capitol for about 12 years, has been relieved from his post, Vinchito Magalona, security-in charge at the Capitol, said on Monday (Feb. 8).
Complaints will be lodged against him before the Commission on Human Rights, and the Philippine National Police Firearms, Explosives, Security Agencies and Guard Section, for the revocation of his security guard license, according to Magalona.
Security guards at the Capitol have been instructed to observe maximum tolerance, and hitting and kicking a person could not be tolerated, he said.
The “Gugma Pa More” Facebookť  page said the video of theguard hitting the mentally ill woman was taken January 23.
The guard said the mentally ill person had been defecating and scattering dirt on the ramp for disabled persons at the front entrance of the Capitol, Magalona disclosed.
On January 23, the guard had just swept the garbage at the entrance of the Capitol and had gone inside to get a dustpan but when he returned he found that the mentally ill person had scattered it all again, Magalona said.
The mentally ill person who had a bamboo stick then hit the guard on the head prompting him to grab the stick from her and shoo her down the ramp, Magalona added.
However, Magalona said, that did not give the guard the right to hit her.
Angry netizens called the guard heartless and aired their sympathy for the mentally ill woman on Facebook.  SFM

How much longer...?

How much longer…?

Klaus Doring
How much longer will You forget me, Lord?
During many times of darkness when I thought again, that the whole world is against me, I opened my Bible. Suddenly I found Psalm 13, also entitled a Prayer for Help: “How much longer will You forget me, Lord?”
I was born on a Sunday in 1953 – a so-called “Sunday-Child”. There are sayings that those kind of people will have a life of great success without problems, worries and trials. This is – excuse me! – nonsense!
I also experience difficult, problematic and questionable times, where I am really loosing all my strength to get down to work on those problems. Life’s path becomes narrow. Fears grow: it’s enough, it’s enough!
I still feel, how I started becoming awkward and jerky. I struggled against everybody around me. I was reluctant against the good ideas of others. I felt driven into a corner. I started to hurt and insult people in my surroundings with arrogance and unqualified comments. Everything became and become a problem and my voice bellows and my groans grow louder.
But admittedly, groans lighten our burden. For even a short moment only, I do feel how my inner life and inside pressure ease off. But sometimes, more trials and problems overwhelm our families and ourselves: illness, death-threats, bankruptcy, war at the working-place, efforts to give us a bad name, intrigues ….
“How much longer will You forget me, Lord?” We stop groaning. We shout already to God, especially if nobody in our surroundings likes to listen to us anymore. If we are deep in fix, God must have forgotten us already, right? A terrible situation! We see faces of those people, who show us hostility.
But I also experienced how God put me into life’s “re-conversion plant” and freshened me up: Little but meaningful and important cares suddenly happened. After a hot and stressful day and a refreshing thunderstorm, let’s enjoy the following night. The person, who insulted us, suddenly apologized. The illness wiped out.
“You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me!” (Psalm 23:5). I am glad, because I really don’t know about more and new spitefulness through my next “enemy on duty” in future. I actually really don’t want to know it. I learned that negativism blocks life and its plans.
But I know Psalm 23. I read it every time while having a problem. Psalm 23 should be printed in everyone’s heart, mind and soul!
Email: doringklaus @gmail.com or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visit www.germanexpatinthephilippines.blog spot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic. blogspot.com.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Why Manila Nostalgia is Becoming a Hit

By: Raoul J. Chee Kee, Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Lady EvaMacapagal with Empress Michiko at Tesoro’s in 1962 (posted by Luli Arroyo Bernas)
First Lady EvaMacapagal with Empress Michiko at Tesoro’s in 1962 (posted by Luli Arroyo Bernas)
TWO months into the new year, we can’t help but look back and pine for simpler times.
We reminisce and sometimes exclaim how things were better “back then.” This feeling of nostalgia is normal, but in the late 17th century, it was seen as a pathological disorder that manifested itself in people who couldn’t adjust to the present and were fearful of the future.
Constantine Sedikides, a doctor and professor of social and personality psychology at the University of Southampton, said in a 2013 interview with The New York Times that “nostalgic stories often start badly, with some kind of problem, but then they tend to end well, thanks to help from someone close to you. So you end up with a stronger feeling of belonging and affiliation, and you become more generous toward others.”
This is probably why the Facebook group Manila Nostalgia started by Lou Gopal has become a popular repository of sepia photographs, stories and anecdotes.
Its members—over 7,000 at last count—share a love for the Manila of their youth, as seen by the regular uploads, numerous likes and comments.
“Nostalgia to me is the fond remembrance of the past; not of the Aquino assassination nor the rape of a movie star. Those are not fond memories,” Gopal told Inquirer Lifestyle in an e-mail interview.
“This is a site that anyone and everyone can enjoy without fear of getting bullied for their opinions or getting disgusted by language and the like. There’s no place for that on my site.”
cook and restaurateur Nora Daza in front of pioneering French restaurant Au Bon Vivant in Ermita, Manila (posted by Isidra Reyes)
Cook and restaurateur Nora Daza in front of pioneering French restaurant Au Bon Vivant in Ermita, Manila (posted by Isidra Reyes)
Gopal was born on April 2, 1945, shortly after the end of the Battle of Manila.
“I had to subsist on mother’s milk (and she was half-starved) because there was no fresh milk and very little Klim either,” Gopal recalled. “My father was an entrepreneur who started a jewelry store in Escolta around 1949. “I would say we were middle class. We lived in apartments until my parents bought a lot in San Lorenzo in Makati around 1956 and had our home built there. That’s when I moved from the Remedios neighborhood to an ‘American-styled’ gated community. It was a whole different lifestyle.”

’50s and ’60s
He was studying in an American school in Pasay but in 1962, at 17, he left for the United States.
His memories of Manila are of its rebirth and the flurry of rebuilding after the war. “It seems there’s always been interest in the ’50s and ’60s: the cars, the lifestyle, etc… perhaps because it may have appeared to be a simpler time. For me, the interest in writing about Manila came because, being away from it for so long, I could still remember the old neighborhoods, the old theaters, my school, the restaurants and all that without being influenced by the ‘new’ things that have cropped up: some good, some bad (like the traffic).
“Most of what you see in Makati today wasn’t there when I lived in San Lorenzo. The village was surrounded by empty fields, only a few shops at the center with Rizal Theater as the anchor. So, I can still envision all that without being jaded by ‘modern’ Makati/Manila.”
He’s not the only one. Among Manila Nostalgia’s many members, a few upload photos and vignettes regularly, but they seem to have an inexhaustible supply of vintage postcards, photos and advertisements.
a Chinese mestiza wearing a traje demestiza, circa 1920s (posted by Isidra Reyes)
a Chinese mestiza wearing a traje demestiza, circa 1920s (posted by Isidra Reyes)
“My blog must have struck a chord with other people because I now have over a million hits on that site. I enjoy writing about Manila’s past not only because of my memories but also because of the research required to write it,” Gopal said.
“I have learned so much about our city just in the last five years. I put up Manila Nostalgia on Facebook to share the photos I’ve gathered over the years, and also to have a venue where others can also share their own photos and stories,” he added.
The more popular posts have been of the “older” Manila.
“Photos of people in our history are also very popular: Some of them movie stars, some society elite, but I’ve also been urging our members to post photos of themselves and their families. I want to hear about the jeepney drivers, the cocheros, the lavanderas… what are their stories? Those are equally important to my mind,” Gopal noted.
While distance and the intervening years may have lent enchantment to the view, not all of it was idyllic.
“People looking at photos of old Manila always remark how clean it all looked. Well, that’s not true. It wasn’t clean. I would walk on Taft Avenue around Libertad and it was filthy. I would walk around Echague down by Quinta Market and it was filthy. I think our memories tend to whitewash the facts.”
and a postcard of San Sebastian Church in Quiapo, Manila
A postcard of San Sebastian Church in Quiapo, Manila

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Europe's future

Europe’s future

In MOPINION In My OpinioNy Opinion
Klaus Doring

Europe’s future? Europe’s economical future? World’s future? Global economical future? Don’t get me wrong, please. But, if Europe is going down – somehow… .In example, let’s talk about the next question mark: a possible Brexit – an exit of Great Britain from Europe. Are really all eggs in one basket?
British Prime Minister Cameron and the head of the EU Commission Juncker met on Friday (yesterday, I am writing this piece on Saturday, January 30, 2016!) to talk about a possible deal with the UK. Do they have enough to prevent a Brexit? An analysis by Max Hofmann in Brussels.
German TV-commen-tator in Brussels Max Hofmann hit the nail in saying whatever the final text submitted to the leaders at the EU summit on February 18 will look like, it needs to be bullet-proof in a number of ways. It needs to convince Britons that it’s worth saying ‘Yes’ in a referendum later this year and remain part of the EU. It needs to convince other member states that they’re not selling the soul of the European Union to keep the UK in it and it needs to withstand anticipated legal onslaughts in the coming years.
Let’s ask the question, what Britain will definitely get. Four ‘baskets’ will be part of a possible deal and the first three were never seen as a real problem:
– No disadvantages for non-euro member. Cameron wants to make sure that EU countries that don’t use the Euro as their currency aren’t at a disadvantage compared to those that do. This seems to be a rather theoretical request because EU officials feel strongly that at the moment there is no discrimination towards non-euro countries.
– Making the EU more competitive. This is something many member states and the commission have laid claim to already. So the UK is preaching to the converted.
– Exempting the UK from being part of an ‘ever closer union’. Again, this is a question of wording. Although the ‘ever closer union’ is a founding principle of the EU, the UK already has so many exceptions and opt-outs that no one really expects a level of EU integration similar to that of Germany or Belgium.
The fourth ‘basket’ is where David Cameron has all his eggs and also the most controversial one – as Max Hofmann voiced out. Cameron wants to restrict access to certain social benefits to people who arrive in the UK. This includes citizens from all across the European Union. But one of the core principles of the EU is that legislation in one member state cannot discriminate against people from another.
According to reports, the proposal that commission experts have worked out give Cameron much of what he wants without legally violating that principle:
– Making the restriction a temporary one. The UK government has always sought to strip new arrivals of social benefits for a limited time only. Cameron has asked for four years and that’s what he might get.
– Justifying the restriction with the urgency of the situation. In order for this to have a chance in court, Britain would need to argue that immigration is putting too excessive a strain on its social system. Depending on exact definitions of “excessive,” the UK might have the data to make this case.
I am pretty sure, that there are still things, what Britain probably won’t get: The four year mechanism described above are like a trump card the UK can only play once. So if they activated it in 2017 it could be applied until 2021, similar to an emergency brake. After that all EU citizens get the same social benefits as Britons again. By all accounts the EU wants to stay in control. This would mean that the UK can’t just decide to pull the emergency brake, but it most likely has to engage in a process. The assessment whether the requirements are met to restrict social benefits for citizens of other member states would probably lie with the Commission, and the European Council would give the final green light. That’s a bitter pill to swallow for Cameron, but it’s a comparatively small one.
And, what role does German Chancellor Angela Merkel play? Is she ready to compromise to keep the UK in the EU
Would other member states accept this? German Chancellor Merkel has repeatedly said that freedom of movement within the EU is not negotiable. The deal described formally doesn’t restrict that freedom, but Cameron’s hope, of course, is that the restriction of social benefits will keep migrants from coming to the UK. So Merkel can probably agree to this, especially given that she is ready to compromise on many issues to keep the UK in the EU, says Max Hofmann. And, I must confess: I strongly agree with him.
Europe – quo vadis?
Email: doringklaus@ gmail.com or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visitwww.germanexpatinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic. blogspot.com.