You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coronavirus: Gesammelte Informationen

Die Lungenkrankheit 2019-nCoV breitet sich weiter aus, vor allem in China. Hier finden Sie unsere Meldungen zu der Epidemie und weiterführende Links zu wichtigen Fragen und Antworten von öffentlichen Stellen


Coronavirus Allgemein Anatomie
Tückischer Erreger: Der Coronavirus befällt die Lunge und kann zu trockenem Husten, Fieber und Atemnot führen

Das neue Coronavirus, inzwischen von der WHO auf den Namen "2019-nCoV" getauft, hat eine Inkubationszeit von bis zu zwei Wochen – also können von der Infektion mit dem Virus bis zum Auftreten von Beschwerden bis zu 14 Tage vergehen. Der Erreger kann die unteren Atemwege befallen und verursacht bei einem Teil der Infizierten Lungenentzündungen. Typische Symptome sind trockener Husten, Fieber und Atemnot. Todesfälle traten bisher vor allem bei Patienten mit Vorerkrankungen auf.

Prophylaxe und Behandlung
Der Virus wird vermutlich ähnlich wie die Grippe per Tröpfcheninfektion übertragen. Um sich vor einer Ansteckung zu wappnen, raten die Behörden, auf Händeschütteln zu verzichten, auf eine gute Handhygiene zu achten und sich oft die Hände zu waschen. In möglicherweise betroffenen Gebieten ist es ratsam, größere Menschenansammlungen zu meiden und Abstand zu Infizierten zu halten. Um selbst andere zu schützen, sollte man beim Husten oder Niesen stets ein Taschentuch verwenden, zur Not die Ellenbeuge. Auch ein Mundschutz bewirkt am ehesten, dass man als Infizierter seine Umgebung nicht so leicht ansteckt.

Bisher sind noch keine Medikamente oder Impfungen bekannt, die 2019-nCoV direkt stoppen können. Deshalb werden Erkrankte vor allem in Bezug auf ihre Beschwerden unterstützt. Sie erhalten wenn nötig Antibiotika, um bakterielle Zweitinfektionen abzuwehren, Sauerstoff, um das Atmen zu erleichtern, oder auch eine unterstützende Beatmung.

Ähnliche bisher bekannte Erreger
2019-nCoV gehört zur selben Virusart wie der Erreger bei der Sars-Pandemie von 2002/2003. Sars steht für schweres akutes Atemwegsyndrom. Damals fielen rund 800 Menschen der Seuche zum Opfer.

Coronaviren können sowohl Menschen als auch Tiere infizieren. Viele Arten verursachen eher harmlose Erkrankungen wie Erkältungen. Allerdings gehören auch Erreger gefährlicher Atemwegskrankheiten dazu.

Ein weiteres Beispiel ist Mers, das "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus". Dieser Virentyp wurde 2012 erstmals identifiziert. Infektionen mit Mers haben ihren Ursprung auf der Arabischen Halbinsel und verursachen eine schwere Infektion der Atemwege, Lungenentzündung und Nierenversagen.

e Ende der Krise ist weiter nicht in Sicht: Die Epidemie der neuen Lungenkrankheit wird sich nach Einschätzung eines Experten in China möglicherweise erst Ende April stabilisieren. «Das ist eine sehr grobe Schätzung», sagte Zhong Nanshan, Chef der Expertengruppe der chinesischen Regierung. Die Zahl der in der offiziellen Statistik erfassten Fälle lag am Dienstag bei gut 72 000, die der Todesfälle in Festland-China bei 1868. Experten gehen allerdings von einer um ein Vielfaches höheren Dunkelziffer bei den Fallzahlen aus.

Höhere Sterblichkeit bei alten Menschen
Nach einer von Chinas Gesundheitsbehörde vorgestellten Analyse sterben im Land 2,3 Prozent der mit dem Virus Infizierten. Betroffen seien weiterhin vor allem alte Menschen und solche mit schweren Vorerkrankungen wie Herzkreislauf-Erkrankungen oder Diabetes. Bei Menschen über 80 Jahren liege die aus den bisher vorliegenden Daten errechnete Todesrate bei knapp 15 Prozent, berichtete die Behörde am Dienstag, es sterben also in dieser Altersgruppe in China im Mittel etwa 15 von 100 Infizierten. In der Gruppe der 10 bis 39 Jahre alten Menschen sterben 0,2 Prozent der Infizierten, also etwa 2 von 1000 Betroffenen.

In der weit überwiegenden Zahl der Fälle - der Gesundheitsbehörde zufolge mehr als 80 Prozent - zeigen Menschen, die sich mit dem Covid-19-Erreger angesteckt haben, nur milde Symptome. Knapp 14 Prozent der Betroffenen entwickeln demnach schwere Symptome wie Atemnot, knapp 5 Prozent lebensbedrohliche Auswirkungen wie Atemstillstand, septischen Schock oder Multiorganversagen.

Bei 4 von 5 Infizierten nur milde Symptome
Auch der Generaldirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hatte am Montag unter Bezug auf die Datenanalyse aus China von gut 80 Prozent milden Infektionsverläufen gesprochen. Es gebe zudem relativ wenige Fälle bei Kindern, sagte Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Noch sei aber unklar, warum das so sei.

Generell geben die Daten aus China eher einen Trend wieder als die tatsächlichen Werte - unter anderem, weil in die Analyse auch Fälle ohne Bestätigung der Infektion durch einen Labortest einflossen. Zudem sei die Dunkelziffer der Covid-19-Infizierten (wie das Virus offiziell genannt wird) in der Provinz Hubei vermutlich sehr hoch, sagte Clemens Wendtner, Chefarzt der Infektiologie und Tropenmedizin an der München Klinik Schwabing. «Wer geht denn jetzt noch ins Krankenhaus zum Arzt, wenn er Angst hat, unter Quarantäne steht und die Wohnung ohnehin nur schwer verlassen kann?»

WHO: Weltweite Entwicklung ungewiss
Die WHO betonte erneut, dass Sars-CoV-2 außerhalb von China nur einen sehr kleinen Anteil der Menschen betreffe. Allerdings lasse sich die weitere Entwicklung nach wie vor nicht sicher voraussagen - auch für die Epidemie in China nicht. «Alle Szenarien sind weiterhin möglich», so Tedros.

In China läuft derzeit eine gewaltige Rückreisewelle von Wanderarbeitern nach den wegen des Virus verlängerten Ferien zum chinesischen Neujahrsfest. Zwar wurden strenge Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle der Reiseströme ergriffen, wie gut sie wirken, wird sich aber erst noch zeigen. Die Zahl der in der offiziellen Statistik erfassten Fälle lag am Dienstag bei gut 72 000, die der Todesfälle in Festland-China bei 1868. Experten gehen allerdings von einer um ein Vielfaches höheren Dunkelziffer bei den Fallzahlen aus.

Klinikchef unter den Todesopfern
Die meisten Infektionen und Todesfälle werden weiterhin in Zentralchina in der schwer betroffenen Provinz Hubei gezählt. Zum ersten Mal fiel ein Krankenhauschef Covid-19 zum Opfer. Liu Zhiming, Direktor des Wuchang Hospitals in Hubeis Provinzhauptstadt Wuhan, sei am Montag gestorben, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur China News. Im Kampf gegen das Virus haben sich offiziellen Angaben zufolge bisher gut 3000 Ärzte und Pflegekräfte angesteckt.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Coronavirus: Sharp increase in deaths and cases in Hubei

Related Topics
A Chinese worker wears a protective mask as she has her temperature checked on a nearly empty commercial area on February 12, 2020 in Beijing, China.Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe WHO has said a vaccine will likely be found but it will take time
Some 242 deaths from the new coronavirus were recorded in the Chinese province of Hubei on Wednesday - the deadliest day of the outbreak.
There was also a huge increase in the number of cases, with 14,840 people diagnosed with the virus.
Hubei has started using a broader definition to diagnose people - which accounts for most of the rise in cases.
Until Wednesday's increases, the number of people diagnosed in Hubei - where the outbreak emerged - was stabilising.
But the new cases and deaths in the province have pushed the national death toll above 1,350 - with almost 60,000 infections in total.
Meanwhile, the Communist Party secretary in Hubei, Jiang Chaoliang, has been replaced by the Shanghai party chief, Ying Yong, according to state media. The party chief of the capital city Wuhan has also been relieved of his duties.
It is the first major change of Hubei party officials since the outbreak began.
Earlier this week, a number of health officials were "removed" from their jobs.

What is the new diagnosis method?

The province - which accounts for more than 80% of overall Chinese infections - now includes "clinically diagnosed cases" in the number of confirmed cases.
This means it includes those showing symptoms, and having a CT scan showing an infected lung, rather than relying only on the standard nucleic acid tests.
Of the 242 new deaths in Wuhan, 135 are such "clinically diagnosed" cases.
That means, even without the new definition, the number of deaths in Hubei on Wednesday was 107 - a new high for the province.
The province's 14,840 new infections include 13,332 clinically diagnosed cases.
Overall, the province now has 48,206 confirmed infections.

What is the latest with the cruise ships?

A cruise ship carrying more than 2,000 people has docked in Cambodia - after it was turned away by five ports over fears that some passengers might be infected with the virus.
The MS Westerdam arrived on Thursday morning after Japan, Taiwan, Guam, the Philippines and Thailand had all refused to accept the ship - despite having no sick patients on board.
Meanwhile, another 44 cases have been confirmed on the Diamond Princess, which is in quarantine in Yokohama, Japan.
The increase means 218 people of the 3,700 people on board the ship have caught the virus. Not everyone has been tested yet.
People with the virus are taken to hospitals on land to be treated, while those on board are largely confined to their cabins.
Media captionCoronavirus quarantine: 'I haven't had freedom for a month'

What does the WHO say?

The WHO said it was "way too early" to predict the end of the epidemic. "This outbreak could still go in any direction," the director-general warned.
The WHO has been able to track down the source of transmission in all but eight of the 441 cases of the virus outside China, its head of emergencies Michael Ryan said.
He added: "I think it's way too early to try to predict the beginning, the middle or the end of this epidemic right now."
On Tuesday top Chinese epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan said the epidemic should peak in China this month before subsiding.
Four possible vaccines were being funded for pre-clinical development, WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan told reporters.
"I think we will find a vaccine," she said. "It will take some time. A vaccine cannot be made overnight."

In other developments:

  • The world's largest mobile phone showcase, Mobile World Congress (MWC), has been cancelled, organisers in the Spanish city of Barcelona have confirmed
  • The US Centers for Disease Control said it was preparing for the coronavirus to possibly "take a foothold in the US". Thirteen cases have been confirmed in the US
  • About 300 employees have been evacuated from Singapore's biggest bank, DBS, after one person fell ill with the coronavirus. All 300 had been working on the same floor and were sent home
  • Formula 1's Chinese Grand Prix, due to take place in Shanghai on 19 April, has been postponed
  • In its latest measure to try to halt the spread, China said it would stagger the return of children to school. Several provinces have closed schools until the end of February
coronavirus map
Presentational white space

Monday, February 10, 2020


One Mindanao is with Kenz Patisoy Banial.

“In addition, beginning tomorrow, February 11, all welcome and send-off groups at airports, seaports, bus terminals, and other transportation hubs are permanently banned not only because of the virus but for reasons of safety and security. Only employees, workers, drivers and passengers are allowed in these places.” - Mayor Inday Sara Duterte


The novel coronavirus situation remains very fluid and there is still no answer when it will be stabilized or its spread across the globe be fully controlled.

We have seen an increasing number of people getting the infection worldwide. Our health care facilities in Davao City have limitations and we cannot possibly carry hundreds of sick individuals all at the same time.

Because of these limitations, our plan for us Dabawenyos is to ensure that we do not get the infection. Please read all available information on how you can keep you, your children, and the entire family healthy. It is important to keep your immune system strong. Avoid crowded places and activities that will propagate the spread of the virus.

We have been following the pronouncements of the Department of Health and it has released last February 7 the advisory on public gatherings, thus it is with a heavy heart that I have decided to cancel the following events of the 83rd Araw ng Dabaw celebration: Pasiugdang Pagsaulog, Reyna Dabawenya, Ginoong Davao, Sayaw Pinoy, Kalingawan sa Sta. Ana, Hudyaka, Mutya ng Dabaw, Pasidungog, Araw ng Empleyado, Kanta Bidabawenyo, Parada Dabawenyo, and the Datu Bago Awards.

All preparations made for this year shall all be executed in 2021. We shall leave it to the parents, schools, government/private offices and business establishments to ensure that their children, students, and employees understand the history of Davao City, where we are going with our Byaheng Do30 agenda, how we have shown the past 3 years that we stand tall, united, and resilient and that we shall embody discipline, integrity, and competence in the next 3 years.

In addition, beginning tomorrow, February 11, all welcome and send-off groups at airports, seaports, bus terminals, and other transportation hubs are permanently banned not only because of the virus but for reasons of safety and security. Only employees, workers, drivers and passengers are allowed in these places.

I also hereby order the Department of Trade and Industry to ensure that the price freeze memorandum of the DOH, the price tag, suggested retail price and other pertinent regulations on all goods and commodities are strictly implemented. Business permits of stores caught selling overpriced items and hoarding food and other supplies shall be canceled and their establishment padlocked.

All are hereby enjoined to read the DOH advisory pertinent to their organization:

For workplace — DOLE Labor Advisory #4 Series 2020 and DOH Dept. Memo 2020-0056

For Hospitals — DOH Dept. Memo 2020-0035

For Airports and seaports — DOH Dept. Memo 2020-0063

For residential communities — DOH Dept. Memo 2020-0059

For schools — DOH Dept. Memo 2020-0055 and DepEd Memo 15 s. 2020

For hotels and other similar establishments — DOH Dept. Memo 2020-0057

If you have sore throat, cough, fever, and other flu-like symptoms, do not travel in or out of Davao City. Seek medical assistance immediately. Schools, offices and business establishments are advised to come up with guidelines to ensure that students and employees who are sick are not allowed entry to the school or workplace.

While we have a health issue at hand, please DO NOT PANIC. Instead, report to the authorities and seek immediate and appropriate medical help.

Thank you for your cooperation.

- Davao CIO

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Davao de Oro holds 2019 nCoV-ARD awareness forum

Davao de Oro Province---The Provincial Health Office (PHO) led by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Antonio Ybiernas Jr. of the province of Davao de Oro in partnership with the Department of Health (DOH) conducts "Provincial Inter-Agency and Stakeholders Forum on 2019 novel Corona Virus-Acute Respiratory Disease (2019 nCoV-ARD) at the New SP Multi-Purpose Hall, SP Building Ground Floor, Cabidianan, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro on Friday February 7.

Among the topics are the Overview and Background of 2019 nCoV-ARD, DOH Interim Guidelines, 2019-nCoV Surveillance Guidelines, Health & Promotion, DILG Guidelines, Role clarification of each agency ang Agreements, and the Update Organization of Provincial Inter-Agency task Force on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease.

The forum discussed awareness on the prevention and control of the disease as well as the Decision Tool for 2019 nCoV-ARD assessment for Bureau of Quarantine and Hospitals for the case category and intervention, for the Patient Under Investigation (PUI) and Person Under Monitoring (PUM).

According to Jayson Mayang-RESU Surveillance Officer, that anyone who came from other parts of the world with confirmed 2019-nCoV-ARD infection except China, has no history of exposure, but with fever and or cough, is considered PUI and is advised to go on self-quarantine for 14 days.

He added that the Centers for Health Development will strictly monitor those who are self- quarantined especially with history of exposure include close contact who took care, handled specimens and or lived with a confirmed case of 2019-nCoV infection, visiting or working in a live animal market in China and direct contact with animals in China with circulating 2019 nCoV in human and animals.

The forum were attended by the head of the national and local government agencies, health officials from the Municipal Health Office of the eleven municipalities of the province, different stakeholders, Barangay Health Workers, Hospital personnel from 4 government hospitals and private hospitals of the province and the municipal and capitol employees.

(Rey Antibo, ID Davao de Oro)

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Coronavirus no effect on Misamis Oriental tourism


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines — The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) acute respiratory disease has no effect yet on the tourism industry in some parts of Northern Mindanao as health authorities prepare personnel and facilities in case it reaches the region.

In Misamis Oriental, there is no report yet of individuals having 2019-nCoV symptoms either from local residents or foreign nationals who are visiting the province, said lawyer Jeffrey Saclot, provincial tourism officer, on Tuesday (Feb. 4).

The 2019-nCoV originated in Wuhan, a city in Hubei province, China, and was first detected last December.

The coronavirus has since spread to other countries, including the Philippines where the Department of Health was able to confirm that a Chinese national died from the disease, the first fatality outside of China.

Saclot said that since foreign travelers form only a fraction of tourist arrivals to the province, the ban, especially on travellers coming from China, has no impact on the local tourism industry.

Another factor is that the Laguindingan Airport in Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental, does not have international flights yet, he said.

He stated that foreign tourists constitute only five percent of the total number of arrivals in the province.

“Most of our tourists are locals. That’s why our tourism industry has not been affected by the travel ban due to the novel coronavirus,” Saclot said.

He added, however, that once the Laguindingan Airport caters to international flights, tourism officials will expect more foreign tourists to visit Misamis Oriental.

The province boasts of some of the most-visited tourist sites in the region, including the Divine Mercy Shrine in El Salvador City, the Flight 387 memorial park in Gingoog City, and the healing pool in Binuangan town.

Meanwhile, Misamis Oriental Gov. Yevgeny Vincente Emano has announced that he will provide thermal scanners to various points of entry in the province and in Cagayan de Oro.

According to the provincial information office, thermal scanners will be distributed to the Laguindingan Airport, Mindanao Container Terminal sub-port in Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental, and the Macabalan seaport in Barangay Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro.

The devices will be used to scan passengers entering the province and city.

In an interview, Emano said he will use the provincial government’s emergency funds to buy the scanners, although the gadgets’ cost is not yet specified.

Emano said he has included the Macabalan port among the ports that will be provided with thermal scanners because many of the passengers who disembark from ships coming from different parts of the country pass through or go to Misamis Oriental.

The governor said the thermal scanners will be distributed within the week to the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, the agency that manages the Laguindingan Airport, the Philippine Ports Authority, and the entity that handles the day-to-day operations at the Mindanao Container Terminal.

Carlo Dugaduga, the provincial information officer, said the amount allocated to obtain the scanners will be made known once the provincial health office (PHO) has already made the purchase.

Dugaduga said the PHO is still in the process of gathering prices of the thermal scanners.

On Monday, officials from different government agencies in Cagayan de Oro formed the Task Force Novel Coronavirus to address the threat posed by this deadly virus. (

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Foreign Minister Maas on the evacuation of Germans from Wuhan

Federal Foreign Office logoFederal Foreign OfficePress release

Foreign Minister Maas on the evacuation of Germans from Wuhan

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement in Berlin today (31 January):
logoWe now have all the permits from the Chinese authorities that we need to evacuate our citizens. As I speak, a Bundeswehr plane is setting off for China, to fly the German nationals out.

I am relieved that we have got to this stage, that an end will now be put to the difficult situation in which our citizens find themselves in Wuhan, that the people who want to leave can now be flown out by us.
We’re talking about over 100 people. None of them has been infected. None of them is even suspected of having the virus. To guarantee the health and safety of the population in Germany, the people who have been evacuated from China will be quarantined for two weeks on Bundeswehr premises in order to be absolutely sure that none of the evacuees is carrying the virus.

I would like to thank the Chinese Government for working together with us on this. My thanks also go to the Crisis Response Centre, the authorities involved and our consular teams in China. We hope that everyone who comes back will be in good health and will stay that way - regardless of the fact that they will be monitored by medics here.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Coronavirus: Death toll rises ...

... as virus spreads to every Chinese region

Woman wearing a face maskImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe WHO warns the virus holds the potential for a much larger outbreak
The death toll of the coronavirus has risen to 170 and with a confirmed case in Tibet, the virus has now spread to every region in mainland China.
Chinese health authorities have said there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29 January.
Infections have also spread to at least 16 other countries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will meet on Thursday to discuss whether the virus constitutes a global health emergency.
"In the last few days the progress of the virus, especially in some countries, especially human-to-human transmission, worries us," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday, pointing to Germany, Vietnam and Japan.
"Although the numbers outside China are still relatively small, they hold the potential for a much larger outbreak."

What is the coronavirus?

The virus is thought to have emerged from illegally traded wildlife at a seafood market in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province and where most cases and deaths have been reported.
Though there have been a handful of cases where it is thought to have spread between people - most of the confirmed cases are people who are from Wuhan or had close contact with someone who had been there.
While there is no specific cure or vaccine for the virus, many people who contract it have only mild symptoms and do recover from it.
It can though cause severe acute respiratory infection and lead to death.
Like the similar Sars and influenza viruses, the new coronavirus is thought to be particularly a risk for elderly and people with pre-existing illnesses.
Media captionLike others who've been in Hubei province, the BBC's Stephen McDonell is staying away from the office for two weeks
The city has effectively been sealed off and China has put numerous transport restrictions in place to curb the spread of the virus.
People who have been in Hubei Province are also being told by their employers to work from home until it is considered safe for them to return.
The Chinese Football Association has announced the postponement of all games in the 2020 season.
Several international airlines have stopped or scaled back their routes to China and companies like Google, Starbucks and Tesla have closed their stores or stopped operations.

What are other countries doing?

Voluntary evacuations of hundreds of foreign nationals from Wuhan are underway to help people who want to leave the closed-off city and return to their countries.
Two flights to Japan have already landed at Tokyo's Haneda airport and the passengers are being screened at medical institutions. So far, three have tested positive for the virus, Japanese media report.
Japanese aircraft at Tokyo airportImage copyrightAFP
Image captionJapan's first flight with evacuees arrived on Wednesday
Around 200 US citizens have also been flown out of Wuhan and are being screened in the US.
A group of Singaporean citizens has also already been flown out while people from Wuhan stranded in Singapore due to flight cancellations have been flown back to China.
Flights to take British and South Korean citizens out of Wuhan have both been delayed after relevant permissions from Chinese authorities did not come through.
According to the UK government, the arriving passengers are to be put in "supported isolation" for 14 days with "all necessary medical attention".
Australia plans to quarantine its evacuees on Christmas Island, 2,000km (1,200 miles) from the mainland.
Two aircraft are due to fly EU citizens home with 250 French nationals leaving on the first flight.
Canada, the Philippines and Malaysia have also announced plans to fly their citizens out of Wuhan.
A growing number of countries are advising their citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to China.