You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Monday, September 20, 2021

Typical Filipino (XXX) - Typisch Philippinisch (XXX): "Compadrazco" - Die Patenschaft


The Compadre System, or the “Extended Family” is the basis of Filipino social structure. It is a kinship system which extends one’s relationships beyond one’s immediate family to include up to about 400 people.

Als Verwandte zählen natürlich auch die entferntesten Vettern und Cousinen. Darüber hinaus vergrößert sich die Verwandschaftsgruppe und wächst u.a. durch Heirat über die Blutverwandten hinaus. Die christliche Sitte der Taufpatenschaft schafft eine feste Verbindung zwischen Patenkind und Patenteltern.

Nach der strengen Tradition gelten Patenonkel und Patentante als die zweiten Eltern des Kindes. Man erwartet von ihnen, daß sie sich um das Kind kümmern, wenn ihnen etwas passiert. 

Das Patenkind nennt seinen Patenonkel NINONG und seine Patentante NINANG. Es selbst heißt INAANAK, was wörtlich übersetzt "geschaffener Bruder/Schwester" bedeutet, also ein durch ein Ritual erworbener Bruder oder Schwester zu den eigenen Kindern.

Ausländer genießen auf den Philippinen ein hohes Ansehen und werden deshalb oft gefragt, als Pate für eine Taufe oder auch Hochzeit aufzutreten. Da dies als Auszeichnung gilt, ist es nicht leicht, eine derartige Bitte abzulehnen. Man sagt am besten zu. Wenn Sie nicht in die komplizierten Verwandschaftsbeziehungen eindringen wollen, so wird bereits Ihre Teilnahme an der Zeremonie  als  ausreichende Ehre verstanden.

Of course, even the  most distant cousins count as relatives. In addition, the kinship group expands and through marriage, i.e., grows beyond the blood relatives. The Christian custom of sponsorship creates a solid bond between the sponsored child and the sponsored parents.

According to the strict tradition, godfather and godmother are considered the second parents of the child.You are expected to take care of the child if something happens to them. The godchild names his godfather NINONG and his godmother NINANG. It itself is called INAANAK, which literally translated means "created brother or sister" - in other words, a brother or sister to one's own children acquired through a ritual.

Foreigners enjoy a high reputation in the Philippines and are therefore often asked to become a sponsor of a baptismal or wedding. Since this is considered an award, it is not easy to refuse such a request. It's best to say yes. If you do not want to intrude into the complicated family relationships, your participation in the ceremony is already understood as a sufficient honor.

What can you say about the Philippines?

Profile photo for Jonathan Sayles

By: Jonathan Sayles

Married to a Cebuana for 11 years with 2 great kids

Until 11 or 12 years ago I didn’t even know where the Philippines existed on the planet. I had no intent to find out either. I was quite happy just knowing about the big players. Countries where you feel safe going on holiday to.

I first found out about the country from someone I met online. We used to chat on the internet and before Facebook existed as it does today we used to webcam through Yahoo Messenger.

I ended up marrying that person and now all I think about is the Philippines. It was quite an eye opener. The first time I visited Cebu, I was surprised to see electric cables hanging down to maybe 1 meter off the floor on most of the streets. Great big holes in the pavements. Floods on a regular basis. Mosquitoes that had me as a 3 course meal.

I’ve experienced the chaos of elections, the calm of thai massages and traditional Nipa huts at relatives of my wife.

I see a people that work hard for little pay, and others that work little, earn a lot and pay no taxes. It is a country of diversification and yet at the heart it is such a close community of people who have great pride in Filipino’s that do well overseas.

My dream is to emmigrate there. To try to get back to a life that western countries used to have. I’m tired of people in the UK moaning about how hard their lives are when they earn £20000-£40000 a year. Filipino’s survive on far less and seem happier.

Save me a place! I’ll be there as quick as I can!


My column in Mindanao Daily News and BusinessWeek Mindanao


Very often - sometimes too often! - the thought is back! If we wake up in the morning (or even many times in the middle of the night), the thought is back. Sometimes, the thought will not let us sleep. The "act of thinking". the "reflection", the "opinion" or the "serious consideration", no matter how we describe it - our memory and conscience is always with us as a permanent companion.
Especially in times of this pandemic, some people struggle to get to sleep no matter how tired they are. Others wake up in the middle of the night and lie awake for hours, anxiously watching the clock.
Yes, we brood over unsettled problems. Sometimes we bear unfair treatments, arrogance, ignorance, incompetent know-it-all-betters, and unbearable oddballs, who inexorable love to make our life a hell while living themselves a disorderly life.

We would not like to be distracted, but we're toying with some good ideas how we could throw overboard all that "human garbage". What will come next is a matter of conjecture.

Of course, we've got my ideas, but we're not mind readers. Too many trains of thought make us thoughtless and absent-minded especially in difficult and important daily life situations.

Does waiting and/or sleeping solve our problems? Or is it just again in time? Our life's central idea should not be that while waiting, time solves all our problems. Thoughts should intensify, condense and deepen plans followed by actions.

It's good and helpful to carry thoughts in us all the time. Incomprehensible, or better unfinished and un-matured thoughts, no matter whether positive or negative, should be slept on, before tiredness outstrips us with supersonic speed.

Sometimes we feel that our thoughts and ideas can't be fulfilled with life. Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways; but where the heart is weak, it will find a thousand excuses. If doubts begin to take roots, we should rouse from pink-tinted idealism or wear down and annihilate nightmares and erase and wipe out such thoughts and ideas.

If our thoughts are good and have the chance to be fulfilled in action, especially if "the other side" is prepared and willing to step on to such a bridge of life, we might get support and words of encouragement.

And, if not? No action? Maybe it is God's will to keep and protect us from a careless, rash, disadvantageous and uneasy action. Every new day gives us new inexhaustible possibilities to survive, to bear trials and to start a new beginning. We overlook and fail to notice many chances to lie through our sluggishness and laziness while thinking and dreaming of unequaled and unfulfilled ideas.

Long time ago,Pope John XXIII said, " Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do".

God can call us in a surprise

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

THAT’S true! God can call us in a surprise. But that’s not because of God who wants to surprise us. Rather, it is because of us. To be sure, everyone is called by God because we are supposed to be like him and to be with him, sharing in his life and in his work.

Insofar as God is concerned, our calling or vocation has already been made from all eternity. But insofar as we are concerned, yes, our vocation can come as a surprise, because we have been ignoring this basic aspect of our life and may have been living a rather colorful life until God’s irrepressible intervention jolts us.

We all need to remind ourselves of this basic truth. All of us have a vocation. We have to sharpen that sense and make it the directing and shaping principle of our life.

Vocation is not only for a few, and for some special part of our life. It is for all of us, since as creatures and children of God, our relation with him is never broken. Our life will always be a life with him, whether we are aware of it or not.

God continues to be with us, and while respecting our freedom always, he calls us to him, for it is him, more than us, who directs and shapes our life. This is the essence of vocation—God calling us to share his life and activity with us, since we are his image and likeness.

Let’s always remember that God created us for a purpose. He did not create us just to leave us on our own. He created us to participate in his life and in his love which is the essence of God.

God can manifest this vocation to us in some dramatic way, often involving drastic changes in the recipients. God can enter into our lives and make his will more felt by us in some special way. Though we cannot help it, we should try our best not to be surprised by these possibilities.

Consider St. Paul, St. Augustine, the apostles themselves, and the patriarchs and prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jonas, Jeremiah, etc. Consider St. Edith Stein, and our very own St. Lorenzo Ruiz and St. Pedro Calungsod. 

Their stories are full of drama and suspense. St. Paul received his vocation while on a mad campaign to arrest the early Christians. St. Augustine, though gifted intellectually, had a colourful past. The apostles were mainly simple people, mostly fishermen. 

St. Edith was an intelligent Jewish agnostic before her conversion. And our own Filipino saints were catechists doing some domestic work for some priests. All had their defects, and sins, and yet they became and are great saints.

Nothing is impossible with God, and with our trust and faith in him, we can also do what is impossible with God.

We have to feel at home with the idea, nay, the truth that all of us have a vocation. Let’s not play blind and deaf. God’s call is actually quite loud enough. And when we are given a special vocation, let’s not be afraid, but rather go for it at full throttle.

Ok, we may hesitate at first, we can have doubts, but if we are honest, we will soon see there’s nothing to be afraid about. God takes care of everything. All he needs is that we trust him, that we have faith in him, and that we try our best to cooperate.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City