He was my mentor. I learned much about German-Philippine Relationships.
Msgr. Hermogenes E. Bacareza, SVD, was born on July 12, 1930 in Maribojoc, Bohol, Philippines. He made his first vows as a Divine Word Missionary in 1952 and was ordained to the priesthood on October 18, 1959 by the Apostolic Nun-cio Archbishop Salvatore Siino, DD in the newly built Sacred Heart Parish Church in Kamuning, Quezon City. He obtained his MA in Histoiy at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. and his Ph.D at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila with his dissertation, entitled A History of Philippine-German Relations from 1836 until 1970 with a grade of Meriissimus.
Later he pursued his postgraduate studies in History and English at Harvard University in Cam-bridge, Massachussets, USA. He obtained his JCD at the UST Central Seminary in 1998 with his doctoral dissertation on Psychological Incapacity to Assume the Essential Obligations of Marriage, Magna cum Laude. In between, he was awarded the Anthony Aguirre Professorial Chair in History by the UST Graduate School in recognition of his academic excellence and meritorious service in the field of teaching and research. Almost at the same month, he was awarded the Fr. Silvestre Sancho, OP Service Award for his unselfish service for many years of teaching, his sense of academic leadership and his willingness to share generously with others. Later in 2000 - 2002 he made his postgraduate studies in Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University with another degree in Eccle-siastical Jurisprudence, Summa Cum Laude. Finally, he made his doctorate in Sacred Theology with his controversial work on the Catholic Church in Nazi Germany, focusing on the Jewish Question.
He has written several books and published learned articles in the UST Journal of Graduate Research, Ad Veritatem, Philippine Trade Development, Southeast Asia and the Germans and in the Informationsspiegel.
His book on Philippine-German relations was serialized in the Philippine Times in Mainz, Germany. He was for many years the editor-in-chief of the Berlin-Philippine monthly news magazine, The Mabuhay and for sometime the editor of the Informationsspiegel, a publication of the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft Philippines. He also works as the Judicial Vicar of the Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Presiding Judge at the National Appellate Tribunal and Canon Lawyer of the SVD Central Province. Besides, he teaches Canon Law in the Faculty of Canon Law at the UST Central University. He also teaches Modern European History of Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, and Austria at the UST Graduate School. In 2003, the German highest award, the "Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuz" was bestowed on him by the President of the Republic of Germany, Dr. Johannes Rau, through Ambassador Herbert D. Jess at the UST Tanghalang Teresita Quirino in the presence of his students, fellow professors, the German Embassy officials, the German Cultural Center authorities in Makati and the German Community in Manila.
In 2006, he was appointed National Chairman of the Philippine-German Cultural Association, the Dr. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Cultural Society in the Philippines. Finally, on March 29, 2008 he was bestowed the title of Monsignor (honorary prelate) by Bishop Antonio P. Palang, SVD, in nine Romani Pontificis, Pope Benedict XVI, for his long and faithful service as Judicial Vicar in the diocese and Presiding Judge at the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Bish-ops' Conference in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines.
He died on April 24, 2011 in Metro Manila.
The second batch of German missionaries to request to the urgent appeal of Pope Leo XIII to rescue the Philippines from religious turmoil were the German SVD missionaries, popular know in Germany as the Steyler Missionaries.
(To be continued!)
Msgr. Hermogenes E. Bacareza, SVD, wurde am 12. Juli 1930 in Maribojoc, Bohol, Philippinen geboren. Er legte 1952 sein erstes Gelübde als Missionar des Heiligen Wortes ab und wurde am 18. Oktober 1959 vom Apostolischen Nuncio Erzbischof Salvatore Siino, DD, in der neu erbauten Sacred Heart Parish Church in Kamuning, Quezon City, zum Priester geweiht. Er erwarb seinen MA in Geschichte an der Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. und seinen Ph.D. an der University of Santo Tomas, Manila mit seiner Dissertation mit dem Titel „Eine Geschichte der philippinisch-deutschen Beziehungen von 1836 bis 1970“ mit der Note Meriissimus .
Später absolvierte er ein Aufbaustudium in Geschichte und Englisch an der Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Er erhielt seinen JCD 1998 am UST Central Seminary mit seiner Doktorarbeit über die psychologische Unfähigkeit, die wesentlichen Pflichten der Ehe zu übernehmen, Magna cum Laude. Dazwischen wurde ihm von der UST Graduate School der Anthony Aguirre Professorial Chair in History in Anerkennung seiner akademischen Exzellenz und seiner verdienstvollen Verdienste im Bereich Lehre und Forschung verliehen. Fast im selben Monat wurde ihm der Pater verliehen. Silvestre Sancho, OP Service Award für seinen selbstlosen Dienst in vielen Jahren seiner Lehrtätigkeit, sein Gespür für akademische Führung und seine Bereitschaft, großzügig mit anderen zu teilen. Später in den Jahren 2000 und 2002 absolvierte er sein Aufbaustudium in Kirchenrecht an der Päpstlichen Universität Gregoriana mit einem weiteren Abschluss in kirchlicher Rechtswissenschaft, Summa Cum Laude. Schließlich promovierte er in Heiliger Theologie mit seinem kontroversen Werk über die katholische Kirche im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland mit Schwerpunkt auf der Judenfrage.