The most awaited season of the year has finally come. The most joyous month is here at least. At times it makes me really wonder what life would be without December. Something is indeed very special on this season, which brings about changes not only in the atmosphere but also in our zest of life and living.
Yes, the air begins to get cooler especially in the mornings when the field and remaining forests are embraced and kissed by the fog that slowly descends upon the earth. The first streak of light that pierces the darkness of earth is the sign of life. the stillness of the dawn which has long been awakened by the crowning of the fowls and singing of the birds only add more color and harmony to the many fabrics of creation, all for the beauty of life and for the joy of mankind.
Yes, we may not have snow in the Philippines to behold and touch as the music lanes blast to the tune of 'White Christmas' like I grew up in my home country Germany. But out in the grassy fields, as you feel the earth with your feet, the fog and the dew give testimony that the earth is still full of life.
December is Christmas, although Christmas in the Philippines is much more different then in Germany. I am looking forward to my 10th Christmas in the Philippines. I love it here. I learned something here: December and Christmas should be the song to awaken our hardened hearts, to touch those people around us, who might have waited a long time for such a move.
Einen frohen und besinnlichen 1. Advent!