You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Showing posts with label The 34 Very Best German Sayings…EVER! (V). Show all posts
Showing posts with label The 34 Very Best German Sayings…EVER! (V). Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024

The 34 Very Best German Sayings…EVER! (V)


5. um den heißen Brei reden

Germany Saying "um den heißen Brei reden"If you beat about the bush, what you are doing is nothing else than “um den heißen Brei reden,” which literally translates to ‘talking around the hot mash.’

So whenever you are not really talking about what really matters with regards to a certain subject, what you are doing is just simply “um den heißen Brei reden.”

So maybe you won the lottery and are just telling everybody that you have a few bucks more at your disposal than it used to be or maybe you have been banned from school but are just telling everybody that for a certain reason you were not able to attend school these last few days…

Our advice: Just be honest and don’t beat about the bush (for too long)!  Example:

Jetzt hör endlich damit auf, um den heißen Brei zu reden! Wer ist denn nun der Freund von Michaela?!?  



Stop beating around the bush. Who is Michaela’s boyfriend?