You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Showing posts with label Leben auf den Philipppinen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leben auf den Philipppinen. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Why do Filipinos use a lot of whitening products?

Profile photo for Wayne Spillett
Wayne Spillett

It’s not just in the Philippines, it’s practically all of the South East Asia and Oriental Asia. The Chinese favour lighter skin, and their climate ranges from tropical to almost Siberian; and Japanese geishas -once the archetypal image of Japanese beauty- wore make-up that made them completely white.

Basically, in the cultures of most of these Asian countries, darker skin is synonymous with a life outdoors, everything from farming to begging on the streets, and so dark skin is regarded as a sign of poverty. If you have a good job and a nice house, you typically spend a lot of your time inside and therefore you are shaded from the sun and don’t get much of a sun tan.

They also spend their money unwisely where their skin is concerned, whitening soaps, scrubs and lotions are sold in huge numbers but factor 50 sunblock is a bugger of a thing to find in Asian supermarkets and stores. My wife is Filipina and from a very poor, provincial background and she is just the same. I always tell her that if she’d wear sunblock of a sufficiently high factor, her face, arms and legs, which are almost always exposed, would be the same colour as the parts of her that only she and I ever see; but what do I know?!

We white westerners are the other way around, many of us live in climates where a sun tan is a hard thing to obtain and so for us, darker skin is a sign of sufficient wealth to travel to sunnier climes!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Typical Filipino (XXIII) - Typisch Philippinisch (XXIII): Old people - Alte Menschen

Respect for one's elders is traditional in the Philippines. ... The idea that caring for older people is the responsibility of their children is rooted as firmly in Filipino society as it is elsewhere in Southeast Asia. For that reason, older people usually live with their families.

Filipinos place a strong cultural value on respect for age and for the elderly. Young people are expected to show respect to the elderly as well as older members of the family. Older adults should be addressed in polite language, preferably with appropriate titles of respect.

Alte Menschen werden respektiert und geschätzt. Jüngere Familienmitglieder suchen in vielen Angelegenheiten den Rat der Älteren. Ich habe dies in meinen vielen Jahren meines Aufenthalts auf den Philippinen mit meiner Familie so erlebt.

Old people are respected and valued. Younger family members seek parenting advice on many matters. I have experienced this in my many of my stay in the Philippines with my family.

Monday, November 9, 2020


My column in BusinessWeek Mindanao, Mindanao Daily and The Metro Cagayan de Oro Times

The validity of Jesus' testimony has been explained in John 8:12-30: "I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

As I look around, I find many of our so-called leaders, who demand us to follow them, and I hope we open our eyes and minds before we follow them blind. 

"I am the light of the world!" Admittedly, this sounds for many people a reconditioned exuberance while trembling to what might happen if they are not being able to pay the next electric bill. Did you observe yourself that electric bill amounts keep on rising and rising since staying in the home office because of the pandemic?

I am also pretty sure that also this year Christmas lights are not glowing as the previous years: I am not so much talking about the illuminated advertisements all over the city. I am referring to the private lightenings that usually brighten our homes during the Yuletide season. It's the deep sadness and depression feelings of the people around us. No, this Christmas celebration is not a celebration anymore in times of a new abnormality. 

If we managed to overcome the "Follow-me-I'm-the light"-phonies, and after we managed to find solutions in paying our electric bills, we then sit still in our houses and plan to light a candle for our prayers.

The other side of the season should make us remember that we should never hesitate to show our good hearts even amid a crisis by rendering services to others with passion and enthusiasm. There is nothing really stronger than from the heart of a volunteer - as several UP interns voiced out many years ago.

I am the light of the world. Let's try putting this concept into our minds, hearts and souls. I am pretty sure we'll not walk in darkness especially during this enlightening season and the dramatic cuts in our daily life because of this pandemic.

"Made His light shine in our hearts." (2 Co 4:6).

Thursday, March 19, 2020


German Embassy Manila












++Bewegungsbeschränkungen im Land und COVID-19-Ausreisen++

Die deutche Botschaft ist bis auf weiteres für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen.

Ausreisewillige Deutsche im Land werden gebeten, sich in die Krisenvorsorgeliste “Elefand” einzutragen beziehungsweise bestehende Einträge zu aktualisieren. Informationen über das “Rückholprogramm” der Bundesregierung werden an Registrierte per E-Mail versendet. Verfolgen Sie auch die Botschaftseiten bei Facbookund Instagram (#Germanyinphl)

Die Botschaft ist für Fragen von COVID-19-Ausreisen tagsüber bis 17.00 h telefonisch unter +63 (0)2 8702 3030 erreichbar.

In anderen dringenden Notlagen können Sie die Botschaft unter oder +63 917 867 3000 erreichen.


Die 72-stündige Frist zur Ausreise von Touristen wurde durch die philippinische Regierung wieder aufgehoben. Ausreisewillige Deutsche dürfen auch während der bis zum 12.04.2020 verhängten Quarantäne-Periode das Land verlassen.

SONDERFLÜGE für ausreisewillige Deutsche, die sich für einen Kurzzeit-Aufenthalt im Land befinden (Urlauber):

- LH 343 von Manila/NAIA Terminal 1 nach Frankfurt am 19.03.2020 um 23.30 h,

- LH 349 von Manila/NAIA Terminal 1 nach Frankfurt am 20.03.2020 um 23.30 h.

- Charter von Cebu/Maktan nach Köln/Bonn am 21.03.2020 um 02.00 h (tbc).

Für den Zugang zum Flughafen verweisen Sie bitte nötigenfalls auf die englischsprachige Mitteilung oben.


Phl. Behörden auf verschiedenen Inseln sind bemüht, für Urlauber kurzfristig Sondertransportmöglichkeiten nach Cebu oder Clark zu organisieren. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor Ort (Hafen, Flughafen) über den letzten Stand.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Assistance sought for pork dealers affected with ASF outbreak


DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Pork dealers here appealed for government assistance as sales “hugely” dropped in the wake of African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak.

Earlier this month, authorities declared the entry of ASF in Davao City, initially affecting two villages in Calinan District–Brgy. Dominga and Brgy. Lamanan. Last week, Brgy Inayangan, still in Calinan District, was confirmed to also have ASF cases.

Since then, sales of fresh and processed meat dropped to as low as 50 percent, said pork dealer Eden Guira, during a press conference on Monday (Feb. 24). That is, from P100,000 income/day to only P35,000-P40,000/day.

“That amount is not yet enough for me to pay my laborers,” Guira added.

Teodora Guira, who distributes processed pork products to other areas in Mindanao, said that sales from other provinces also went down after local governments prohibited the sales of processed pork products from Davao City.

“Our buyers from Malungon, Gensan, Mati, Surigao, Butuan, said they were given a memorandum prohibiting the sales of products such as chorizo, embutido, tocino and lumpia shanghai from Davao,” she lamented.

Davao City slaughterhouse Operations Manager Chalemagne Aldevera Jr. noted that from about 500 pigs in a day on previous months, only around 200 pigs were processed at the time of this writing.

“What we are processing are only for the consumption in Davao City because our pork cannot go outside of the city as a result of the lockdown,” Aldevera said.

Allaying fears from other consumers, pork dealers stressed that the meat being sold in public markets in the city came only from registered farms, are provided with certifications, and are not from backyard farms susceptible to ASF. (

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The EURO @ 20

My column in Mindanao Daily News


And many people are asking the simple question: will it make to 30?
Yes, the Euro is at a crossroads as it turns 20, and even some believe it might not make it to 30, I strongly disagree. As the single currency doesn't seem to benefit all, its role was a main topic at the European Economic Forum, reports Jo Harper, a German-international journalist.
At the European Economic Forum, held this week in the southern Polish town of Katowice, the future of the euro zone and the Single European Currency, the Euro, featured centrally. A view increasingly shared was that of Brigitte Granville, Professor of International Economics at the University of London, who stressed that the Euro urgently needed further political integration among the currency union's 19 member states.  
"Monetary union requires political union and that is what the common budget means," she told an audience of European economists and policy advisers.
Do you still remember French President Emmanuel Macron in 2018 proposing driving ahead with European integration by establishing a single budget, the next step after the creation of the European Central Bank (ECB) in 1998 allowing the establishment of a single monetary policy framework. At the heart of Macron’s plan is strengthening the currency area's bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). 
Professor Granville said in an interview with the German National TV, that she didn't believe Macron's idea would be going very far. "But if it did happen, it would be very dangerous, further integration is a grave concern," she said, adding: "Without political glue, you don't have real union. But at the same time the euro zone is slowing Europe." 
Sad to say but we have to face it: The Euro zone economic growth is expected to slow in 2019 and some even believe the currency area could even face recession in 2020. What does that mean for the global economy, i.e. while dealing with the US-China trade war and other world's conflict zones?
Monetary union, Granville went on, is "just a fixed exchange rate" which would always end in financial crisis. "It cannot be dismantled, only by crisis and explosion. What will catalyze this I don't know, but I don't see it lasting for the next 10 years," she says, pointing to post-tax incomes in Italy down 5% and in France down 2%, while Germany is up 19%.
In my opinion, Granville voiced some very important details to think about, "The big mistake of the Euro is that it forces Germany to cooperate with countries that need spending, but Germany doesn’t need to. Lax monetary policy destroys pensions, saving and the banking system. So, there is no monetary stimulus. This is the Euro, welcome to the Euro".
Well, here is the question: drive on or turn back?
Paris also wants banking union, common rules and institutions governing the bloc's largest banks, in addition to a common deposit insurance scheme and a backstop to be used to support the winding down of failing banks. 
EU governments have agreed to set up the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) — a €500 billion ($575 billion) fund that is, intended to absorb bond market turbulence. But a deposit guarantee scheme was opposed in Berlin. However, debate is still ongoing regarding a euro zone budget and a common system for security savings.
Germany and other northern euro zone countries have been reluctant to go as far as Macron would like to on this front.
Former German Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has also called for the EU to have more clout to set finance policy and ending the unanimity requirement in bloc-wide decision-making.
But some northern European countries are opposed to the idea, citing the difference between their tight fiscal frameworks and the traditionally loose budget policies in southern Europe. Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and the Netherlands have adopted a common position on the budget, arguing that participation in it should be voluntary as long as the funding is derived through intergovernmental agreements, as I learned from German journalist Jo Harper.
Strangling Europe? Hans-Olaf Henkel, a staunch Euro critic and MEP with the European Conservatives and Reformers in the European Parliament, even believes the currency is destroying the European Union.
"Until May 2010 I supported the euro, but then the European Central Bank and Brussels broke the promises they gave to the German people when they agreed to give up the deutschmark, namely that no country should have a debt ratio of over 3% of GDP. If breached, the EC [European Council] said it would punish the culprits. It was breached 160 time and the EC did nothing." the former head of the Association of German Industrialists (BDI) adds.
Henkel also said the Euro had done much economic and political damage in Europe, even to Germany which had benefited the most from the introduction of the currency.
Nine EU countries are not in the Euro, of them only Romania wants to adopt it. Why is that Henkel asks rhetorically, and notes that those countries "have done much better" most euro zone countries?  
"The Euro is much too strong for the Italians and France. Huge unemployment. Countries can’t devalue. Some countries find it very difficult to reform, including France. But they can’t devalue to stay competitive. The Euro is designed to push countries to change, rather than vice versa."
The Euro @ 20 now. The Euro @ 30? We'll see ... .

Thursday, January 25, 2018

European Union Invites Duterte to Brussels, Belgium

By Pia Lee-Brago (The Philippine Star) | 

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President Duterte welcomes to Malacañang the other day Nobel Peace laureate and former Poland president Lech Walesa. Duterte said he sought advice, which he did not specify, from the Polish democracy icon.
MANILA, Philippines — The European Union has formally invited President Duterte to attend the 12th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM12) in Brussels, Belgium in October, EU Ambassador Franz Jessen said yesterday.
At the weekly Kapihan sa Manila Bay, Jessen, head of the EU delegation to the Philippines, said the formal invitation was sent on Tuesday.
“They just sent the invitation to the President. We don’t have a reply yet,” Jessen said.

ASEM12 will be hosted by the EU on Oct. 18 to 19, 2018. The ASEM is an Asian-European political dialogue forum to enhance relations and various forms of cooperation among its partners.
The ambassador said a visit by Duterte, who has not been to Europe, would be welcome and an opportunity to “develop an understanding of Europe.”
“He’s not been to Europe, and I think he’s actually never been to Europe, and when you think about the importance of the EU-Philippine relationship, it is probably starting to be noticeable that we haven’t had a visit from him,” Jessen said.
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“I would very much like him to go there and maybe also to develop his understanding of Europe and what we’re doing in Europe. We are not spending all our time criticizing the Philippines,” he added.
Europe, he said, is itself going through a major change.
The ambassador believes that when Duterte goes to Europe and immerses in discussions, “he will come back with a more positive understanding” of the EU.
Duterte had lashed out at the EU repeatedly for raising human rights concerns over his deadly crackdown on illegal drugs.
He had accused the EU of interfering in the country’s domestic affairs.
Last October, Duterte threatened to expel EU envoys within 24 hours, saying Europe was plotting to get the Philippines ejected from the United Nations.

Philippines presides over UN rights meet

Meanwhile, the Philippines has presided over the United Nations’ meeting as vice president of the Human Rights Council that is reviewing the human rights records of Botswana.
Ambassador Evan Garcia is representing the Asia-Pacific Group (APG) in the Human Rights Council (HRC) bureau, the leadership body of the UNHRC.
Garcia said the Philippines’ election “strongly affirms the high regard and trust in (its) leadership in the field of human rights by the UN member states.”
The election of the Philippines as one of five members of the HRC bureau formalized and confirmed the unanimous decision of the APG that nominated Garcia to the position. He was elected by consensus of the 47 member states of the UNHRC during the Organizational Meeting of the Council held last Jan. 10.
“I am very grateful and honored for this opportunity that the international community has given to the Philippines,” Garcia said.
“This development is consistent with the Philippines’ long-standing policy of active engagement in the field of human rights, in general, and at the UNHRC, in particular.”

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Independent Probe on Mamasapano Essential

Office of Senator
Alan Peter S. Cayetano
Rm. 602 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

26 January 2017

Cayetano: Independent probe on Mamasapano essential
The truth will prevent a repeat of another Mamasapano

"Let the independent commission get to the truth quietly and without politics."

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano stressed this as he welcomed the order of President Rodrigo’s Duterte creating an independent commission that will investigate the gruesome Mamasapano massacre that led to the deaths of 44 Special Action Force commandos. 

“Together with President Duterte, I have witnessed how the families of SAF’s Gallant 44 have suffered,” said Cayetano. “For the past two years, justice continues to elude them and they have yet to receive the full assistance that was promised to them,” he added.

“Many have pledged not to forget and vowed to do everything for justice to be served. I am one of them,” the senator said.

The senator further said he is saddened by the disappointing reaction of some of his colleagues, belittling the presidential initiative, labeling it merely as a political diversionary tactic. 

Senators Antonio Trillanes and Leila De Lima accused the administration of using the reopening of the investigation of the Mamasapano massacre as a way to divert attention from allegations of abuses. 

“It is hypocritical on the part of Senators Trillanes and De Lima to oppose the reopening of the investigation, when they pretend to be the staunchest advocates of human rights and justice,” the senator lamented. 

Cayetano noted how the two senators repeatedly accuse the administration of condoning human rights violations, but are now the first to turn a blind eye to the SAF families’ call for justice. 

In his speech before the SAF families and the President in Malacañang, Cayetano said he believes President Duterte is the right person to get justice for SAF 44 but at the same time finding the right balance in pursuit of true and lasting peace.

He called on the public to continue supporting the administration’s efforts to resolve the case.

"While I remain confident in President Duterte’s commitment to deliver on this promise, I also urge the Filipino people to support the administration’s fight for justice,” said Cayetano. 

"I continue to pray for the families of the gallant SAF44. Rest assured that change, justice, and compassion are real and within reach under the Duterte leadership,” he intoned. ###