Choosing to Believe
Like Many Things in Life, Hope too is a Choice

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.-II Chronicles 7:14
Hope & healing is our prayer for Davao and the nation. Consider the recent headlines...
- Hundreds of Millions of Pesos Stolen in Political Pork Barrel
- HIV Infection Spread for Asia is the Fastest in the Philippines
- Youngest Confirmed Prostitute in Davao City Age 9
In times like these, hope and belief
are in short supply and that's why the positive message of the Edge
Davao is so critical.
Tomorrow morning, I'll be flying out for the week to join the team in
Davao for their next fundraiser. As a listener supported station, the
Edge Davao is blazing a new trail for Christian media ministry in the
Philippines. Raising funds in a developing nation is challenging and a
real leap of faith for everyone who sits behind the microphone. Please
join me in prayer for this station.
The financial goal set by the station leadership is a humble P72,000. That's less than $2000 USD and yet enough to cover for the station's lease for an entire year. If God moves your heart, it would be a real encouragement to the team if their American brothers and sisters would join them in "Fueling Hope for Davao City." If you'd like to make a special one time donation to their cause please click the link below.
We've set up a special PayPal account for this cause. Click here to give to Edge Davao. (The account is set up in Philippines Pesos which are currently exchanging at P43=$1.)