Do you know the African proverb: "The camel never sees its own hump, but that of its brother is always before its eyes!"
Maybe it's true, because most of us forget to see our very own self. But does it really help, if we always see "this way" - US in a mirror?
Our tendency to focus on the irritating faults of others most of the time obscures our vision of the positive aspects of others, as Karyl Yvette stresses already several years ago in "Pinoy Balita Korea". Yes, we lose sight of the good and decent qualities of others, the true essence of who and what they are, and we all see only the humps in life. Also as expats living in the Philippines... .
Shouldn't we use our own eyes clearly and effectively? So, let's start a new day with a positive look over our own whole, even being in front of our mirror, then taking a glimpse on the good things around us. Have you watched a butterfly over a flower? Wow, we have a lot here in the Philippines. Have you used your freedom of expression over loud music? I mean, not the whole day or during night time, if others want to sleep.
Yes, I must confess, many times I also forgot those simple rules - and, I forgot how to stay young, happy and healthy. It's so easy, especially while living in the Philippines.
Did I say "young"? Yes, because it's not a time of life - it's a state of mind. Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years; people grow old only by deserting their ideals. Yes, wrinkle the skin, but to surrender enthusiasm wrinkles the sou. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear - these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn growing spirit to dust.
Susconsciously we 'cook our ideas' while being passive. I met a lot of fellow expats, who are doing so. Of ocurse, Newton relaxed, when he saw the apple falling from the tree - and got the idea of gravity, Watt relaxed in the kitchen while watching the jumping steam boiler cover - and got the idea of the steam engine. We have much more good ideas during two hours of creative muse and leisure time, then waiting eight hours in an office... .