by Raymund Antonio
President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has opened Malacañang to the public for the traditional Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi in this year’s Christmas season.

According to the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS), Marcos announced this during last Friday’s Christmas party for employees of the Office of the President (OP).
The Chief Executive joined the Palace employees at the event held in the parking area of Mabini Hall inside the Malacañang compound.
Marcos said daily masses will be held at 4:30 a.m. in front of Mabini Hall and attendees may enter through Gate 6 directly in front of Kalayaan Hall.
A devotional, nine-day series of Catholic Masses, Simbang Gabi is done in anticipation of Christmas Day and to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This tradition has been celebrated by devout Catholics for decades, with the novena prayers beginning in homes around the 1960s and the more formal Masses starting in the 1980s.
Simbang Gabi starts at dawn—at 4 a.m.and 5 a.m.—of Dec. 15 with the final Mass or the Misa de Gallo scheduled on Dec. 24, the Christmas Eve.
The President two weeks ago led a Christmas tree lighting at the Palace Kalayaan Grounds and held a gift-giving event for children.
He noted it was his goal to make sure that every Filipino child would experience Christmas.
Under the theme “‘Balik Sigla, Bigay Saya: Nationwide Gift Giving,” some 600 children were invited for the event, which was also held simultaneously in 40 different areas nationwide.