The Disaster Risk Reduction Enhancement at the Local Level Technical Assistance (DRREALL TA) Program aims to support the DILG in reinforcing local government units, specifically in building and enhancing existing capabilities in key DRRM aspects. The DRREALL TA Program will cover activities to address critical gaps, namely, risk-informed planning, integrated capacity development strategies, effective local DRRM funds' utilization, and gender sensitive and socially inclusive disaster response towards ensuring the readiness and protection of citizens especially the vulnerable.
The program also aims to conduct high-level policy dialogue among government and non-government stakeholders in setting important policy directions and solutions that foster co-ownership and accountability.
Co-funded by the EU and the AFD, the €4.28 million or P256 million technical assistance accompanies a programmatic policy-based loan by the French government amounting to €250 million to the government of the Philippines in 2021.
The DRREALL TA Program will be implemented by the Expertise France and will run from 2024 to 2027 in close partnership among DILG, LGUs, partner national agencies and French institutions.
In a recorded statement, the DOF said that the DRREALL Program is a fitting solution to the Philippines' ongoing battle against climate change. "Given our archipelagic nature, each locality in the Philippines faces its own unique set of challenges and vulnerabilities. This [DRREALL Program] will allow us to empower our local government units as we develop climate projects and programs uniquely tailored to their specific needs. By doing so, we ensure sensitivity to localities and increase the likelihood of achieving the greatest positive impact for our people," said Secretary Ralph G. Recto.
EU Ambassador Luc Véron stated, "The European Union is proud to be able to continue supporting the Philippines' efforts to improve the country's climate resilience, most especially at the local level, through blended financing, in partnership with AFD. This project responds fully to the Government's objective to address Climate Change in a more effective and coordinated manner, and should help to take practical steps and support LGUs to move from plans to action. DRREALL is one element in a larger framework of partnership - the Team Europe Green Economy Initiative. As part of this initiative, the EU launched recently the €60 million EU-Philippines Green Economy Programme, which will focus on the Philippines' transition towards a more circular economy, reducing waste and plastic, as well as increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy."
"The DILG stands firm in our mandate to lead local government units in shaping strategies for local governance, including developing policies, and programs relevant to protecting most especially our local citizens from natural and human-induced hazards. The strengthening of LGUs in delivering devolved services will always be at the forefront of our vision for a climate resilient Philippines. We encourage all stakeholders identified in the implementation of the DRREALL TA activities, to pledge their active engagement, valuable knowledge, and technical expertise for the successful implementation of the Program", said DILG Undersecretary Marlo L. Iringan.
For Philippe Orliange, AFD Executive Director of All Countries' Operation, the Philippines is an important stakeholder in advancing France's Indo-Pacific strategy. "The Southeast Asian region houses 14 of the 20 most climate-exposed countries, 54 percent of the global population, and contributes to 40 percent of the global GDP. Through a €250 million policy-based operation in 2021, AFD demonstrated its commitment to a long-term partnership with the Philippines on a territorial approach to enhance adaptation capacities to climate change. Further, we are mobilizing our French expertise network through the CEREMA (public expertise agency for ecological transition and regional planning) for flood risk planning and Expertise France as DRREALL TA project implementor."