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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

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Showing posts with label Avoiding Depressing News Worldwide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avoiding Depressing News Worldwide. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2022

More people avoid 'depressing' news – report

By Agence France-Presse

THE depressing state of the world is leading people to switch off from the news, the Reuters Institute reported on Wednesday.

The combined impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia-Ukraine war and cost-of-living crisis have led to declining interest in the news, a survey by the British research group found.

Across 46 countries surveyed and 93,000 participants, it found the share who said they actively avoided the news had increased from 29 to 38 percent since 2017.

The numbers doubled in some countries, including Brazil (54 percent) and Britain (46 percent).

Young people in particular found the news to be a downer, but the chief reason for avoiding the news was its repetitiveness, especially around Covid and politics.

"I actively avoid things that trigger my anxiety and things that can have a negative impact on my day," a 27-year-old British respondent told the researchers.

"I will try to avoid reading news about things like deaths and disasters."

Others said the news led to arguments they would rather avoid, or a feeling of powerlessness, while many young people said they found it hard to understand.

Lead author Nic Newman said the findings were "particularly challenging for the news industry."

"Subjects that journalists consider most important, such as political crises, international conflicts and global pandemics, seem to be precisely the ones that are turning some people away," he was quoted as saying.

Most of the study was completed before the invasion of Ukraine in February, but subsequent surveys in five countries found these issues had only deepened in its aftermath.

Trust in the media fell in half the countries surveyed, and rose in just seven, the report said, reversing gains made during the pandemic.

Overall, trust was at 42 percent, down from 44 percent when the media had a small positive bump from the pandemic.

The United States showed the lowest level of trust at 26 percent, tied with Slovakia.

Finland has the highest levels of overall trust — 69 percent — up four points on last year and 13 points in 2020. In Asia, trust has risen in the Philippines (+5) and Japan (+2). A survey conducted by Publicus Asia in April showed that The Manila Times was the sixth most trusted news outlet in the Philippines with a 34.8 percent trust rating.

CNN and GMA-7 were the most trusted, with 49.3 percent and 46.9 percent, respectively. They were followed by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippine Star and Manila Bulletin.