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Showing posts with label Fr. Roy Cimagala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fr. Roy Cimagala. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Always show charity with affection


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


AN anecdote I heard some time ago taught me the lesson that charity should never be dry and cold, but rather warm, full of affection. It was about a nun who got sick and stayed in bed for days in the convent. When asked how she was treated by her companions, she said that she was treated by the nuns in the convent with charity, but she missed how her mother treated her with affection.

For charity to be true charity, there should never be a distinction between it and affection. Charity should not only be an act of the will. It should always be given and expressed with affection. 

Without affection, all signs and expressions of civility, mercy and compassion would be hollow. They would all be a sham, for affection is the beginning and end of charity, the integral packaging of love that can have its highest point in mercy and compassion. Charity without affection would be a strange charity.

And the model for this is none other than Christ himself who in spite of the seriousness of his mission—nothing less than human redemption that would have its culmination in his crucifixion—never neglected to show affection for everyone.

First, he lived 30 of his 33 years of earthly life in a family, and we can just imagine how the family atmosphere was when both Mary and Joseph knew who their son was. We can be sure that the home life the Holy Family must have been invariably characterized by affection, to say the least.

Even in his public life when Christ was busy going around preaching, he always showed affection and compassion with everyone, especially with those who were sick and possessed. With his apostles who went around with him, he always managed to spend time with them in some lonely place where they could rest and talk with greater intimacy.

It’s important that we make a deliberate effort to develop our effective life. There now are many threats and dangers that can undermine it. We can now easily take others for granted, especially those who are close to us, like the family members. 

We can easily fall into familiarity that may not breed contempt as much as it breeds indifference and unconcern. Then, there are many distractions, especially coming from our new technologies, that can hook people into endless games and other self-absorbing and self-seeking activities. In this regard, there is a great need for self-discipline and a strong sense of order and priorities.

If not the above, then we can have the dangers of perfectionism, self-righteousness, obsessive-compulsive rigidities and oversensitivity. These can imprison us in our own world that can be used as defense mechanisms such as practices such as rash judgments, the keeping of grudges and resentments, the unwillingness to forgive, etc.

There also are the dangers of sentimentalism, particular friendships, loquacity, gossiping, backbiting.

We have to learn how to deal with our unavoidable differences and even conflicts in some matters. We somehow should welcome these differences and conflicts because they serve to expand and enrich our understanding of things.

When we manage to practice affection in our family life, we actually would be putting ourselves in a good position to handle the demands of all the other aspects of our life—spiritual, professional, social, etc.

We can pray better, work better and relate ourselves better to others when we know how to be affectionate in our family life. We can be very simple, and our ability to understand people and things better, as well as to discover more things of interest in others, would be enhanced if we are affectionate with others.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Be poor to be truly rich

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THIS is what Christ proposed to his disciples, and now to us. We need to be poor, to be detached from earthly things, so we can be filled with what truly enriches us. (cfr. Mk 10,28-31)

“Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age: houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come,” he said.

We have to understand these words well which at first sight can plunge us to disbelief, since we all know that we need brothers, sisters, parents, children, friends and everyone else in our life. We need houses and money and other material resources. God himself said that we have to love everyone, including our enemies.

He also wants us to “subdue the earth.” (cfr. Gen 1,28) We certainly need to be immersed in the things of the world if we want to subdue the earth. This can only mean that we have to deal with the things of the world, not to stay away from them.

What Christ’s words mean is that nothing and no one in the world, even those who are close to us, should replace our exclusive love for God that would actually give us the proper and inclusive love for everyone and everything in the world.

It’s when we fail to begin and end with God and to be with him in the whole course of life that we would put ourselves in danger, and of failing to gain God himself and everyone and everything in our life.

For us to live by this indication of Christ, we certainly need to continually rectify our intentions as we go through all our temporal and earthly affairs. We know how easily we can be trapped in the things of the world and forget the real way of dealing with them. 

We easily think that by forgetting God or putting him aside in our earthly affairs, and then giving our full attention to the technical aspects of our affairs, we would be achieving our true fulfillment, when in fact, it would be a real loss. Such an attitude toward our earthly affairs can only show that we are attached to the things of this world and that God is actually not important to us, he who is our “all in all,” as he should be.

How then should our attitude be toward the things of the world? It is to love them the way God loves them.

We have to embody that attitude articulated in the gospel of St. John: “For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.” (Jn 3,16)

It’s a love that carries out what God, its creator, commanded our first parents to do: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it…” (Gen 1,28) “To subdue the earth” does not only mean to master and dominate it, or merely to make use and take advantage of it, although all these go into that divine command. In fact, we have to develop as much as possible the good potentials of the world.

Our worldly affairs should be motivated only by love for God, and with that love, we can love everybody and everything else properly! It’s that love which can gain us a hundredfold of what Christ promised us and of eternal life itself. This is how we can be poor to be truly rich.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

“Let charity with ardor blaze”

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


I SAW that phrase in one of the daily prayers for priests, the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Breviary. It struck me immediately since it reminded me of how charity should be. It should be ardent, never cold, and blazing, never like a dying ember.

Indeed, charity which is none other than a vital participation and the very expression of the love that is the very essence of God as shown in full by Christ, cannot be other than that. Despite our weaknesses, we should just try to develop such kind of charity since that would identify us with God as we should, his image and likeness as we are.

Remember the description of charity made by St. Paul: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Cor 13,4-7)

And in the Song of Solomon, we have this description of charity: “For love is as strong as death, and ardor is as relentless as the netherworld.” (8,6)

We have to realize more deeply that we are made for charity and we should try our best to develop that charity in ourselves, if we want to be consistent to our basic identity and dignity as God’s image and likeness, sharers of his divine life and nature.

We, of course, have to continually ask for God’s grace to enable us to develop and grow in charity. But what can help us also is to develop that attitude of being pro-active in loving everyone, irrespective of how they are to us. Whether they are friendly to us or not, helpful to us or not, etc., we should take the initiative to love them, not only in terms of intentions and sweet words, but most importantly in terms of deeds, of service that should be done gratuitously.

We have to be wary of our tendency to judge others based only on what we know so far of them. Again, let’s remember what St. Paul said in this regard: “Love never fails,” he said. “But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.” (1 Cor 13,8-11)

Our judgment on others, based only our limited knowledge of them, can at best be only tentative. What should always abide in our relationship with others should be charity. That is why Christ even went to the extent of commanding us to “love our enemies.”

It’s when we have this pro-active attitude of charity that we can manage to be always in good spirit, full of desire to do a lot of good, to understand everyone, to find excuses for whatever faults and failures we see in others and in ourselves. It’s when our charity would indeed be with blazing ardor.

Obviously, for this to happen, we should be willing to make sacrifices and to suffer, because we cannot deny that we all have our weaknesses and mistakes. But then, if we have the proper understanding of these conditions, we know that they give us the chance to grow more in charity.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Our need for God is constant and indispensable

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


IT’S the most basic need we have, since God is and should be everything to us. Our need for him is much more than our need for air, food, etc. Without him, we can only go nowhere, and worse, the animal part of our humanity takes over, and we know what that means.

It’s amazing that many popular love songs today regard the human objects of the lovers as everything to them. “You’re my everything” goes one title of such songs. Lines like “You give me strength when I am weak,” “You are the light that guides me in the dark,” “You are my inspiration in my moments of dryness,” etc. abound in such songs.

We, of course, can take those expressions with a grain of salt. They can even be legitimately used by us but referring them to the One who really matters in our life, and that is God.

The challenge for us is how to develop that sense of our constant need for God. We cannot deny that even if we are not afflicted with serious illnesses and problems, we always have with us our own load of weaknesses, we always have to contend with all sorts of temptations and sins around.

We may not be doing anything really wrong, but we cannot deny that very often we get caught in the grip of laziness, disorder, complacency and lukewarmness that sooner or later develop into something bigger and more deceptive as when we develop a hidden addiction to drinks, drugs, pornography, etc.

The challenge is how to make us feel that our greatest need is, in fact, God whom we ought to love first and last. He is the greatest good that we can aim at, infinitely better than any earthly good we can find in ourselves and in the world. 

That is why Christ, when asked what the greatest commandment was, simply said that it is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mt 12,29)

God should be first, last and always in our life. Everything else should just be an occasion, a means, an instrument and reason to fulfill that need of ours. Let’s consider these words from the Book of Deuteronomy:

“Love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and you may live, and he may multiply you, and bless you in the land, which you shall go in to possess.” (30,16)

And it continues to tell us what would happen if we fail in fulfilling this duty: “But if your heart is turned away, so that you will not hear, and being deceived with error you adore a strange god, and serve them: I foretell this day you shall perish…” (30,17)

Let’s never forget that we are meant to be always with God. Our life, given the way we have been created, cannot but be a sharing in God’s life and nature. To stay away from him would be a fundamental anomaly that would have bad consequences for everything else in our life.

We should therefore give priority to our spiritual needs of prayer, recourse to the sacraments, development of virtues, the habit of having the presence of God always, doing everything with God and for God, etc.

When we feel the sting of our weaknesses, and much more so, when we are assailed by persistent temptations, we should beg God for help. He is always around and is most eager to help. Things would just depend on how strong our faith in him is.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The true value of the little ordinary things

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


WITH Christ comparing the Kingdom of God with a seed that is planted and that needs to be taken care of until it grows and bears fruit, (cfr. Mk 4,26-34) we are clearly reminded that this whole business of sanctification, which is how we start to be part of God's kingdom, will always begin in the little ordinary things of our life.

When we manage to see God in the little things and be urged to follow his will in carrying out our duties toward them, then we would indeed be on the right path toward our final destination which is to be with God in heaven.

We just have to learn to find Christ in the little things which comprise most of our day, if not of our whole life. This is not a gratuitous, baseless assertion, an act of fantasizing, of hunting lions in the corridors of the house.

This is as real and true as can be. Of course, it requires faith, but if we care to listen to faith, we will, in fact, find it reasonable and practicable, not something quixotic, cocooned in the realm of the abstract, the absurd and the impossible. Christ is all at the same time our creator, savior and model, and as such he can never be absent but is always present in all things, big and small.

Sad to say, Christ’s parables comparing the Kingdom of God to a seed seem to still be breaking news to many of us who have the tendency to disparage little and ordinary things in our life.

We should then try to make the necessary changes in attitude and understanding regarding the little things. We have to realize that it is actually in them where our true knowledge and love of God is developed and maintained. 

When we fail to see, know and love God in the little things, it is very likely that we also will fail to see, know and love God in the big things of our life. Let’s keep in mind what Christ said in this regard: “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” (Lk 16,10)

In short, the point we should realize more deeply is that sanctity, our ticket to heaven, certainly requires heroism, even to the point of martyrdom. But we can be sure that by being consistently loving in doing the little things of life, especially when they are hidden and unappreciated humanly, we would already be very heroic indeed, even approaching the level of martyrdom.

What we have to do is to learn to find Christ in the little things which comprise most of our day, if not of our whole life. Another way of saying it is to learn to refer everything to Christ, no matter how little or insignificant it is.

We should always be with Christ at every moment of our day, offering things to him, asking him questions like, “Lord, how should I deal with this particular situation, be it an exciting work, a boring and tiring moment, etc.?”

We should never dare to do things simply on our own. Especially when we find ourselves in difficulties, in a quandary, in moments of temptation, etc., we have to go to Christ as quickly as possible and cling to him as tightly as possible.

And we should never forget to thank him all the time, for such a gesture connects us with him in an abiding way. When we are with Christ especially in the little things of our day, how can we doubt about having heaven in us while still here on earth?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Piety of children and doctrine of theologians

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


WHEN Christ said that a lamp is not placed under a bushel basket or under a under, but rather on a lampstand, (cfr. Mk 4,21) we are clearly made to understand that if we are to be true followers of Christ we should faithfully and abidingly show the light of Christ everywhere.

For this to happen we should have both the piety of simple children and the solid doctrinal knowledge of our faith, like that of a good theologian. We have to qualify the theologian part since we sadly now are witnessing the emergence of so-called theologians who spew out their own ideas more than anything else. Their theology is not so much a fruit of their personal relationship with Christ as it is simply their own making.

We need to see the vital connection between Christ and the doctrine that we need to study and meditate on. Hopefully, we assimilate this doctrine such that it becomes flesh of our flesh, which is another way of saying that we should identify ourselves with Christ so that we become “another Christ” as we should be.

Our usual problem is that we tend to disconnect the two, raising all sorts of reasons why such vital link between God and the doctrine cannot be possible, if not always, then from time to time.

There’s obviously some point to why the doctrine cannot fully capture Christ and his teachings. And that’s because of the human elements involved in the doctrine. But in spite of that, we need to realize that in its substance and in its core, the doctrine is actually divine. 

We just have to know how to distinguish between its divine character and its human elements that would inevitably include some limitations. This is actually our human condition. 

Truth is God always intervenes in our life and makes use of our humanity to come and be with us. We should not waste time making a big fuss about the human limitations that accompany this abiding divine intervention.

That’s why God through Christ in the Spirit has endowed the Church with the proper power and authority to teach his doctrine integrally and infallibly, much like we as a nation entrust our government with certain power to govern us in spite of the many limitations in the men running the government.

Except that in the case of God in relation to the Church, the act of empowering goes far more radically than what takes place in our empowering of our government to rule over us.

We need to consider the Church doctrine as the true and most precious doctrine that can bring us to our ultimate joy and end. It is not just a man-made doctrine that can give us some benefits and advantages, some social or economic progress, but not our ultimate supernatural end.

We also need to see the Church doctrine as the proper spirit that should animate any human doctrine we may make for some practical purpose we may have in the different aspects of our life—personal, family, professional, social, political, etc.

Thus, it is essential that we learn to know the Church doctrine or the doctrine of our faith such that this doctrine becomes the moving spirit behind our every thought, word and deed, behind our every plan and project, big or small, ordinary or extraordinary.

There is a need for us to know how to relate the doctrine of our faith to our daily affairs and to our very serious and big projects and plans, and vice versa. At the moment, this expertise is hardly known, its need hardly felt.

Friday, January 17, 2025

The need to continually refine our human laws


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


WE obviously have to be governed by the rule of law. Without the law, we can only expect disorder and chaos, and all other forms of injustice. But we need to distinguish between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law, and know how to understand and apply the law properly.

Ideally, both the letter and the spirit of a certain law should be in perfect harmony. But that is hardly the case in real life. The problem, of course, is that the articulation of the law is conditioned and limited by our human powers that cannot fully capture the richness of human life, considering its spiritual and supernatural character that will always involve the intangibles and mysteries and the like.

That is the reason why we can go beyond but not against a particular law, when such law cannot fully express the concrete conditions of a particular case. Because of this condition, there is always the need to continually update and refine our human laws to capture better the true spirit that our laws should have.

In this regard, we have to realize more deeply that it is in Christ, in following his commandment of love, that we can move toward the perfection and true fulfillment of our human laws. 

Yes, that’s what St. Paul said in his Letter to the Romans. And if we believe that St. Paul was an apostle, a special vessel Christ chose to preach to the Gentiles, then his words ought to be believed. The complete passage is as follows:

“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not covet,’ and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.” (13,8-10)

With these words, we are made to understand that it is love or charity that summarizes and fulfills all the laws there are—those that come directly from God and those that are man-made which are supposed to reflect God’s laws.

We just have to understand what this love or charity is, because we can also have all kinds of charity that may not exactly be the charity as it should be. We all know that we are notorious for doing this. Thus, we should first find where we can have the true essence of charity.

We know that charity is the very essence of God. St. John, in his first letter, said it clearly. “God is love.” (4,8) And that charity was lived and continues to be lived, shown and taught to us by Christ, who is the fullness of the revelation of God to us. 

Christ himself summarized and perfected all the divine commandments given to us by revealing to us a new commandment—that we love one another as he himself has loved us. (cfr. Jn 13,34) The question to ask is: How has Christ loved us and continues to do so?

We know that Christ is the Son of God who became man to save us. He went all the way to assume everything human, except sin, though he was made like sin, just to adapt himself to us for the sake of our salvation. (cfr. 2 Cor 5,21)

Our human laws should try to capture this law of love that comes from God. It’s love that knows how to blend truth, justice and mercy.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Love always asks for more

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THAT’S the very nature of love, if it’s true love, one that is a vital participation and reflection of the very essence of God which is also meant to be our own essence, since we are God’s image and likeness.

It’s a love that never says enough in spite of our obvious limitations and weaknesses. When we reach those limits, like Christ we would just commend ourselves to God’s own ways that go beyond our natural powers, making the impossible possible. As God’s image and likeness, the supernatural powers of God are also shared with us.

We are reminded of this truth of faith about love in that gospel episode where Christ had to deal with an increasing number of people seeking favors from him by curing them of their various illnesses. And yet, in spite of this challenge due to love’s demands, Christ never forgot to pray. He went to an isolated place to pray. (cfr. Mk 1,29-39)

This can only mean that while love can ask of us anything, it always follows a certain order. That love should always be based on God whose help and power we always have to implore. That’s why we should never forget to pray if we want our love to the true love.

This love should always be pursued and lived everywhere. And one area where it should be lived in a more aggressive way is in the area of politics which is a big challenge today. How are we going to humanize and Christianize our politics that now is assuming a clearly toxic character? How can we keep our politics from going to the dogs?

A cursory reading of the comments in social media immediately indicate a tone of bitterness and acrimony. There's so much bashing and mudslinging that an objective and fair consideration of the issues has become all but impossible.

Many people are making themselves instant political pundits who seem to know everything about the issues at hand. They shoot from the hips, voicing out their opinions as if they are infallible dogmas.

Some political commentators present themselves as if they have the monopoly of what is right and proper, flaunting their so-called encyclopedic knowledge of the issues involved. Any differing position is immediately branded as wrong. And they can come out with what may appear as brilliant arguments that are nothing other than sophistries.

They confuse bullying tactics for conviction and righteousness. And they justify their behavior by saying that this is the political reality of the times. In other words, if they don't act the way they are acting nowadays, they are not being realistic.

If they happen to have the upper hand in any issue, they usually gloat over their opponents who often are regarded as idiots, completely bereft of reason. They consider those in the other side as entirely no good.

This is now the challenge of love. How can we instill the real love in this kind of environment? How can we humanize and Christianize today’s politics? Politics is in urgent and constant need for evangelization. 

Aside from proclaiming what is absolutely moral and immoral, the evangelization of politics should foster an environment of frank and cordial dialogue among the different and even conflicting parties involved. It should foster among the different parties a keen desire with matching effort to pursue the common good. Moral principles should be followed on top of the adherence to agreed rules of engagement as articulated in our legal and judicial systems, etc.

Friday, January 3, 2025

True love goes all the way

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


INDEED, that is how true love is. It never says enough in itself-giving. If it would cost one’s life, so be it. It would always take the initiative, never waiting for some favorable conditions to start loving. It may involve some episodes of anger, but it would always end with mercy.

We can learn these qualities of true love from the first reading of the Mass of Tuesday after Epiphany Sunday. (cfr. 1 Jn 4,7-10) “Let us love one another, for charity is of God. And every one that loves, is born of God, and knows God,” it says. 

And it describes the extent to which this love goes in this way: “In this is charity: not as though we had loved God, but because he has first loved us, and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins.”

It obviously would look impossible for us to have that kind of love which we are meant to have since we are supposed to be God's image and likeness, sharers of his life and nature. We should not waste time worrying about that apparent impossibility. We are told that as long as we do our part, imperfect as it is, it would be God himself who would do it for us and with us!

If we truly love God and everybody else, with a love that is nothing less than a participation of the love God has for us and as commanded by Christ to us, then we will never say enough in our self-giving. 

Even if such an attitude would already seem to be going beyond common sense, our reason and other human and worldly standards that we usually use to measure our love, we would still go on giving ourselves, never saying enough. We would just give and give, even if we seem to consume ourselves in death.

This is, of course, an overwhelming prospect, but that is what true love is. It is some kind of madness that knows no limits. It is given without measure, without cost, without any calculation.

And even if such total self-giving is not reciprocated, it would still go on loving. It is purely gratuitous. Even more, even if it is not only unreciprocated but is also violently resisted and rejected, it would still go on loving.

Obviously, if we are to rely only on our own powers, there is no way we can have this kind of self-giving. This can only take place if we are truly identified with Christ, if we have his grace and are corresponding to it with all that we have got.

It’s only in this condition that we can go beyond the limits of our natural self and above the usual drama in life. We of course have our limitations, physical, mental, emotional, etc. And yet, as long as we are truly with Christ, we can still manage to give ourselves unstintingly. The spiritual and supernatural in us through Christ would enable us to give ourselves despite our natural limitations and worldly conditions.

It is God’s grace that does the trick. It’s when we correspond sincerely to God’s love for us that we get a self-perpetuating energy to do our best in any given moment. It’s when we can manage to do the impossible.

We need to help each other to do and give our best in whatever task we have out of sheer love for God and neighbor. The appropriate training should be established in homes, schools and everywhere. The proper climate and environment should be created for this purpose.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

“Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord”


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THAT’S the Good News of great joy for all of us! Let us take time to savor the significance of Christmas so that whatever happens in our life, however the twists and turns of life may take us, we are assured that we have a Savior who will take care of us in all our conditions, whether good or bad.

In one of the readings of the Mass for Christmas, from the Letter of St. Paul to Titus, we read the following assurance: “The grace of God has appeared, saving all and training us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age, as we await the blessed hope and appearance of the glory of our great God and savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to deliver us from all lawlessness and cleanse for himself a people as his own, eager to do what is good.” (2,11-14)

May we never give in to the subtle tricks of the enemies of our soul—our wounded flesh, the allurements of the world, and the devil himself—who would urge us to fall into discouragement, despair and hopelessness. We have everything that we need to be what God wants us to be, despite whatever failings we will always have.

But let’s go through some process of lifelong training under Christ’s guidance, if not with Christ himself, so that we would learn to live as true children of God as God wants us to be. In this regard, let us learn how to deal with our weaknesses, temptations and all evil and negative things we have to contend with in this life.

That Christ allowed himself to be tempted (cfr. Lk 4,1-13) means that he wants us to know how to deal with temptations. As we can see in that episode, the temptations the devil played on Christ involved good things but poisoned with a bad intention. Temptations are always like that—they will always be based on something good since evil cannot exist without being anchored on something good and true which it tries to distort and corrupt.

Like Christ, what we should do is to clarify the real intent and purpose of the good and the true that the devil and the tempter want to distort. This can only happen if we refer the temptation to God himself, and not just to ourselves and much less to the tempter himself. In the temptations of Christ, Christ clarified things to the devil.

Once we realize the real intent of the good and the true that the tempter uses with deception, let us make use of the very urgings and promptings that the temptation provokes in us to pursue the real intent of the good and the true as defined by God and described by the many instrumentalities we have in the Church.

Indeed, temptations can occasion a great good if we would only know how to see the good and the true that they try to distort, and then channel their urges to do the real good and the true as defined by our Christian faith.

To be sure, this way of reacting to temptations will give us peace and joy, and a drive and a zeal to do good. It will start to heal our spiritual and moral weaknesses. In a sense, temptations, if dealt properly, can be a great gift!


Monday, December 23, 2024

God’s mysterious will and ways


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THAT otherwise amusing story of how the baby of Elizabeth and Zechariah was

to be called John instead of Zechariah as their neighbors expected (cfr. Lk 1,57-66)

somehow tells us that in our life we have to contend with certain mysteries that often

defy common sense, logic, tradition and our other human and natural ways.

We should just be humble enough to realize that our natural certainties can never

cope with all the mysteries of life. No matter how objective and scientific these

certainties are derived, no matter how deep and exhaustive our philosophies, theologies

and ideologies are made, our certainties just cannot take all the mysteries in our life.

Even in the world of nature where in theory we have the capacity to know things

conclusively, we often find ourselves in situations of tentativeness and even of outright

error. That is why we are always in the process of discoveries and we would not know

when we can end it, that is to say, when we can say that we have known everything to

be known in the world of nature.

This does not mean that our certainties can never know the truth, even the

absolute, and not just relative truths. Yes, we can, but the best that we can do is to

project ourselves to infinite possibilities, because even the absolute truths are not things

that are frozen. They are always dynamic, requiring us to always deepen and grow in

our understanding and appreciation of them.

The task we have is how to correspond to this tremendous reality of living our life

within the whole mystery of God’s life. Many of us still think that we are quite by

ourselves, and the decision to relate ourselves with God and others is purely optional.

No, sir. Our relationship with God, while an option—in fact, a fundamental

option—is never optional, something we can feel quite free to have or not to have. We

would be incomplete without God.

We need to be more aware of this marvelous truth. And from there, to start the

lifelong journey of conforming our life to that of God, overcoming first our initial human

awkwardness in the face of our supernatural goal, and then developing the virtues that

little by little would resemble us with God.

It’s a process of always conquering new frontiers and defending our fronts from

the enemies of God and of our soul.

May it be that our thoughts are also God’s thoughts. And may our words and

actions not be just our words and actions, but also God’s. That’s how we are meant to


On God’s part, everything has been provided for us to reach the goal. He always

gives us his grace. He sends us the Holy Spirit, our sanctifier with his gifts and fruits, so

that we can concur with God’s actions and designs.

We’ve been given God’s word, a living and definite revelation so we can enter

into the mind of God. We have been given the sacraments and the Church itself, so that

God continues to be with us and in us in a very direct and abiding way while still

journeying in this earthly life.

So, we should just learn how to live with mysteries in our whole life. They make

our life assume the character of an adventure, a thriller, but a divine one, since it is

directed by God himself. He plays with us and we should just be sport about it and enjoy

it as much as possible even if contradictions can come along

Friday, December 6, 2024

The danger of getting used to the truths of our faith


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THIS was what Christ once lamented about while preaching to the crowd. “To what shall I compare this generation?” he asked. “It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another, ‘We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.’” (Mt 11,16-17

It’s a lamentation that continues to hold true even up to now. We cannot deny that there are many people, even those who can be considered as active in the Church, starting with our own selves, who do not live in a way that is consistent to the Christian faith we profess.

Our usual problem is precisely that we get easily over-familiar with the truths of our faith and the sacred things. We tend to take for granted the many blessings we have. Not only do we not count our blessings, we often complain that we do not have enough. We can then elicit those reproaching words of Christ to his townmates: “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country.” 

This is a very common danger to all of us, and is at bottom a result of letting ourselves be simply guided by our senses, or feelings and our other ways of human estimation, without the guidance of our faith that should lead us to develop the appropriate piety.

We have to be more aware of this danger of familiarity and install the necessary defenses against it. More than that, we have to aggressively cultivate the art of always being amazed at God and at all his works. That should be the proper state for us to be in.

We have to understand, though, that this abiding state of amazement that we should try to develop is not simply a matter of sensations. Of course, it would be good if we can always feel amazed and in awe. But given the limitations of our bodily organisms, we cannot expect that to happen all the time.

The ideal abiding state of amazement is more a matter of conviction, of something spiritual, moral and supernatural. It should be the result of grace that is corresponded to generously and heroically by us.

It is a state of amazement that sooner or later, of course, will have some external manifestations like an aura of serenity and confidence even in the midst of great trials and suffering. It will most likely show itself in the lilt in one’s voice, optimism in his reactions to events, a smile, a warm word of praise and encouragement to others, etc.

To be sure, God will always give us this grace. The problematic area is our correspondence to that grace. In this regard, we should try to pray and meditate on God’s word. Let’s see to it that we get to relish the spirit behind the word of God as presented to us in Bible.

We have to be wary of our tendency to go through God’s word in a mechanical way. We can produce the sound, we can use the word in some sensible and intelligible way, but still miss the very spirit of the word. We can still miss God and ignore his will, because our heart is still not in God’s word.

Besides, we need to develop a deepening sense of total dependence on God. Let’s see to it that our talents, faculties and powers, our achievements do not blunt, but rather sharpen this sense of dependence.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Christian poverty more than just detachment from things

by Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THAT gospel episode where Christ praised a poor widow for giving all that she had to live on to the treasury of the temple (cfr. Lk 21,1-4) graphically reminds us that Christian poverty, which is what is required for true Christian love to reign in our hearts, is not so much a matter of how much, in terms of money and quantity, we are willing to be detached from as detaching ourselves from our very own selves, giving everything to God.

It’s actually the best deal that we can have, since as Christ said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to have his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” (Mt 16,24-25)

This is divine wisdom which we have to learn to live by. Moreover, it is something which we have to learn how to convince others, especially the young ones who are exposed today to so much materialism and egotistic ways, to believe in it.

This will, indeed, take a lot of time and effort, especially in the area of how to make this divine wisdom attractive and doable. In this regard, we have to learn to present Christ the way Christ presented himself to the people of his time.

He adapted himself to how the people were. He, of course, as St. Paul said, emptied himself by becoming man and went to the extent of offering his life on the cross, just to identify himself completely with us. (cfr. Phil 2,6-8)

In this preaching, he used literary devices, like the parables, so as to elicit interest and eventual understanding and appreciation of the redemptive messages and lessons he wanted to impart to the people.

This is something that we, in our own time with our distinctive cultures and mindsets, should also learn to do. We can only show and give Christ to others, we can only make Christ’s redemptive messages and lessons appreciated by us, if we learn how to connect the real Christ, both in spirit and in the flesh, and not a disembodied Christ, to the people of today.

The effort required here involves emptying ourselves so as to embody the real Christ in ourselves in the context of today’s world with all the good and the bad that it now has. That is why we always need to detach ourselves not only from things but also, and more importantly, from our own selves, so we can be filled with Christ’s spirit and enabled to show Christ in the flesh.

But given our human condition which allows us to learn things in stages, we have to understand that everyday we have to conquer our tendency to fall into some earthly attachments so that we can say we are giving ourselves more and more to God until we give ourselves completely to him.

This will require a constant reminder and self-reassurance that it is all worthwhile to give and to lose everything for God because we will in fact gain a lot more than what we give. Let’s always remember Christ telling us “to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” (Mt 6,33)

We have to learn to let go of our possessions, our preferences, our opinions, etc., until we can say that we are letting go of our whole selves so as to give everything to God, and with God we are assured that we can have everything that is truly important to us!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Christian poverty more than just detachment from things

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THAT gospel episode where Christ praised a poor widow for giving all that she had to live on to the treasury of the temple (cfr. Lk 21,1-4) graphically reminds us that Christian poverty, which is what is required for true Christian love to reign in our hearts, is not so much a matter of how much, in terms of money and quantity, we are willing to be detached from as detaching ourselves from our very own selves, giving everything to God.

It’s actually the best deal that we can have, since as Christ said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to have his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” (Mt 16,24-25)

This is divine wisdom which we have to learn to live by. Moreover, it is something which we have to learn how to convince others, especially the young ones who are exposed today to so much materialism and egotistic ways, to believe in it.

This will, indeed, take a lot of time and effort, especially in the area of how to make this divine wisdom attractive and doable. In this regard, we have to learn to present Christ the way Christ presented himself to the people of his time.

He adapted himself to how the people were. He, of course, as St. Paul said, emptied himself by becoming man and went to the extent of offering his life on the cross, just to identify himself completely with us. (cfr. Phil 2,6-8)

In this preaching, he used literary devices, like the parables, so as to elicit interest and eventual understanding and appreciation of the redemptive messages and lessons he wanted to impart to the people.

This is something that we, in our own time with our distinctive cultures and mindsets, should also learn to do. We can only show and give Christ to others, we can only make Christ’s redemptive messages and lessons appreciated by us, if we learn how to connect the real Christ, both in spirit and in the flesh, and not a disembodied Christ, to the people of today.

The effort required here involves emptying ourselves so as to embody the real Christ in ourselves in the context of today’s world with all the good and the bad that it now has. That is why we always need to detach ourselves not only from things but also, and more importantly, from our own selves, so we can be filled with Christ’s spirit and enabled to show Christ in the flesh.

But given our human condition which allows us to learn things in stages, we have to understand that everyday we have to conquer our tendency to fall into some earthly attachments so that we can say we are giving ourselves more and more to God until we give ourselves completely to him.

This will require a constant reminder and self-reassurance that it is all worthwhile to give and to lose everything for God because we will in fact gain a lot more than what we give. Let’s always remember Christ telling us “to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” (Mt 6,33)

We have to learn to let go of our possessions, our preferences, our opinions, etc., until we can say that we are letting go of our whole selves so as to give everything to God, and with God we are assured that we can have everything that is truly important to us!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Beware of secularism


By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THE problem of secularism is that it promotes a social order this is neither connected to religion nor critical of it. It denies the influence of religion in our social order. It simply wants to be guided by a certain consensus derived from what is considered practical in the present life itself.

But religion is not simply a private affair. God is the author and ruler not only of individuals, but also of societies. While the relation of Church and State depends on a number of circumstances which cannot be determined by a general rule, truth is religion is a social as well as an individual and personal duty. It cannot and should not be ignored. 

The so-called separation of Church and State should not be understood in an absolute way. While it’s correct that the State should not have a state religion nor promote or condemn any particular religion or religious viewpoint, developing a relation between State and the different religions should be promoted. The State should also respect the views of non-believers.

But the Church cannot renounce her mission to teach the truths she has received from her Divine Founder. While fully recognizing the value of the present life, the Church cannot look upon it as an end in itself, but only as a movement toward a future life for which preparation must be made by compliance with the laws of nature and the laws of God.

For Catholics and Christians in general, their belief that the present life is a preparation if not a testing ground for an eternal life that is a supernatural sharing of the very life of God, should be respected. And because of that, their moral teachings should be respected too. The government cannot impose something that is considered immoral by their religion.

Secularism gives an opening to certain ideologies like Wokeism, neo-Marxism, etc. that actually are harmful to social justice and order. That is why we should be careful of secularism. Rather, we should intensify our religious and spiritual life, our relation with God, so that the proper social justice and order can be obtained.

Of course, the Church cannot impose its teachings on anyone, but it should be given a free space to be itself, to evangelize, to celebrate the sacraments, and to do the works of education, charity, mercy and justice without undue interference from the government.

Besides, the Church asks—and if necessary, demands—that the State respect the “sanctuary of conscience,” so that the Church’s people are not required by law to do things the Church teaches as immoral.

It’s unfortunate, for example, that in the US there was this “Contraceptive Mandate” issued in 2012 that turned the Catholic Church’s charitable and medical facilities into State agencies that facilitate practices that the Church believes are gravely evil.

Indeed, this delicate issue of Church and State relation should be thoroughly studied by our Church and State leaders, and appropriate agreements should be made. The separation of Church and State should not be understood as a mandate to ignore each other. There has to be constant communication and consultation between the two, because both work for the same people or constituents, though in different aspects of life.

Though there is autonomy in both of them, it should be acknowledged that “there is no realm of worldly affairs which can be withdrawn from the Creator and His dominion.” 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Concern for the lost

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THE lesson we can draw from the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin (cfr. Lk 15,1-10) is very clear. We need to give special attention and exert special effort to recover those who have lost their way toward God. This is the real test of discipleship.

We obviously need some special training for this. But let’s not forget that the first thing to do is to beg for that grace and power of God so we can carry out this duty that is clearly beyond our human powers and condition.

In our prayer, we should ask God to instill in us this strong urge to be concerned for those who have strayed from the proper way, those who for one reason or another are ostracized and alienated from God and from the rest of humanity.

With God’s grace, let’s embark on a plan to develop the appropriate attitude, virtues, skills and practices. Yes, we have to learn how to be “all things to all men to save at least some,” as St. Paul once said. (cfr. 1 Cor 9,22)

Definitely this would require of us a very open spirit that would enable us to adapt ourselves to everyone in the way they are, warts and all. Thus, we need to develop the qualities of adaptability, flexibility and versatility. With our increasingly complex times, we need to learn how to flow with the tide without losing our identity and real purpose in life. For this, we definitely need to look and closely follow the example of Christ.

Christ, being God, made himself man and went all the way to assume the sinfulness of men without committing any sin if only to identify himself with us in our wounded condition and to give us a way of how to deal with that condition.

In his preaching, he used parables to make his lessons more accessible to the people. He was always compassionate, quick to forgive, slow to anger. He was always thinking both of his Father and of the people. Remember him saying, “The one who sent me is true and what I heard from him I tell the world.” (Jn 8,26)

He gave preferential treatment to the children, the weak, the handicapped, the sick, the sinners. He was only allergic to the proud and self-righteous whose sense of right and wrong did not come from God, but rather from their own selves in their great variety of human consensus and other subtle forms of self-assertion. But on the cross, he asked forgiveness for everyone.

Obviously, to have this genuine concern for the lost, we need to be tough spiritually, not squeamish, much less, self-righteous. We should not be afraid to get the “smell,” as Pope Francis once said, of the lost sheep. If we are truly involved in the life of those who are lost and far from Church, we cannot avoid acquiring that “smell.”

Of course, without compromising our need to be tender and gentle, we have to learn how to be strong and tough with the strength and forcefulness of true charity that would enable us to bend, to understand and to forgive.

It’s a matter of discernment and prudence. They actually can and should go together—our toughness and gentleness. But their manifestations vary according to the situation, and we just have to learn how to show and live both anytime, or highlight one over the other given the circumstance or the need of the moment.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Total self-giving without expecting any return

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


IT’S the call Christ addresses to us when he told his disciples: “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or sisters or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment. Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” (Lk 14,12-14)

True generosity is attained when we completely gratuitously give ourselves to others, just like God who gives himself to us completely gratuitously. Never mind if our generosity is not reciprocated, which is unlikely since when we are generous with others the tendency is also for the others to be generous with us in their own way.

The crucial point in this business of generosity is the gratuitousness of our self-giving. This should be the attitude in our self-giving. It has to be done without counting the cost, without expecting any reward. We should not worry about anything, because God knows everything and gives us everything that we need. And he cannot be outdone in generosity. The more we give of ourselves, the more he will reward us.

We just have to do our self-giving very freely. As Christ himself told his apostles, “Freely you have received, freely give.” (Mt 10,8) And the first one to live by this principle is Christ himself. He gave himself freely to us, including his own life. He did not mind the sacrifices, the insults and mistreatment he underwent.

This is what true love is. It is total self-giving. But the mysterious part of it is that it actually generates more love and self-giving in others. It inspires others to give themselves in the way of true love. That is why true love has its own reward. It has the dynamic of being repaid also with love.

We should always be encouraged to give ourselves to others gratuitously without strings attached, without conditions. Even if instead of being reciprocated properly and requited, our love is misunderstood and rejected, we just have to go on loving. The only reason for loving is because that is what true love is. It is this love that is the real essence of God, of whom we are his image and likeness.

This truth of our faith about gratuitous generosity in our self-giving is also amply dramatized in that lesson Christ gave regarding the unprofitable servant. (cfr Lk 17,7-10) “When you have done all you have been commanded,” Christ said, “say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what we were obliged to do.’”

Loving and serving cannot and should not be quantified in terms of cost and reward. It is above all these considerations. It’s a purely spiritual operation that should not be spoiled by giving it some material and temporal value. It’s where we can approximate, keep and build up that dignity of being the image and likeness of God and adopted children of his. It’s how we become God-like.

This is how God serves and gives himself to us, with complete gratuitousness. He even goes all the way of still loving and serving us even if we do not reciprocate his love properly. This is how we should serve and give ourselves to others also!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Even Christ had to pray

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


IT’S worthwhile noting that even Christ had to spend the night praying before he made that big decision of choosing his 12 apostles among the many disciples that he had at that time. (cfr. Lk 6,12-16) This could only mean that for Christ to be completely in union with the will of the Father, he had to pray.

There should be no doubt on our part that we too should learn how to pray not only from time to time but rather all the time, if we want to be completely in union with the will of God as we should. Christ is showing us the example, and we should just try our best to follow it. It’s what is proper to us.

Prayer should be like the breathing and the beating of the heart that we need to keep ourselves spiritually alive. It’s what would enable us to enter, start and keep sharing the very life of God as we are meant to do. Without prayer, we would put ourselves in an anomalous condition as we separate ourselves from the very source of our true identity and dignity.

We have to learn to pray all the time, converting everything into some form of prayer by doing it always with God and for God and not just by ourselves, motivated only by some earthly and temporal reasons. This is always possible and practicable because God has designed everything as a form to connect ourselves with him. It’s up to us to follow that design or not.

Ideally, everything should be an act of prayer, whether we are doing our sacred or mundane duties, whether things are good or bad for us, whether we are alone or in a crowd, etc.

Prayer should not be understood only in its sacred, solemn mode. It can lend itself to all the situations and circumstances of our life. It is practicable in any situation. We just have to develop the proper discipline which, of course, will require some training.

And just like any training, it at first has to be taught under a controlled environment. That is why, at the beginning we were taught as children to recite and put into memory some vocal prayers. We may not understand everything said there, but that at least initiates us to the practice of prayer.

Then further steps ought to be made. We have to learn how to exercise our faith, how to meditate and contemplate, how to find a proper place, time and even posture for it. And then how we can have presence of God the whole day, the rectitude of intention in all our actions, the habit of offering everything to God, and literally of conversing with God and discerning his will as we go on with our daily activities.

Let’s remember that without God who is our creator and source of all good things, we can only do evil. We would be like a branch cut off from the vine. We may manage to give an appearance of life and goodness, but without Him, we actually have and are nothing.

We have to be constantly aware that we cannot be simply on our own. We need God and we need to be with everybody and everything else. We have to overcome our tendency that we can afford to be isolated. We should never forget that we are always in communion and we need to make that communion alive and healthy. Prayer does that for us!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Pumping energy into our love

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THAT’S practically what Christ wants of us as he said: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Lk 12,49) Obviously, we can only manage to do that if we truly identify ourselves with Christ.

Let’s remember that Christ left us with a new commandment that summarized and perfected the previous commandments articulated earlier. And that is that we should love one another as he himself has loved us. (cfr. Jn 13,34)

And how did he love us and continue to love us? Not only did he empty himself who, being God, became man, nor did he simply preach the ultimate truths about ourselves and things in general, nor did he simply perform wonderful miracles. He went all the way to assuming our sins and conquering them by offering his life on the cross and by resurrecting!

To top it all, he makes himself present substantially for all time, especially through the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, offering himself as the Bread of Life so that even now we can have a taste of the eternal life.

We really need to level up our knowledge of this truth of faith, training our mind and heart to capture this wonderful reality that should fill us with joy and eagerness to correspond to his love, since love, by definition, automatically arouses in us to love also in return.

We need to train ourselves to love the way Christ loves us. It’s a tall order, of course, but we have our whole lifetime to learn how to love. We may not perfect it, and that’s understandable. What is needed is simply for us to try our best, since it will be God who will do the rest.

Remember St. Paul telling us, “He (God) who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1,6) We should not worry too much if our effort to imitate Christ in his love would sometimes be erratic. The important thing to do is simply to continue, to move on trying our best, never surrendering to the urges of our weaknesses and mistakes.

Yes, we are subject to certain conditionings that can slow down our self-giving. We have to contend with our temperament which will always have its erratic ways, our physical and health conditions, our surroundings, etc.

But we should never forget that whether we realize it or not we are all involved in the supernatural work of God here on earth, where his supernatural powers are also at play. In the worst scenarios in our life, we can always beg for some supernatural help from God to enable us to do what we are supposed to do.

Yes, there will be sacrifices and tremendous amounts of effort involved here. We should just train ourselves to develop, with God’s grace of course, the power to tackle the difficult situations in our life.

What can always help is that we avoid getting imprisoned in our own world and allow ourselves to simply be at the mercy of the state of our physical, emotional and mental condition. With our spiritual faculties of intelligence and will, plus of course God’s grace that will always be made abundantly available, we can transcend beyond these constraining elements.

So, we just have to use everything within our power to attain that ideal state of being always on the go, dynamic, eager to serve and to do things for everyone.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Why we can be hopeful

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THE simple reason is that Christ has done everything to assure us of our earthly victory so we can enter heaven where we are meant to be. We need to strengthen this truth of our faith so that whatever happens—and there will always be some kind of heavy drama involved in our life regardless of our best intentions and efforts—we can remain confident and hopeful, and focused on what is truly important to achieve in our life.

Let us make as our own these words of St. Paul in his Letter to the Romans: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (8,31-32)

As to our ability to do what we are supposed to do despite the varying and even unfavorable circumstances, let us take these words of St. Paul to heart: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Phil 4,13)

We should just strengthen our hope that is based on what God shares with us. This is a crucial virtue to have. Given our condition as a pilgrim here on earth, we should make sure that we are always on the move toward our ultimate, spiritual and supernatural goal. 

We should not get distracted or entangled by our earthly affairs, whether good or bad, for as the Letter to Hebrews would put it: “For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.” (13,14) Thus, we have to always strengthen our hope.

Hope is first of all not just a virtue that we produce, cultivate or keep ourselves. It is first of all a gift of God, given to us in abundance. It is the gift of Christ himself who, by the Holy Spirit, is made present in us through his words, his sacraments, his Church. All we have to do is to correspond to this wonderful reality as vigorously as possible.

That is why we need to be most mindful of the truths of our faith, giving time to meditate on them and to make them sink in our very consciousness. We have to be wary of our tendency to be carried away by our earthly concerns, no matter how legitimate they are. For again, as the gospel would say, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mk 8,36)

It’s important that just like in that management style called MBO (Management by objective), we have to have a clear vision of our ultimate goal and make it the strongest desire of our life, so that we don’t get entangled with the ups and downs and the drama of life.

This, of course, will require some significant effort, because nowadays people are getting too hooked in their earthly, temporal affairs. Some of them who are considered more in the successful side, get so immersed in them that they forget their spiritual and supernatural goal. Others, who are more on the losing side, eventually fall into discouragement and despair. They end up finding no meaning in life.

With this gift and virtue of hope, we are always given a sense of direction. Our goal is made clear. All the means are made available. Every event, whether humanly good or bad, always has a meaning and can be made use of to attain our eternal goal.