I never regretted to come here and to stay for good as an expatriate ...
Ich habe es niemals bereut, hierher zu kommen und fuer immer als Auswanderer zu leben...
This might not be the typical expat blog, written by a German expat, living in the Philippines since 1999. It's different. In English and in German. Check it out! Enjoy reading! Dies mag' nun wirklich nicht der typische Auswandererblog eines Deutschen auf den Philippinen sein. Er soll etwas anders sein. In Englisch und in Deutsch! Viel Spass beim Lesen!
You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?
There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!
Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!
Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!
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Showing posts with label Auswanderer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auswanderer. Show all posts
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My 2011 Wish List
At any corner we do find and read wish lists. Each one of us has such a list. I am sure, you too!
Talking about a wish list for the coming new year 2011 I really love to mention at first HEALTH IS WEALTH!
Do I try ignoring financial crises? Of course, not! But sometimes I love to escape from such topics - and, maybe you, my dear reader, too.
Still with me is a flyer, I got of one of my former colleagues, a professor of philosophy at the University of Southeastern Philippines, where I am still teaching German language. I must confess, I like these ten points of a wish list.
1. I will not strike back, if someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind. I will not respond in a like manner.
2. I will ask God to bless my enemy. If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask God to bless that individual. I understand that this enemy could be a family member, neighbour, co-worker, or a stranger in this country.
3. I will be careful about what I say. I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip.
4. I will go the extra mile. I will find ways to help sharing the burden of my friend.
5. I will forgive. I will forgive any hurts and injuries that come my way.
6. I will do something nice for some one, but I will do it secretly, and not, because this some one demands it from me. I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.
7. I will treat others the way I wish to be treated. I will practice the golden rule "Do unto others as I would have them do unto me" - with every one I encounter.
8. I will raise the spirit of someone disheartened. My smile and my words can make the difference.
9. I will eat less and nurture my body. I will eat only healthy foods.
10. I will grow spiritually. I will spend a litle more time in prayer. I will find a quiet place.
I wish us all a
Yes, HAPPY!!! Happiness should be really unending - it has to be sustained. Happiness is a life-saver.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas Party German Community Davao/Mindanao and International Friends
Four Filipina beautiful spouses - and many more have been there!
Vier huebsche philippinische Ehefrauen - und da waren noch viel mehr!
More and more guests arrived - not only from Germany and the Philippines, but also from France, Japan, UK, Finland and other countries.
Mehr und mehr Gaeste treffen ein - nicht nur von Deutschland und den Philippinen, aber auch aus Frankreich, Japan, England, Finnland und anderen Laendern.
A Christmas celebration, which united not only Germans and Filipinos but also other nationalities.
Eine Weihnachtsfeier, die nicht nur Deutsche und Filipinos aber auch andere Nationalitaten vereinte.
Susie Rexrodt, GMA - TV reporter, Fernsehreporterin und Rossana Balcom-Doring, my wife, meine Ehefrau, MC's, Moderatoren der Veranstaltung.
The Manisan Dancers and Singers performed a German-Philippine Christmas Music medley.
Die Manisan Dancers and Singers erfreuten mit einem deutsch-philippinischen Weihnachtslieder - Medley.
Parlor Games,prizes and fun!
Gesellschaftsspiele, Preise und viel Spass!
Among others, also three of my German class students from USEP University of Southeastern Philippines joined and enjoyed the event.
Auch drei meiner Studentinnen vom Deutschkurs an der USEP University of Southeastern Philippines waren dabei und hatten viel Spass.
Merry Christmas! Froehliche Weihnachten!
Und ein grosses Dankeschoen an die Sponsoren / a big thank you to our sponsors PAGCOR Casino Filipino Davao City (Generalmanager Arthur Malatag und Marketing Direktorin Dara Abanilla), Grand Regal Hotel (raffle: 1st prize one overnight stay with breakfast) and Swiss Deli Davao City (Markus and Romano).
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Depressant Alcohol
"Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has complains/ Who has wounds without cases? Who has redness of eyes? Those who linger long for the wine, those who go in search of mixed wines? Do not look at the wine, when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it swirls around smoothly; at the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart will utter perverse words. ... When I shall awake, that i may seek another drink!" (Proverbs 23:29-35)
When I recopy this part of the bible several years ago, I got already the idea to write about this topic. I joined, and I am still joining circles of many other fellows around me - Filipinos AND expatriats more or less (?) with regular social drinking and/or habitual drinking with meals (beer or wine!). Imagine, when I stayed in France, I couldn't believe that for many Frenchmen a breakfast consists of bread (French baguette), cheese, coffee - and read wine!
For many among us (and I learned it from several expats living in the Philippines) social drinking also also occasional drinks to relieve stress and boredom. Doing nothing can become stress! And a lot of expats are getting bored even in this beautiful country Philippines, because they have nothing to do!
Suddenly the devil alcohol creates a feeling of freedom without worries and euphoria. Feelings are free flowing: stress and/or boredom have gone! Suddenly gulping drinks and daily secret drinking might relieve stress but makes one loose also control. Yes guys, alcohol is soooo cheap in the Philippines!!!
Suddenly loss of interest stays at any corner, conflicts with the law, conflicts in the family, accidents, mental deterioration, even death...! Hold on guys, the sad consequences should let us tremble with fair! That's not the reason staying in the Philippines!
Every time I enjoy a drink in acceptable measurements I try asking myself: Am I drinking too heavily? Do I sneak drinks? Do I drink because of frustrations or just because the world is so nice and pink tinted? Can I stop drinking right now?
Wait, yes, it's true! Since several years I avoid joining circles of heavy drinking people - no matter circles of Filipino or expat friends... .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Expat-Thoughts (II)
I remember the movie "Cinema Paradise" directed by Guiseppe Tornatore: After 30 years absence a man returns to his childhood village. Actually he is terrible afraid, that all impressions might overcome him - but it doesn't happened. Well, of course, he is touched. He remembers himself as the small boy living in this place. But the man is through with the past. The presence is more important for him, even this presence couldn't have become like that without the past time in that small Sicilian village in South Italy.
A lot of expats might experienced in the same way. I did it too.
To become a real grown up - as a German saying goes - we must learn to forget many things of our childhood. is that really so? I guess, it depends... .
If we have waited long enough, we might be able to return "to earlier places" but WITHOUT melancholy or wistfulness. Good advice. But speaking about myself: I haven't seen my home town in Germany since 11 years. I am pretty sure, that a certain melancholy will touch my heart. Sometimes we'd like to reply with Bob Dylan: "It's alright, Ma, I am only bleeding!"
Yes, I must confess, I mostly got a melancholy heart while visiting places of the past. Maybe that's the reason, why didn't visit my home country since 11 years. Nothing will remain as in yesterday. Nothing can be found again in its origin.
Mabuhay Filipinas!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Expat Thoughts
Very often - sometimes too often! - the thought is back. If we wake up in the morning (or even many times in the middle of the night) - the thought is back. The "act of thinking", the "reflection", the "opinion" or the "serious consideration", no matter, how we describe it - our memory and conscience is always with us as a permanent companion.
We brood over unsettled problems. Sometimes we bear unfair treatments, arrogance, ignorance, incompetent know-it-all-betters, and unbearable oddballs, who inexorable love to make our life a hell, while living themselves a disorderly life.
We would not like to be distracted, but we're toying with some good ideas how we could throw overboard "all that garbage". What will come next is a matter of conjecture.
Of course, when I started my expat life here in the Philippines, I also got my ideas. But, too many trains of thought made me thoughtless and absent-minded especially in difficult or important daily life situations. Slowing down while experiencing another culture shock... .
Sometimes we feel that our thoughts and ideas can't be fulfilled with life. Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousands ways; but where the heart is weak, it will find a thousand excuses. I experienced this too during my first one or two years as an expat in the Philippines.
Every new day gives us new inexhaustible possibilities to survive - but many times we overlook and fail to notice many chances in life through our sluggishness and laziness while thinking and dreaming too much of unequaled and unfulfilled ideas.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Are YOU a credit card holder?
It's really amazing: three Philippine financial institutions took home top honours in MasterCard Worldwide's Hall of Fame Marketing Awards, which had its inaugural launch in Singapore on the first of December 2009.
Banco de Oro, Allied Bank and RCBC Bankard won three out of the ten awards - Best Cardholder Promotion, Most Effective Card Marketing Program and Best Usage Campaign (cross-border), respectively - for their outstanding marketing efforts in launching or promoting MasterCard card programs in South- and Southeast Asia. Their wins inducted them,along with 23 other Asian banks, into MasterCard's Marketing Hall of Fame. Congratulations.
I am glad to know that. As an expat it's necessary to know which bank should be choosed for money transfers from abroad, i.e. for pension transfers.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Der Kulturschock (Teil 2)
Wie ich schon im ersten Teil erwaehnte: der verspaetete Kulturschock trifft jeden. Risse im Paradies. Permanent leben auf den Philippinen heisst nicht, nur Urlaub zu machen.
In vielen anderen Teilen Asiens wird die Andersartigkeit durch die Sprachbarriere oder andere Kleidung und Traditionen sehr schnell und klar herausgestellt. Filipinos allerdings fuehren mit vielen westlichen Einfluessen in die Irre. Einige Aspekte des Lebens der Filipinos werden uns Expats wahrscheinlich fuer immer fremdbleiben. Sie haben die Wurzeln in der uralten Vorgeschichte und sind oftmals die Auswirkungen der spanischen und amerikanischen Kolonisierung.
Es ist auf alle Faelle vorteilhaft, in Alltagsangelegenheiten, wo man als Expat mit Filipinos zusammenkommt, Erlaubtes und Verbotenes, das Tun und Lassen und die allgemeinen Umgangsformen im Alltag der Filipinos mit der Zeit zu lernen - und auch mit anzuwenden.
(Mehr dazu demnaechst hier in Teil 3)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Culture Shock - Der Kulturschock
I spent some time in almost 65 countries all over the world. Sometimes one day - sometimes several months. Now I stay in the Philippines for good since 1999. My Filipina wife has been obliged to acquaint me about the differences in living and working conditions in this part of the world - which is named The Philippines.
Every country has its own versions of culture shock of its own - including here in the Philippines. Especially if you stay as an expatriat. Permanent life is no more holidays or vacations... .
Filipinos are friendly people.
Filipinos are smiling at you even in the midst of misfortune brought about by calamity or disaster.
Filipinas women enjoy the same rights with men.
Filipinos and Filipinas dress up as they please.
In the Philippines is freedom in the practice of one's faith.
In the Philippines one can find a nice climate.
Fact is: culture shock has to do with custom and tradition in the host country. As an expat, one has to adopt such things step by step without loosing the own identity.
Die meisten Auslaender, die die Philippinen besuchen, sind angenehm ueberrascht. wenn sie feststellen, dass fast ueberall Englisch gesprochen wird. Man kleidet sich oftmals sehr westlich - der gesamte Prunk der westlichen Zivilisation ist sichtbar. Hamburgerketten, Luxushotels, Supermaerkte... . Ja, ist doch alles kein Problem hier zu leben.
Der Schock kommt spaeter. Waehrend der westliche Prunk da ist und man ja auch dieselbe Sprache (Englisch) spricht - hat man am Anfang Schwierigkeiten, sich wirklich zu verstaendigen. Ich habe aus dem Grund auch Bisaya (Cebuano) versucht zu lernen.
Eine Vielzahl von Auswanderen kritisiert sehr schnell die neue Heimat Philippinen und die hier lebenden Menschen. Es folgen sarkastische Anmerkungen ueber die "filipino-time" (klar, ich habe mich auch heute noch nicht an die Unpuenktlichkeit gewoehnen koennen!) und die philippinische Buerokratie. Halt, gibt's keine in unseren Heimatlaendern?
(To be continued!)
(Fortsetzung folgt!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Oktoberfest (Deutsche in Davao)
Oktoberfest has been celebrated also all over the Philippines. In Davao City more then 40 German expats with spouses and friends gathered together in Swiss Deli in Damosa and had a lot of beer, pork sausages, pork knuckles, sauerkraut, cold cuts - and fun!
Every year great musician Rolf from Manila came all the way down south and entertained us formidable.
Oktoberfest and several other gatherings together and fellowships help to enjoy life as expats in the Philippines.
Oktoberfest wurde natuerlich auch ueberall auf den Philippinen gefeiert. In Davao City fanden sich u.a. im Swiss Deli in Damosa ueber 40 deutsche Auswanderer, Ehegatten und Freunde ein - und genossen eine Menge Bier, Wuerstchen, Eisbein, Sauerkraut und Aufschnitt. Man hatte wirklich eine Menge Spass! Aus Manila war der grossartige Akkordeonspieler Rolf eingeflogen worden. Wie immer unterhielt er uns grossartig!
Nicht nur das Oktoberfest - auch andere Zusammenkuenfte hier lebender Deutsche (mit auch anderen Nationalitaeten) lassen das Leben als Auswanderer auf den Philippinen lebenswert erscheinen!
WHY PHILIPPINES? Warum Philippinen?
There might be a lot of different reasons for each and every one why to live in the Philippines for good. Family, Philippine spouse, doing business or just enjoying a great pensioner's life.
The Philippine Retirement Authority (Manila) describes it with its slogan "Smile at Life in the Philippines". This slogan indeed encapsulates the spirit behind PRA's vision. Retirees who choose the Philippines can look forward to being treated as a person, not as a statistic. PRA helps provide the good life for retirees (NOT being married to a Philippine national) not only for their material comfort, but also for their psychological and emotional well being as well.
By the way, the Philippine Retirement Authority is a government owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Executive order no. 1037, signed by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, on July 4, 1985. On August 31, 2001, through E.o. no 26, the control and supervision of PRA was transferred to the Board of Investments (BOI) from the Office of the President.
PRA's head office is in Makati City (Hotline +632.848-1412 or email: inquiry@pra.gov.ph. but there are several satellite offices in Cebu City, Olangapo City, Angeles City Pampanga, Baguio City - and since a couple of months also in Davao City (headed by my friend Mr. Jimmy Llames).
Why choose the Philippines? In the Philippines, retirees (and also all other expats and businesspeople) have the chance a lot to smile about it!
Mabuhay and welcome to the Philippines!
My New Baby/Mein neues Baby
I love dogs since my childhood. Living in the Philippines for good as an expat and having enough space, I enjoy 12 dogs now.
This is my "new baby"...
Seit meiner Kindheit liebe ich Hunde. Seitdem ich auf die Philippinen ausgewandert bin und genuegend Platz vorhanden ist, habe ich viel Spass an 12 Hunden.
Dies ist mein "neues Baby" ...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Many things have been written about the culture shock for foreigners (expats - expatriats) after moving to the Philippines for good. I experienced my very own culture shock during my first year's stay here. I like to share it with you, my dear readers - in English and in German! Watch out for it here on this site in a few days!
Viele Dinge wurden bereits ueber den Kulturschock von Auslaendern (Auswanderer) auf den Philippinen geschrieben. Ich habe meinen ganz eigenen Kulturschock speziell im ersten Jahr meines permanenten Aufenthaltes hier erlebt. Ich moechte meine Erfahrungen mit Ihnen, lieber Leser, demnaechst hier teilen - in Englisch und in Deutsch. Klicken Sie sich hier wieder ein in den naechsten Tagen!
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