Yesterday I got the chance to interview Department of Tourism Regional Director Sonia V. Garcia (Region XI). Actually she asked me to translate several flyers and brochures from English into German. I was really surprised and very happy to know, that Sonia and an additional group will be participating in the International Tourism Fair (Internationale Tourismusboerse - ITB) 2010 to be held on March 10-15 2009 in Berlin/Germany. The ITB is considered the world's leading travel and tourism show and could well be a good opportunity for the accredited tourism industry partners to meet their potential business counterparts in the said event.
This will be the very first promotion trip for this region. Sonia Garcia will be joined by Philip S. Dizon (Davao Crocodile Park), Camela S. Infiesto (Tribu K' Mindanawan Cultural Village Representative), Jeanne April Kroell (Hof Gorei Beach Resort), Wanda Teo (Mt. Apo Travel @ Tours), Ruben Neri (Surelite Travel & Tours), Ma. Corazon Sanga and Katherine S. Owens (Turismo Davao INTAS), weaver Sonita Manangka, dancer Jelita Lamanilao, and from the DOT XI staff Judy G. Lagura (Cultural Village Coordinator for DOT Region XI).
This will be the very first promotion trip for this region. Sonia Garcia will be joined by Philip S. Dizon (Davao Crocodile Park), Camela S. Infiesto (Tribu K' Mindanawan Cultural Village Representative), Jeanne April Kroell (Hof Gorei Beach Resort), Wanda Teo (Mt. Apo Travel @ Tours), Ruben Neri (Surelite Travel & Tours), Ma. Corazon Sanga and Katherine S. Owens (Turismo Davao INTAS), weaver Sonita Manangka, dancer Jelita Lamanilao, and from the DOT XI staff Judy G. Lagura (Cultural Village Coordinator for DOT Region XI).
Please check out or - also mentioned in my "important links".
Gestern hatte ich die Gelegenheit mit der Regionaldirektorin des Tourismusdepartments fuer die Region XI (Mindanao), Frau Sonja V. Garcia zu sprechen. Sie bat mich, einige Prospekte von Englisch in Deutsch zu uebersetzen. Ich war wirklich sehr ueberrascht und gluecklich zu hoeren, dass Sonja mit einer Gruppe nach Deutschland reisen wird, um Davao City und die gesamte Region XI von Mindanao waehrend der Internationalen Tourismusboerse in Berlin touristisch mehr bekanntzumachen. In frueheren Jahren habe ich die ITB regelmaessig besucht und war doch reichlich enttaeuscht, kaum - oder besser gar nichts - ueber Mindanao bzw. Davao City vorzufinden. Das wird sich bestimmt bald aendern. Zwischenzeitlich besuchen Sie doch einfach oder - auch erwaehnt in meinen "Important Links".