by Analou de Vera, MB

Health facilities can still file their application for renewal of accreditation with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) until the end of this month.
“Please be informed that PhilHealth will extend the period of filing of application for renewal of accreditation for CY 2023 of health facilities until Jan. 31, 2023,” PhilHealth said in a statement on Monday, Jan. 9.
This move is aimed at ensuring “continuous access to quality health services by all Filipinos,” it said.
“Only applications with the complete documentary requirements submitted to the respective PhilHealth Regional Offices on or before the said period shall be accepted,” it noted.
“Applications received for renewal of accreditation beyond this period shall result into a gap in accreditation,” it added.
The state health insurer said that health facilities may coordinate with PhilHealth regional offices if they have clarifications.