You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Verdi erklärt Tarifverhandlungen für gescheitert – Flächendeckende Streiks im April möglich

Von: Marcus Giebel

Im Tarifstreit zwischen Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgebern soll nun eine Schlichtungskommission für eine Lösung sorgen. Die Verhandlungen werden als gescheitert angesehen.

München – Drei Tage lang dauerten die Gespräche zwischen Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgebern, die am Montag von einem umfassenden Warnstreik eingeläutet worden waren. In der Nacht zu Donnerstag erklärten Verdi und der Beamtenbund dbb die Verhandlungen für den öffentlichen Dienst von Bund und Ländern für gescheitert.

Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser kündigte für die Arbeitgeber an: „Wir werden jetzt die Schlichtung einberufen.“ Verdi teilte dazu mit, dass während dieser Phase ab diesem Sonntag Friedenspflicht herrsche. In der Zeit bis dahin seien allenfalls noch kleinere regionale Warnstreiks geplant.

Bis Mitte April hat nun eine Schlichtungskommission Zeit, um einen Einigungsvorschlag für das Einkommen der 2,5 Millionen Beschäftigten von Bund und Kommunen vorzulegen, womit in den beiden Wochen vor Ostern Streiks ausgeschlossen sind. Als Vorsitzende treten für die Arbeitgeberseite der ehemalige sächsische Ministerpräsident Georg Milbradt und für die Gewerkschaften der frühere Bremer Staatsrat Hans-Henning Lühr auf. Dabei hätte Lühr im Zweifelsfall die entscheidende Stimme.

Nach den für gescheitert erklärten Verhandlungen, die seit Januar drei Runden umfassten, sagte Verdi-Chef Frank Werneke: „Am Ende mussten wir feststellen, dass die Unterschiede nicht überbrückbar waren.“ Laut dbb-Chef Ulrich Silberbach lautete der Auftrag der Beschäftigten an die Gewerkschaften, „dass sie nicht nur einen Inflationsausgleich erhalten, sondern eine Reallohnerhöhung“. Beide erklärten, die Gewerkschaftsgremien hätten einstimmig für das Scheitern votiert.

Enttäuscht zeigten sich Faeser und ihre SPD-Parteikollegin und Oberbürgermeisterin Gelsenkirchens, Karin Welge, die als Verhandlungsführerin der Kommunen auftrat. „Ich bedauere sehr, dass die Gewerkschaften jetzt die Verhandlungen abgebrochen haben“, betonte die Innenministerin: „Wir hätten uns anderes gewünscht, und ich glaube, dass gerade in diesen Krisenzeiten es gut gewesen wäre, am Verhandlungstisch noch zu bleiben.“ Weiter sagte sie, die Arbeitgeber seien „bis an die Grenze des Verantwortbaren für die öffentlichen Haushalte“ auf die Gewerkschaften zugegangen.

„Die Brücke, die wir geschlagen haben, ist keine, die man nicht hätte begehen können“, stellte Welge klar. Nun sei ihnen „die Enttäuschung ins Gesicht geschrieben“. Laut Faeser lautete das Angebot der Arbeitgeber wie folgt: acht Prozent mehr Einkommen und ein Mindestbetrag von 300 Euro – zusätzlich eine steuerfreie Einmalzahlung von 3000 Euro mit einer Auszahlung von 1750 Euro bereits im Mai. Faeser verwies bei dem Angebot auf die Möglichkeit, den Beschäftigten schnell zu helfen – zumal die Kosten gerade jetzt sehr hoch seien: „Und ich glaube, das wäre im Sinne der Beschäftigten gewesen, jetzt eine schnelle Lösung zu haben.“

Die Forderung von Verdi und dbb lautete 10,5 Prozent mehr Lohn, mindestens 500 Euro im Monat. Zentral war dabei der Mindestbetrag, der vor allem Bezieherinnen und Beziehern unterer Einkommen zugutekäme.

Im Februar hatten die Arbeitgeber noch fünf Prozent mehr Lohn sowie Einmalzahlungen von 1500 und dann noch einmal 1000 Euro angeboten. Ein Mindestbetrag war dabei nicht vorgesehen. Aus Arbeitgeberkreisen hieß es, die nun angebotenen mindestens 300 Euro hätten in unteren Einkommensgruppen bis zu 15 Prozent mehr ausgemacht.

Uneinigkeit herrscht auch bei der Laufzeit. Die Gewerkschaften fordern hier zwölf Monate, was den Arbeitgebern zu wenig ist. Sie hatten zunächst 27 Monate angeboten. Aus Verhandlungskreisen heißt es, hier seien beide Seiten kompromissbereit gewesen. Silberbach merkte an, angesichts der generellen Position der Arbeitgeber habe das Entgegenkommen der Gewerkschaften bei der Laufzeitfrage nicht für eine Gesamtlösung gereicht.

Es ist völlig offen, wie es nach der Schlichtung weitergeht. Nach einer Aufstellung der Gewerkschaften, die der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) vorliegt, müssen spätestens am 18. April die Verhandlungen der Tarifparteien wieder aufgenommen werden. Dann kann es zu einer Lösung kommen, ebenso sind weitere reguläre Streiks möglich. Bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre gab es im öffentlichen Dienst Streiks nach gescheiterter Schlichtung – damals über zehn Tage und flächendeckend.

DOJ vows to deal with BI officers who abuse ’departure formalities’


Mar 30, 2023 1:35 PM


The Department of Justice (DOJ) assured that immigration officers who abuse “departure formalities” that leads to passengers missing or re-booking their flights “will be appropriately and strictly dealt with.”

In a statement, the DOJ said “the implementation of departure formalities by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) is pursuant to its legal mandate as an integral member of the IACAT (Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking).”

“As such, their functions include administering and enforcing anti-trafficking, immigration, and related laws to better protect Filipinos from human trafficking and other dangers,” it said.

The DOJ issued the statement following the viral Tiktok video of Filipina Cham who ranted that on Dec. 22, 2022 she missed her flight to Israel due to the unnecessary questioning she underwent before an immigration officer at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

The BI had issued an apology and had relieved the immigration officer involved.  But the bureau said it will not pay the woman for her re-booking.

“Rest assured, the abusive behavior which goes beyond the mandate of the officers will not be tolerated and will be appropriately and strictly dealt with,” the DOJ said.

It said that the BI “has taken the necessary steps to investigate any excessive or inappropriate behavior of some immigration officers in the course of implementing the departure formalities.”

It also said that “IACAT is in the process of revising the departure formalities to better reflect current trends and plug the gaps that arose along the way.”

The implementation of departure formalities is mandated by Republic Act No. 9208, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, and RA 8042, the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 as amended by RA 10022.

For tourist travelers, immigration officers require the presentation of passport, visa (when required), and roundtrip ticket.

Secondary inspection is required “when deemed necessary, for the purpose of protecting vulnerable victims of human trafficking and illegal recruitment and other related offenses.”  A traveler will be asked his or her age, educational attainment, and financial capability to travel.

If not financially capable to travel, immigration officers will ask the authenticated affidavit of support which indicates the relationship within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity and the supporting documents.



ReniMV Valenzuela

Except for people who detest being themselves for how God created them, I believe nobody else sees there is something offensive with actress Liza Soberano’s controversial vlog, "This is Me." 

Liza, 25, is grateful, humble and meek in the face of the barrage of false accusations against her. She apologized though she did nothing wrong. But what’s wrong with her wanting to be real about herself by breaking free from the chains that bind her?

Do entertainers really have to live a double life in order to succeed? The "King of Pop" Michael Jackson was deprived of his childhood.  He had no liberty of his own and no normal life to speak of for himself until he died. Things were dictated upon him which badly affected his person. He was taught and trained to be sham and mythical on and off camera. Life for him was tumultuous all throughout, and it is no secret. 

But had the people who truly loved and cared for Michael allowed him the chance to be himself, he would have not had a miserable life and tragic end at a young age of 50. And, alack, that occurred when there was no maddening, deceptive, destructive social media (during his time) that we have today. In the midst of all his achievements and accolades, until his final moments, the "King of Pop" missed living. Pitiful. 

Jesus Christ came to save the world (John 3:16), but the world misunderstood Him. Hence, He was condemned to die on the cross. Liza came to herself to redeem her true self. She is Hope in real life and there is indeed hope for people like her.  But why crucify Hope? 

Everything seems good to a person who treks on the wrong route unless he sees the end. Only in darkness you get to enjoy the misleading entrapments of momentary “bliss” the world offers as you stray from the Path because only in the Light will you get to see the Way - to bring you back on track. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death” – Proverb 16:25. “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy” – Psalm 16:11.

Like it or not, you are what you are because you made your life as such being the man or woman you emerged to be by deliberately choosing the way and traveling the road towards that direction/destination. It was your own choosing, not necessarily God`s. You did not evolve to be a human being. But you evolved to be the person that you are and it was you who re-created yourself. God has a wonderful plan for you, but you are mainly the one responsible for your future (and eternity). 

You are the best as far as God`s ordained destiny for your very life is concerned. No other created being can be better than you in that regard. You have been uniquely fashioned in accordance with God`s infinite goodness and wisdom, gifted with free will. There is only one you, and God has certain designated purposes for you in this world that only you can accomplish - to bless mankind and bring glory to His name. 

Look at the limbless man, the great Nick Vujicic. Google search him if you don’t know him yet to be challenged to discover yourself and win in life despite insurmountable odds.  You are who you are because of God’s design and you have no option but be thankful to Him. “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well”- Psalm 139:14.

No one reaches a place who does not take the road and travel the required distance going there just as nobody goes to Heaven or hell on account of other people’s decision and action. God is most powerful and sovereign but He does not control/force anyone. Otherwise, there would have been no need for Christ to come down and save sinners. 

The Lord did His part and did it all. With Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, the Gospel of redemption is complete. There is nothing we can add to complement His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. Truly, as He lamented, gasping for His last breath, “IT IS FINISHED”. Yet He has given man the will to choose and decide. Now it’s up to you. Your salvation hangs on Calvary to this day and it hinges on your own volition whether or not it can be fully yours any moment you decide. Accept Christ or reject Him!

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, THIS IS THE WAY; WALK IN IT.” - Isaiah 30:21

Aggression’s hotbed

Honestly, many times it’s not a pleasure, joy, amusement, fun or whatever, to read and look closely at different daily papers. Here in the Philippines and wherever around the globe. Only bad and negative headlines seem to help increase the paper’s circulation. Yes sure, our world has not become better.

The three “C’s”: are the fundamental factors: catastrophes, crime and crisis! Sure, television or other media news are also not much better.

Sensible suggestions and negotiations, making compromises fall through, disclosures from prominent figures’ bedrooms, double standards, the church in deep crisis, calumny suits, and, sometimes reports, editorials and columns, which drip with bad taste and spitefulness.

For more than 50 years, I learned that a journalist can -of course- mentally form and shape the public opinion, characters, life and community and the way things go. That’s why I also learned: a journalist should always remember self-disciple, responsibility, care, inquisitiveness, and respect.

Of course, empathy and power of judgement together with self-assurance, common sense and human dignity belong also to it, no matter if the topic is politics, economy, commerce, culture, sports or special topics such as police reports or war correspondence.

Chasing after rumors, revelation of embarrassing and mostly untrue things, sensational reports to make money and to increase the circulation or viewer-ship and the drive for personal prestige is negative for the public and especially for the journalist him-/herself.

Writing with a wicked pen and having a sharp tongue doesn’t mean that a journalist, host or commentator should walk disrespectfully through life, so to speak, as an elephant in China. Likewise it is the journalist’s duty to uncover, disclose or reveal, what the public should know, but, without getting personal. Yes, eternal vigilance is very important, even without a wicked pen and a sharp tongue.

Marcos orders CHEd to address shortage of nurses due to migration

By: Daphne Galvez - Reporter / @DYGalvezINQ 

One in 20 nurses in the United States is Filipino, following decades of migration of nurses from the Philippines, which is now lacking 106,000 nurses, to American soil. Here, future nurses from Centro Escolar University are at the World Trade Center in Pasay City for their capping and pinning rites, on Sept. 30, 2022. (File photo by RICHARD A. REYES / Philippine Daily Inquirer)

MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has ordered the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to address the shortage of nurses due to migration. 

During a meeting with the Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) Healthcare Sector group in Malacanang Palace Wednesday, Marcos said the shortage of nurses has been affecting the delivery of effective healthcare. 

“We have to be clever about the healthcare manpower. Our nurses are the best. We are competing with the rest of the world for them. All the presidents, prime ministers I have talked to are asking for more nurses from the Philippines.” he said, speaking in a mix of English and Filipino, as quoted by the Presidential Communications Office (PCO).

These include retooling those who failed board examinations, adopting a nursing curriculum with exit credentials, redirecting nonpracticing nurses, and conducting exchange programs with other countries.

“Under the nursing curriculum with exit credentials, students could have several options: exit at the end of Level I or II, obtain the certificate or diploma in nursing, or choose to continue and finish the four-year nursing program to become a registered nurse,” De Vera said.

He added that CHED was also working on a flexible short-term masteral program to address the lack of instructors in nursing and medical schools. 

The Department of Health (DOH), according to its officer in charge, Undersecretary Rosario Vergeire, is also assessing the status of the proposed legislation on the Magna Carta for Public Health Care Workers and Philippine Nursing Act while doing a study on the standardization of salaries of nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers.

In November last year, Marcos said the government might resort to providing scholarships for nurses and other medical workers to encourage them to stay and serve in the country.

Apart from the issue of the shortage of nurses, PCO said it was agreed during the meeting that the PSAC would monitor new technologies in healthcare that could be used for geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas and recommend those to the DOH and PhilHealth.

The PSAC will also study the feasibility of establishing remote diagnostics centers and assess new medical technologies and their costs.

Aside from the CHED Chairperson and DOH OIC, those who attended the PSAC meeting include Sabin Aboitiz Strategic convenor president and CEO Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc.; Paolo Maximo Borromeo, Healthcare lead president and CEO of Ayala Healthcare Holdings Inc; Fr. Nicanor Austriaco Jr., Healthcare Sector Member and Filipino-American molecular biologist and Dr. Nicanor Montoya, Healthcare Sector Member and CEO of Medicard Philippines, Inc.