You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Monday, July 31, 2023

The value of the little things in life

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


THE parables Christ told his disciples that compared the Kingdom of heaven with a mustard seed and a pinch of yeast (cfr. Mt 13,31-35) obviously are meant to tell us that, yes, heaven and everything related to it can and should be found in the little and ordinary things in life which we tend to regard as insignificant. We can already have a taste of heaven while here on earth as long as we take care of the little things.

Those parables are like some breaking news meant to jolt us from our tendency to disparage these little things. As Christ said, he used parables to “announce what has lain hidden from the foundation of the world.” In other words, the little and ordinary things in our life have great value, and have been willed by God since the beginning.

We should then try to make the necessary changes in attitude and understanding regarding the little things. We have to realize that it is in them where true knowledge and love of God is developed and maintained. 

When we fail to see, know and love God in the little things, it is very likely that we also will fail to see, know and love God in the big things of our life. Let’s keep in mind what Christ said in this regard: “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” (Lk 16,10)

In short, the point we should realize more deeply is that sanctity, our ticket to heaven, certainly requires heroism, even to the point of martyrdom. But we can be sure that by being consistently loving in doing the little things of life, especially when they are hidden and unappreciated humanly, we would already be very heroic indeed, even approaching the level of martyrdom.

What we have to do is to learn to find Christ in the little things which comprise most of our day, if not of our whole life. Another way of saying it is to learn to refer everything to Christ, no matter how little or insignificant it is.

We should always be with Christ at every moment of our day, offering things to him, asking him questions like, “Lord, how should I deal with this particular situation, be it an exciting work, a boring and tiring moment, etc.?” 

We should never dare to do things simply on our own. Especially when we find ourselves in difficulties, in a quandary, in moments of temptation, etc., we have to go to Christ as quickly as possible and cling to him as tightly as possible.

And we should never forget to thank him all the time, for such a gesture connects us with him in an abiding way. When we are with Christ especially in the little things of our day, how can we doubt about having heaven in us while still here on earth?

We therefore have to learn to find Christ in everything, doing so not in some generic, theoretical way, but in a specific, practical way, one that is abiding and active. This, of course, is a great challenge to all of us, but if we believe in this truth and we try to conform ourselves to it and to persevere in it, for sure we can achieve a certain degree of success.

5 Philippine native tree windbreaks to save your crops from strong typhoon winds


The Philippines is hit by typhoons 15 to 20 times a year. Farmers experience severe agricultural damage because of flooding and strong winds. We can do nothing to prevent typhoons, but several methods exist to reduce their damage. One of those is the installation of natural windbreaks to lessen and redirect the impact of strong winds.

Natural windbreaks are rows of trees or shrubs that serve as barriers to strong winds. They reduce wind velocity to protect crops, structures, and houses. They also help prevent soil erosion.

Windbreaks are planted against the direction of the wind, and their effectiveness depends on the planting rows' density, height, and length. The denser the windbreak is, the more significant the wind speed reduction. 

Native trees are great options for natural windbreaks. They are already adapted to the Philippine climate, meaning they have developed the resiliency for surviving the extreme local conditions. Here are five native Philippine tree windbreaks to save your crop from strong typhoon winds.

Narra(Pterocarpus indicus)

Narra is considered the national tree of the Philippines because it is a strong and resilient tree – the characteristic that represents Filipinos. Narra trees are often utilized as shade and ornamental trees because of their robust canopy. It is also used as a lumber tree as it produces good quality wood for making furniture. Sadly, narra is a critically endangered tree because of illegal logging. There are only several thousand narra trees left. It is now a prioritized tree for conservation and reforestation. 

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Narra (Judgefloro/Wikimedia Commons)

Narra is an excellent addition to agricultural green manure and livestock pasture because its leaves are rich in nitrogen. It bears fragrant yellow flowers that usually bloom from February to May. The tree’s flowers are also important sources of nectar and pollen for bees.

Even though it can reach up to 35 meters in height, it has strong resistance to strong winds and is unlikely to be easily uprooted because of its extensive roots.

Kamagong (Diospyros blancoi)

Kamagong is famous for its expensive dark hardwood. Its timber is dubbed “ironwood” because it is one of the hardest woods in the Philippine lumber industry. Its wood is a good material for constructing house flooring, posts, furniture, and wood carvings. Its precious wood attracts loggers, making it another vulnerable tree species.

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Kamagong (Judgefloro/Wikimedia Commons)

It is commonly found at low to medium altitudes. The tree is usually planted to provide roadside shade and as an ornamental tree. It bears the fuzzy fruit locally known as mabolo or velvet persimmon in English. 

Kamagong can grow up to 33 meters high. It also grows its roots deep in the ground, helping it stay upright during strong typhoons.

Katmon (Dillenia philippinensis)

Katmon is an indigenous tree found in the Philippines. It is planted as an ornamental tree for public parks because of its yellow or white flowers. The flowers develop into a round green, edible, sour fruit that can be eaten raw or cooked in dishes like sinigang. The wood of the katmon tree can be built into cabinets and for small wood construction.

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Katmon (Wiki Farazi/Wikimedia Commons)

Katmon trees can grow up to 17 meters. They naturally grow well in forests of low and medium altitudes. They form a root structure called a buttress. These roots form above the ground and serve as stabilizers that prevent the tree from toppling down.

Pili (Canarium ovatum)

The pili is an erect, medium-sized tree that can grow up to 30 meters. Pili is a famous tree in the Bicol region because of its pili nuts and oil. Bicol considers pili their flagship crop because the pili industry is vital in generating jobs and income in the region. Besides the Bicol region, pili trees are abundant in Western and Eastern Visayas, Southern Tagalog, Caraga, and Southern Mindanao.

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Pili grove (Zyrahila/Wikimedia Commons)

The pili tree bears the hard pili fruit. Inside the fruit is the kernel that can be eaten raw or roasted. The resin from its bark, called elemi, is used for pharmaceutical and industrial purposes, while the oil from the fruit is for culinary use.

The pili trees in Bicol have stood the test of time, surviving many typhoons that hit the region. Pili trees have an extensive root system making them an excellent candidate to resist strong typhoon winds.

Bitaog (Calophyllum inophyllum)

Bitaog or tamanu tree is another tree that is native to the Philippines. It can grow up to 35 meters tall. It is commonly found along shores throughout the Philippines but is commonly seen in Cagayan, Sorsogon, Palawan, Masbate, Leyte, and Mindanao. Because it prefers to grow alongside the coastal areas, bitaog wood is used in boat construction. It is also an excellent shade and ornamental tree planted along roads and parks.

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Bitaog (Forest & Kim Starr/Wikimdedia Commons)

The leaves and fruits of the bitaog tree are said to be poisonous. However, the seed of the fruit is used for the casing of the local coconut candies called “sundot kulangot.” While the tamanu oil, collected from the fruit seed, is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Bitaog trees are great windbreaks as they naturally thrive in the windy conditions of the coastal areas. They also develop deep roots to penetrate beyond the sandy soils of the shores.

More than just windbreaks

The Philippine forest has undergone rapid deforestation through the years. This has left many of our native vulnerable or critically endangered because of illegal logging. Planting of native trees is important in the conservation of these trees. Also, native trees provide shelter to local wildlife

Besides protecting lives and livelihood from the destructive capability of strong winds from typhoons, native trees can provide additional income through their by-products such as their fruits and seeds. 

The Philippines is hit by typhoons 15 to 20 times a year. Farmers experience severe agricultural damage because of flooding and strong winds. We can do nothing to prevent typhoons, but several methods exist to reduce their damage. One of those is the installation of natural windbreaks to lessen and redirect the impact of strong winds.

Natural windbreaks are rows of trees or shrubs that serve as barriers to strong winds. They reduce wind velocity to protect crops, structures, and houses. They also help prevent soil erosion.

Windbreaks are planted against the direction of the wind, and their effectiveness depends on the planting rows' density, height, and length. The denser the windbreak is, the more significant the wind speed reduction.

Native trees are great options for natural windbreaks. They are already adapted to the Philippine climate, meaning they have developed the resiliency for surviving the extreme local conditions. Here are five native Philippine tree windbreaks to save your crop from strong typhoon winds.

Manila Bulletin and realme seals partnership for Sketchfest 2023

Aims to promote unity, celebrate diversity, and champion individual rights

Etched to redefine the art scene through innovation, Manila Bulletin's Sketchfest has named realme Philippines as its official smartphone partner.

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realme, a global technology brand that champions today’s youth, continues to support activities that foster the young generation’s creative minds such as the Manila Bulletin Sketchfest, to uphold its mission to champion the youth through cutting-edge technology.

“Let this partnership be a celebration of art and innovation because we are dedicated to supporting the artistic community and empowering young talents to reach new heights in their craft. We believe in the principle that 'We Are All Created Equal,' fostering an inclusive and inspiring environment for all artists to thrive. Join us this September as we put forward realme’s latest product. Get an array of fun-filled and exciting activities, along with exclusive promos that cater not only to artists but to everyone at the realme Fan Fest.” Jane Yan, realme Philippines Vice President for marketing, said during an interview.

The annual on-the-spot poster-making contest with the support from realme Philippines, aims to promote unity, celebrate diversity, and champion rights of individuals through this year’s theme and advocacy "We Are All Created Equal."

This partnership between the dynamic smartphone brand and one of the country’s most trusted news outlets will transcend next-level technologies to the creative community through art.
Now on its 12th year, the art competition will be held on August 5, September 2, and September 30 at SM City Davao, SM Seaside City Cebu, and the Music Hall, SM Mall of Asia respectively which will once again gather together students, art enthusiasts, and creative groups from all corners of the Philippines. Participants will have the chance to win exciting prizes, with a total value of P50,000 up for grabs.

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Moreover, realme is set to have an upcoming product launch and a fan festival which will be announced during the regional leg of MB Sketchfest. Log on to for the mechanics and registration.

For more realme product updates, visit its official website and click this link to know more about Manila Bulletin Sketchfest 2023.

180 families evacuated in Taguig due to heavy rains


The Taguig City government preemptively evacuated 180 families due to continuous heavy rains enhanced by typhoons “Falcon” and “Egay.”  

The evacuation was implemented in high risk areas that are prone to landslides and flooding to ensure the residents’ safety. 

Mayor Lani Cayetano visiting evacuation centers (Photos from the Taguig City government)
Mayor Lani Cayetano at the landslide area along C5 Road in Taguig (Photos from the Taguig City government)

On July 30, Mayor Lani Cayetano visited the evacuation centers where the families are temporarily taking shelter. 

These are the Eusebio Elementary School, Taguig Integrated School, Hagonoy Gym, Napindan Integrated School, Diosdado Macapagal High School, Tenement Elementary School, and Nabua covered court. 

Cayetano also visited the landslide area on C5 Road in Barangay Western Bicutan to see the extent of the damage. 

Last 28, heavy rains caused a landslide that resulted in a perimeter wall to collapse. No one was hurt from the landslide. A total of 23 families were evacuated and are staying at Nabua covered court. 

Cayetano said there is a need to enhance the campaign and programs about disaster preparedness and risk reduction. 

She will convene a meeting to assess flooding and landslides, and check the protocol in disaster response and plans for the city government to be more prepared for any event.