Hello :)

This is my 29th month in Germany and better late than never, I have finally realized (few months ago) that if not knowing a language, trying to learn it with interest is a must.
In Germany, most of the cities one wouldn't find it that difficult to manage only with English. But if one is looking for having some friends, hanging out with people and having a nice time - in short, feel like home; I would personally suggest start trying.
I was no language person, still struggle in fact but the core is when one tries to understand, uses German when you are stuck in a government office and have to finish some work, it is really important that one doesn't start off with "Könnten Sie bitte Englisch sprechen?" (Can you please speak in English?).
Until I was studying, it was all okay. Learning basic things could ride me along but when it comes to finally getting a job and settling in a city, just talking to the cashier at supermarket is not enough.
I personally feel, that although I struggle with the language, if one really needs to find some people and make yourself comfortable, it is important that one learns gradually.
Yes, it isn't an easy language and no you will not remember the simplest of words when needed (a lot of times) but remember one thing - "Es könnte schlimmer sein! ;)" (It could be worse!) :D
All the best :)