Published December 18, 2022, 9:57 AM
Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula cited the strong faith of the Filipino people as more parishioners are going back to hear the live masses just as the Catholic Church began its observance of the nine-day “Simbang Gabi.”

“Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is the bread of life who will satisfy our hunger, Jesus is the Emmanuel who will guide us in our journey and serve as our ally in our struggles,” Cardinal Advincula said over Radio Veritas.
His Eminence cited the resilience and perseverance of the faithful in attending the “Simbang Gabi” which he said is a way of showing gladness on the Birth of Christ.
“The strong faith of Filipinos serves as the fuel for him to complete the nine-day holy masses. Despite the crisis and hardships, the faithful return to the Church as a manifestation of his faith in the Savior Jesus Christ,” the Church leader said.
Cardinal Advincula urged the faithful to remain active in the church’s activities not only during the “Simbang Gabi” but even beyond.
The Catholic Church began its observance of the nine-day “Simbang Gabi” on Dec. 16 with anticipated masses that started on Dec.15. The votive masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in preparation for Christmas will culminate on Dec. 24 with the Christmas Eve mass at midnight.
With the ease of Covid-19 restrictions, more are able to attend the holy masses at the church instead of just joining online.