Some of you, my dear readers, might think, may think that this is a little early. We are in the first week of December right now. A review of the year belongs to the end of the year, right?
Maybe you feel the same way. Somehow, we all want this year 2020 to end as soon as possible. Well, honestly, in my case, it really doesn't mean that everything was bad in my business- and family life in 2020. So really not. The personal and business success was really impressive. If it hadn't just been this virus... .
Well, the 2020 annual review can be very short and precise. And so this annual review will be more of an annual outlook for 2021. Or should I say a wish list for next year? At the turn of the year, I always liked to write a wish list "between the years". I wrote about peace. I wrote about (more) blessings. I wrote how we can get a better grip on climate change in the following years. Yes, and I wrote about health.
What is, of course, first on this year's wish list 2021? Well guess what? Health, of course, health for the whole world! A world with this virus! And everything else then comes automatically as if by itself!
Let's wish and hope, and most importantly pray for this! Even now, although the year 2020 is far from from over!