It's easy to mistake Cebu 5th district Rep. Vincent Franco "Duke" Frasco and Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Frasco for newlyweds with the way they look at each other.
It's already March, but it still feels like love month when you're around Cebu 5th district Rep. Vincent Franco "Duke" Frasco and his wife, Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Frasco.
Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Frasco gets 'interviewed' by Cebu 5th district Rep. Vincent Franco "Duke" Frasco in Berlin, Germany. (Facebook)
The couple always gives off "newlywed" vibes, as what can be seen in this recent Facebook upload from the Cebu congressman.
Apparently, Rep. Frasco was pretending to interview the tourism chief on the sidelines of the International Tourismus Borse (ITB) in Berlin, Germany.

"It was also great to meet the Filipino community based in Germany during the Bisita Be My Guest launch," the House deputy speaker wrote in a separate post.
The Frascos have been married since August 2009. They have four children.