You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Showing posts with label Lucio D. San Pedro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucio D. San Pedro. Show all posts

Monday, February 18, 2013

Stamp Honors National Artist Centenary

Shared with Renz Emmanuel Raquion:

Today's young people grew up sleeping to the melodious tune of "Ugoy ng Duyan", sung as a lullaby by their mothers. Hearing it, even at a grown up age, reawakens the liking to be the loving arms of singing mothers once again.

The lilting lullaby was composed by Maestro Lucio D. San Pedro, in partnership with equally-talented composer Levi Celerio. Sand Pedro was named National Artist of the Philippines for Music 1991.

The composer, band conductor and professor celebrated his Birth Centennial on February 11, 2013, and a fitting tribute to his genius was the issuance of Proclamation No. 496 s. 2012 declaring the the period February 11, 2013 to February 11, 2014 as the Centennial Year of National Artist for Music, Meastro Lucio D. San Pedro.

Stamps and Official First Day covers are available at the PHLPost Liawsang Bonifacio, and in all regional offices of the Philippines Postal Corporation.