You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

German Legacy in Davao City (III)

Berthold Stein

By: Antonio V. Figueroa

Born in Stuttgart, Germany, Berthold Stein (1847-1899) was a renowned German botanist (orchid specialist), lichen expert, and mycologist (a scientist who studies fungus and its genetic and biochemical properties) who contributions in the field of taxonomy are recognized in numerous international publications. He never visited the Philippines.

In Davao, where he is an unknown, his contribution lives on after a small tree, the Rhododendron apoanum Stein, was named after the Mount Apo.The specimen was discovered  at Todaya, Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur. A rhododendron is described as "a shrub or small tree of the health family, with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers and typically with large evergreen leaves, widely grown as an ornamental."

(In 1905, distinguished American botanist Elmer D. Merrill [1876-1956] named a new Mount Apo shrub as Rhododendron mindanaense, after the island of Mindanao, and in 1929, American botanist Herbert Copeland classified another tree species in the same genus as Rhododendron bagobonum, in honor of the Bagobo tribe.)

Other inheritances

It is uncommon knowledge that a German, who enlisted in the U.S. Army and served in the Philippine Constabulary, once governed Davao, serving the bureaucracy with dedication, expertise and excellence.

German legacy in Davao region dates back to over 100 years, and this included missionary activities, financial grants, commodities and foods that bear indisputable German trademarks.

In the field of technical assistance granted through financial cooperation signed by the German Filipino governments, these were spent for port development and building of medical institutions, to name just a few.

(To be continued!)

Come on, give me a smile!

Come on, give me a smile!

I am writing columns for several papers from all over the world since the early 1980's. Sometimes, while writing, I am indeed not in a good mood. I rewrite and rewrite – and then the moment comes, I am asking myself: “Do the readers of this publication really like to read my columns?”
Anyway, I try my best. It’s actually a sweet day today, so sunny, so calm, so bright, it’s like the bridal of earth and heaven.  The grandeur  of  God flames out like shining from shook foil. I feel like as the waves make towards the pebbled  shore.
I observed again a multinational couple somewhere in my neighborhood fighting each other. Gosh. Stupid people have an uncanny way of hitting the right nail on the head with the wrong hammer!
Maybe, you are angry also right now, while reading this. You are angry for others even it’s a beautiful day. You are angry? It’s okay. We are all battling against one of the most powerful emotions known to man – anger! Anger. A day rarely goes by without us feeling angry. Or,  maybe seldom a days goes by without feeling anger….
Anger is the main part of our daily life. That’s why it’s really important to talk about this phenomenon. What is anger, what does it do and how does it affect our lives? Where does it come from and how can we learn to handle it in a constructive instead of destructive way? Only, if the roots of our anger exposed and explained, we can defuse its explosive and dangerous potentials.
As I said earlier, anger is one of the most basic emotions. Everyone can get angry. You and me? Now, later, tomorrow…! It’s a feeling of being against something or someone.
Anger is a hostile emotion that sets people against one another, or even themselves. By its nature, anger involves opposition, hostility, hatred and dislike. It happened between Filipinos, and between Filipinos and foreigners as well, living here in the Philippines. It even happened at political level right nowadays.
Anger, however, is simpler to define than to identify. Emotions of antagonism can take a wide variety of faces. Expressions of anger range from the overt, in-your-face brand of open hospitality to the cold indifference of a silent individual. At times, anger can be felt like an inner fire….
Millions of defense, not a damned penny for tribute, as Charles Pinkney stated…. Anger between people: the one side remains cold as ice while the opposite plays meek as a lamb. Sige, burn the midnight oil! And what the result at the end? A shadow of doubts remains after each fight getting its origin out of anger.
The silent withdrawal and lack of understanding  and innumerable shortcomings of one or both partners are often an indication that one is angrily punishing the other for not doing things his or her way.
We are all selfish! Yes, me too! That’s why we see the cause of anger as something outside of ourselves. Life is unfair! Life is hard!