Published December 23, 2022, 9:49 AM
With the ease in Covid-19 restrictions and with more people vaccinated against the coronavirus, age-old Christmas Eve traditions that have been passed on from one generation to the other will, once again, be observed around the country as the nation celebrates Christmas Eve on Saturday, Dec. 24.

Many families will observe a pre-pandemic celebration this year marked by reunions, gatherings, and the traditional Noche Buena feast.
Many will also be physically attending the Misa de Gallo (Christmas Eve Mass), the culmination of the nine-day ‘Simbang Gabi’ novena masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary that began last Dec. 16. It will be celebrated in all Catholic churches shortly before midnight or earlier in some parishes.
In some churches, the Eucharistic celebration will be marked with the reenactment of the journey of Saint Joseph and the Blessed Mother in search of lodging for the soon-to-be-born Messiah.
The religious play, which was patterned after the Spanish “Las Posadas,” is known as “panunuluyan,” “pananawagan,” or “pananapatan.” Churchgoers excitedly await the play as it serves as a ‘reenactment’ of the events surrounding the Birth of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago.
Church rites during the holy mass on Dec. 24 will include the lighting of the white center candle – the Christ candle -in the Advent wreath to herald the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. The Belen will also finally be complete with the addition of the Baby Jesus, which has been conspicuously missing in some manger since it was set up.
The Christmas Eve Mass is traditionally held at midnight following the belief that Jesus was born at night (Luke 2:6-8). This is also reflected in reference to Christmas Eve as the Holy Night, or “Heilige Nacht” in German, and Good Night, which is Noche Buena in Spanish, and in widely popular Christmas songs like Silent Night and Oh, Holy Night.
After the midnight mass, families will once again gather after missing it for the last two years for the Noche Buena, the traditional Christmas Eve feast where popular holiday fares and Filipino favorites are served.
The feast is in part in thanksgiving for the blessings of the current year while prayerfully anticipating a better year ahead for the family. Gifts are usually opened after the festive dinner while children excitedly await their surprises from “Santa Claus.”
The Christmas season liturgically begins on Christmas Eve and lasts through the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January.