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Showing posts with label National Literacy Award 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Literacy Award 2013. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Davao City Wins National Literacy Award 2013 Hall of Fame

Davao City bagged the National Literacy Awards 2013 Hall of Fame under the Highly Urbanized Cit Category.

In a letter to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, Department of Education Undersecretary Rizalino Rivero said Davao City will be given recognition for its inspiring efforts in sustaining the City's exemplary programs in literacy and for the impact the programs have created on the community.

"We extend our heartfelt congratulations for winning the Hall of Fame award," Rivera stated in the letter.

In the report for the bid to the said national awards, then Mayor Sara Duterte said Davao's vision is one where all sectors have access to basic services, where all citiziens live in a progressive socviety, able to realize their potentials and live their live to the fullest.

"Literacy programs do not fall under peace and order, disaster managament, the invironment, health rural development and socio-economic improvement," former Mayor Sara Duterte, said.

Davao City's programs are known to have been institutiionalized to ensure generations of Davaoenos empowerment in governance and further develop their skills and becvome self reliant, proactive and dynamic members of society.

The Department of Education will be holding its annual National Literacy Conference on September 3 to 5 in Bagiuo City.

One of the ightlights of the conference is the presentation of the Hall of Fame Award to Davao City for being the three-time first place winner in the Outstanding Local Government Unit Category.

Mayor Rody Duterte has been invited to the said conference and is expected to receive the Hall of Fame Award.

With City Information Office, Davao City.