Published January 12, 2023, 10:05 AM

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education (CBCP-ECCCE) has expressed support to the Holy Father’s prayer intention for educational emergency.
La Union Bishop Daniel Presto, vice chairman of the CBCP-ECCCE, said Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the first month of the year highlights the importance of an educated population.
“The prayer intention of Pope Francis for Jan. 2023 is part of the global impact on education launched by the Holy Father. The global impact on education is a movement that seeks to counter the growing educational emergency around the world. This might have been a result of division or the inability of the youth and women to attend formal schooling,” Bishop Presto said over Radio Veritas.
“The global impact on education teaches the youth the importance of education as well as unity and cooperation in attaining the objective of the advocacy,” he added.
The Church leader cited the need for peace and order to prevail in countries experiencing violence to
“Let us also preserve and protect our common home from the exploitation of resources. Pope Francis is calling for unity and for the youth in schools to value the importance of solidarity and cooperation,” the prelate said.