You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Showing posts with label Columnist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Columnist. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2021


Since the former 80s, I have been a columnist in different publications throughout the globe. I've written on many subjects under the sun. Politically, I have generally held back. Why? Why should I meddle in things I don't understand?

Hold on! Don't get me wrong! I have my own opinion regarding - as I said earlier - anything under the sun. In this time, many writers and dear columnist friends overturn themselves with different opinions. People have changed. Accepting others' opinions is almost impossible. Many times, so-called "shit storms" followed. Fortunately, I have been spared this until now. It is also not my intention to start any war with my opinion.

But, it hurts me very much how people have changed so negatively no matter where on earth. One thing is as clear as the Amen following every single prayer in  church. This pandemic has changed all of us and maybe I'll be one of them.

While I am writing my biography, I keep diving back into the world of yesterday. If not, how could I write about my past. Was really everything much better than it is today? I leave the answer to you my dear readers. Because one thing is certain: we're all in the same boat. It is up to each and every one of us how to cope with the present time.

I have at first God. Secondly, my family in the Philippines. And you?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


My column in MINDANAO DAILY, BusinessWeek Mindanao, and Metro Cagayan de Oro Times.

 August 11, 2020

WHICH is one of the most difficult words worldwide? POPCATEPETL, the Mexican mountain? Or, CHICHICASTENGO, a small town in Guatemala, or OUAGADOUGOU, the former capital of Upper Volta in Central Africa? Well, guess what.
"Somebody comes to my place and drinks a lot. I just keep on roaring and flowing and remain happy during my whole life, because I can give and share ... - even without any gratitude!" That engraved saying is from a historic fountain in Regensburg in Bavaria in Germany.
"Be in the making, means be thankful forever!" What a meaningful quotation from Goethe's drama "Faustus" (1831), but how very far away from today's reality. Let me ask you, my dear reader, "When did you say recently THANK YOU ?" In the supermarket to the cashier ... after a business meeting to your partners ... as a boss to your staff ... as a husband or wife to your partner ... etc. ... etc.!
Hold on, I don't mean it as a disgracing phrase, no. I mean it as an honest attitude to which we are all susceptible.
"The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed ... God, I thank you that I am not like the tax collector over there", (Luke 18,11). "What's more transient than gratitude?" asked the German poet, Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) in his drama "Don Carlos".
Gratitude, or thankfulness, in our daily life and surroundings: many times it's just forgotten because we treat sacrifices of hard-working people, services, and even the smallest relief without saying it as only natural and take it as a matter of course. In times of Covid-19, many of us express again their gratitude to all frontliners. That's good and very important too.
Many of our earthly leaders forget that they got their positions because of our trust and votes. And how did they thank us? One of my former publishers from an international company with branches in Berlin, New York, and Amsterdam, told me one day: "Thank you for having your job well-done. It's a success for the whole company!"
I couldn't care less if the grumpy taxi driver isn't able to mention a simple 'Salamat' after I pay my fare including a small tip. But if children forget to express their gratitude to their parents, who keep on trying everything to guarantee a good education while struggling financially through life - yes, then it becomes painful and embarrassing.
Well, let's think about it again. Saying thank you helps building up bridges and connections - not ONLY in business life - and it is at least as important as praise and recognition.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I want to be famous!

I want to be famous!

A career is a rapid motion. A course of action. A professional conduct in life. A progress through life. What is a careerist? One who rushes widely and makes his own personal advancement his or her own aim in life.
When career doubts won’t go away? What if you’re not happy in your job? Is it possible that you’re in the wrong entirely?
My parents always (!) wanted me to become a banker. So far so good. Why not? Maybe I would have been more (or very happy) in my job. Or not?
The pressure “to be” someone starts in life early indeed. Not only my parents, also peers and teachers begun to exert influence. Yes, I even didn’t know where my inclinations lie.
Being a doctor or a lawyer? Yes, I was interested in law and medicine during that time.
“The way that people pick careers is incredibly primitive,” said Nicholas Lore, founder of the Rockport Institute, a career coaching firm, and author of “The Pathfinder”. So, it’s no wonder, he said, that so many people are dissatisfied with their jobs. Me too! Yes, count me in! Not mass-communication has been been my subject, but publishing house management. So far so good.
I always thought about a true calling for me. Sure, people whose careers aren’t the right fit often feel like impostors, the Professor Robert I. Sutton, an organizational psychologist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, said. Very, very well said, Sir.
How about you, my dear reader? Are you also placing too high your value on the external rewards of job, like money, prestige and power? Sure, these things are indeed important. Hold on! The work you do and the skills your opportunity require and the value of your work are really more vital to fulfillment. Paperwork or not…. You think, you find a better career fit? Go ahead – but don’t expect that this is your life’s career!
I waited my “better calling” experiencing many better and wonderful moments in life. I experienced also that what I did had been very much compatible to me, as what my parents thought.
I became what I am now. A professor, a businessman, yes -thank you Lord!- a columnist, radio host and an expatriate in the Philippines since 18 years now (!) enjoying life here and cherishing the incredible companionship with these incredible Filipino people.