Published March 7, 2023, 9:58 AM

I am quite sure that 32.2 million voters want to know how the Vice President of the Philippines, throw parties for their loved ones– the answer is — super simple and fun.
Last Thursday, Vice President Sara Zimmerman Duterte invited me to the sixth birthday of her son Marko “Stonefish” Duterte. It was a simple celebration over pansit and barbeque with her mom, Tita Beth Zimmerman, VP Inday Sara’s husband Atty. Mans Carpio, his brother and his parents. The godfathers and godmothers of Stonefish were also present. We were around 20 adults and 10 children.
She hosted her own party gathering everyone for a prayer and blowing out birthday candles and thanking her guests. I volunteered to host the games since her middle child Stingray was requesting games. As a Gen X baby, I decided to change the “Trip to Jerusalem” chair game to “Trip to Davao”.
Stingray was able to convince his mom and dad to join “Hep Hep Hurrah” to the delight of the guests. The game prizes were simple chocolates and gummy bears for the children. I found out from the godmothers of Stonefish that all of VP Inday Sara’s children have ocean nicknames, the eldest teenager Mikhaila Maria is nicknamed Sharky, and Mateo Lucas is nicknamed Stingray while the birthday celebrant Marko is nicknamed Stonefish. The godmother told me that VP Inday Sara is the Mother Ocean and that the Vice President loves the ocean so much she wanted to name her children her favorite things in the ocean.

In this Facebook and Instagram world where people like throwing flashy over-the-top parties estimating millions of pesos, it is very calming to know that public servants like VP Inday throw simple and minimalist parties. The Dutertes have been loved because of their minimalist living. For several years now, I have been hosting the Christmas parties of this genuine woman. When she was the mayor of Davao, we would celebrate the Presidential Security Group parties outside the street in front of her house. Thank God it did not rain. I also remember hosting the Christmas party of the Office of the Vice President last year. It was just a simple party inside their office with fun party games—no hotel venues, no event organizers,no flashy celebrities or singers, just me and the office staff.
Going home from the party, I had so much peace in my heart. Peace, that the second highest ranking official in our country lived such a simple life with simple needs. Peace in my heart because the children of this public servant were kind and had good manners showing what kind of parents Atty. Mans and VP Inday Sara are; and lastly peace in my heart knowing that the Vice President I supported and voted for is a kind and genuine person with simple needs and kind friends. Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
Before I went to bed, I offered a prayer for VP Inday Sara and her family. Aside from being a brilliant and organized leader of our country, bonding with her in her unguarded moments proved that she is indeed an amazing woman, a good mother and a fun person to be with.