By Fr. Roy Cimagala *
SINCE God is the creator of all things, and the original and ultimate lawgiver, he should know all things and love them in the proper way. As a corollary to that, we can also say that we can only know and love all things properly if we base our knowing and loving on God himself. Otherwise, we would just put ourselves along the paths of error and impropriety.
Somehow we are reminded of this point in that gospel episode where the leading Jews of the time of Christ were always suspicious of him and at one time watched if he would cure somebody with a withered hand on a Sabbath. (cfr. Lk 6,6-11) That was when Christ made his point when he asked: “Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?”
We have to realize then that we cannot simply depend on our human estimation of things based simply on our sciences and technologies, on our feelings and passions, on our different social, political and cultural consensus, etc., though they too are important, but as secondary means of our way of knowing the truth and of loving everyone and everything.
We should try our best to know God which should lead us to love him also. By so doing, we would know everybody and everything else properly and to love them properly as well, as a consequence.
And knowing and loving God, the pattern of our own knowing and loving, should not be that difficult because these have been shown to us by Christ, the fullness of God’s revelation to us. And Christ continues not only to reveal them to us but also to enable us to do them because of the many instrumentalities he has left behind.
He founded the Church in which we can have his living teaching, the doctrine of our faith, his presence and continuing work of redemption through the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. And we are helped by the effective witness and intercession of the saints, especially that of our Lady, the Mother of God and our Mother.
We should just do our part of sitting down and spending time and effort to study the life and teaching of Christ and of the Church, and to develop a working plan of a life of piety that would help us to nourish our relation with God through prayers and sacrifices, ascetical struggles, recourse to the sacraments, development of virtues, etc.
We have to remember that our life ought to be always a life with God through Christ in the Holy Spirit. We have to adapt ourselves to this basic truth of faith about ourselves, because we are notorious in believing that our life is simply our own, and relying only on our own estimation of things.
We really need to humble ourselves to accept this truth of our faith, because it is usually our pride that prevents us from realizing this truth. We need to work on our faith in order to keep it alive, vibrant and functional, especially in some difficult if not impossible occasions.
We should not be surprised that life and all the challenges and trials we are going to face in it will always demand from us things beyond our powers and resources. And that’s simply because we are meant to go to God for all our needs, without neglecting any effort we can give along the way.
Only through God can we know and love everybody and everything else properly.
* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE),Talamban, Cebu City