You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Showing posts with label Jennylyn Mercado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennylyn Mercado. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

FHM Philippines Sexiest 2015: Jennylyn Mercado

By Gelo Gonzales

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Jennylyn Mercado is the sexiest woman in the Philippines today!
Let that sink in for a moment, FHM bros. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and telepathically send your congratulations to the woman who topped the polls for FHM Philippines100 Sexiest Women In The World 2015.
After consistently making it in the Top 10 of the 100 Sexiest in recent years, the three-time cover girl (January 2008, November 2009, and June 2013) makes the jump from the fourth spot and ascends the throne, succeeding Marian Rivera in the process.
Now, open your eyes, and have one long look at her:
#FHM100Sexiest2015: Jennylyn Mercado Is The Country's Finest!

Catch Jennylyn and the rest of the 99 beauties in the July issue of FHM Philippines, which includes the 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2015 supplement!