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Showing posts with label Aguirre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aguirre. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Aguirre lauds Philippine Accession to Budapest Convention

By Jeffrey Damicog, Manila Bulletin

Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II has lauded the country’s decision to join global efforts to fight cybercrime.
Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II testifies during the third leg of impeachment hearing against Supreme COurt Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno at the House of Representatives, November 28. (Kevin Tristan Espiritu / MANILA BULLETIN)
Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II
(Kevin Tristan Espiritu / MANILA BULLETIN)
The Senate on February 19 concurred with the Philippines’ accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime which was signed by President Duterte way back in December 2016.
“Our accession to the Convention will level the playing field between the Philippines and foreign counterparts in pursuing a common criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against cybercrimes,” Aguirre said in a statement.
“Indeed, it is a most welcome development. Thank you President Duterte and thank you to the senators who supported this milestone undertaking,” he stated.
With its accession, the Philippines will be joining 56 other countries as party to the Convention.
The Budapest Convention provides the needed mechanisms for the eradication of cybercrimes by facilitating their detection, investigation and prosecution both locally and internationally.
It will also provide arrangements for rapid and reliable international cooperation.
One of the main features of the convention is the establishment of central authorities which will enable State-parties to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for investigation and prosecution of cybercrime and cyber-related cases as well as for the collection of electronic evidence which may be situated anywhere in the world.
Under Republic Act No. 10175 (the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012), the Office of Cybercrime of the Department of Justice (DOJ) will be designated as the Ccntral authority in all matters related to international mutual assistance and extradition for cybercrime and cyber-related cases.