You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Showing posts with label JACQUELINE LUCERO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JACQUELINE LUCERO. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

It’s time to panic because of plastic

Is it an evil necessity?


Earth Day happens every 22nd of April yearly and this year's theme "Planet vs Plastics" highlights a critical environmental issue. Google reveals that annually, a staggering 380 million tons of plastic are produced, with just nine percent being recycled.

Plastic has infiltrated nearly every aspect of our modern lives, from the gadgets we use, furniture, appliances, cosmetics, toys, and transportation, to the food we consume. Yet, its ubiquitous presence comes at a steep cost to our planet.

The biggest negative impact of plastic pollution? Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to terrestrial and marine ecosystems alike. And it does not end there.  

1. Environmental degradation

Plastics take hundreds to thousands of years to break down, causing blockages in landfills and contaminating water bodies. Many of us have experienced floods during our lifetime, witnessing firsthand how trash ends up in our creeks. When heavy rain pours, our waterways rise due to the garbage overflow, persisting indefinitely since it doesn't dissolve when dumped in creeks and rivers. Yet, even now, some people thoughtlessly toss trash into these water sources. Is it truly "out of sight, out of mind"? Because when storms hit and rivers overflow, that trash comes right back to our doorsteps.

2. Wildlife endangerment  

Marine animals frequently confuse plastic debris for food, resulting in ingestion and entanglement. This poses grave threats to various marine creatures, including seabirds, turtles, and fish. During our annual shore clean-ups, we're often astonished by the types of trash left behind by people. From sanitary napkins and condoms to clothing, blankets, slippers, cigarette butts, and an array of food packaging, the littering is extensive and diverse.

3. Microplastic contamination

Microplastic contamination occurs when larger plastic items degrade into tiny particles, known as microplastics. These minuscule particles infiltrate various ecosystems, including water bodies, soil, and even the air we breathe. As they disintegrate, microplastics become pervasive, spreading far and wide across the environment.

One of the most concerning consequences of microplastic contamination is its impact on the food chain. These tiny particles are ingested by marine organisms, such as fish and shellfish, which mistakenly perceive them as food. As a result, microplastics gradually accumulate within the tissues of these creatures.

When humans consume seafood contaminated with microplastics, they unwittingly introduce these particles into their own bodies. Microplastics have been detected in various other food sources, including salt, honey, and even beer. This raises serious concerns about the potential health risks associated with microplastic consumption.

Furthermore, microplastics can absorb and concentrate harmful pollutants present in the environment, such as heavy metals and chemical additives. As they make their way up the food chain, these contaminants become increasingly concentrated, posing significant health risks to both wildlife and humans.

4. Carbon footprint 

Plastics play a significant role in our daily lives, but their production and disposal have far-reaching consequences. Not only do plastics contribute to pollution, but they also significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions. The process of manufacturing plastics releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Additionally, when plastics are disposed of improperly, such as through incineration, they release even more greenhouse gases, further exacerbating climate change.

Moreover, the lifecycle of plastics involves the extraction and processing of fossil fuels, which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. From drilling for oil to refining it into the raw materials used in plastic production, each step in the process releases carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air. This reliance on fossil fuels perpetuates our dependence on non-renewable resources and accelerates the pace of climate change.


Addressing the issue of plastics is not just about reducing waste; it's also about mitigating their impact on the environment and climate. By reducing our consumption of single-use plastics, promoting recycling and waste reduction initiatives, and investing in alternative materials and renewable energy sources, we can work towards a more sustainable future with a smaller carbon footprint.

While plastic's pervasiveness presents a formidable challenge, concerted efforts can help mitigate its impact:

1. Promote sustainable alternatives. Encourage the adoption of eco-friendly materials such as biodegradable plastics, paper, glass, bamboo, and metal.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink.

Embrace the mantra of reduce, reuse, recycle to minimize plastic consumption and waste generation. Adding "Rethink" emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating our consumption habits and considering alternative, more sustainable options. It encourages individuals and communities to question the status quo and seek innovative solutions to reduce waste and minimize environmental impact.

3. Legislative measures

Enact policies to limit single-use plastics, promote recycling initiatives, and incentivize businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices. Check with LGUs to see if they have solid policies that address environmental concerns. In Santa Rosa, Laguna, even the biggest store franchises have not been using plastic bags since 2008.

4. Consumer education

Raise awareness about the environmental consequences of plastic pollution and empower individuals to make informed choices. Make environmental education part of the curriculum and raise a generation of kids who love to nurture the earth.

5. Feasibility of the 60 percent reduction goal

The pledge made at the Earth Summit to reduce plastic use to 60 percent by 2040 is ambitious but achievable with concerted global action. Success will hinge on the collaboration of governments, businesses, and individuals to implement effective strategies and technologies. While challenges lie ahead, the urgency of the plastic crisis demands bold and decisive action.

Tackling plastic pollution is imperative for safeguarding the health and integrity of our planet. By reducing our reliance on plastic and embracing sustainable alternatives, we can pave the way for a healthier, more resilient Earth for generations to come. As we commemorate Earth Day, let us recommit ourselves to the battle against plastic pollution and strive for a future where our planet thrives in harmony with nature.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Rise: It’s never too late to be who you want to be



Do you find yourself often saying things like:

“I am too fat or skinny to...”
“I am too old or young to...”
“I am too inexperienced to...”
“I am too shy to...”
“I am too busy to...”
“I am too broke to...”


These self-limiting statements can be endless, but it’s essential to challenge and overcome them. These thoughts often reflect self-limiting beliefs that can be challenged to encourage personal growth and positive change.

These thoughts can hold us back from realizing our full potential. When we tell ourselves that we’re “too fat” or “too skinny,” we’re allowing negative perceptions of our bodies to dictate our capabilities. Similarly, thinking we’re “too old” or “too young” can hinder us from pursuing new experiences and learning opportunities. It’s crucial to recognize that age should not be a barrier to trying new things or embracing personal development.

Feeling “too inexperienced” might discourage us from taking on challenges. Every journey, however, starts with a first step, and every expert was once a beginner. Embracing a learning mindset can open doors to growth and skill development. Additionally, being “too shy” can limit our social interactions and hinder potential connections.

Building confidence gradually through small steps and positive affirmations can help break free from the constraints of shyness.
The excuse of being “too busy” is a common roadblock to pursuing passions and hobbies. While life can be hectic, finding moments for things we love contributes to a more fulfilling existence. Lastly, the belief that being “too broke” restricts us from certain opportunities should be met with resourcefulness. Creative solutions and budgeting can often lead to unexpected possibilities, proving that financial limitations don’t have to define our potential.

In essence, challenging these self-limiting thoughts involves cultivating a mindset of self-empowerment and resilience. Embracing the journey of personal growth requires acknowledging these barriers and actively working to overcome them, fostering a positive and proactive approach to life. 

You are not “too” old for your dreams, “too” stupid to learn new things, “too” awkward to be around, “too” hard to love, “too” broken to mend, “too” behind in life, doomed to be alone, a failure, or a letdown. Keep these in mind.

We occasionally let the outside world or our own inner critic force these false tales upon us.

The influence of the outside world and our inner critic can create a powerful narrative that doesn’t always align with our true potential. Society, especially social media, often imposes standards and expectations that might not resonate with our individuality. It’s crucial to recognize that societal norms are not one-size-fits-all, and embracing our unique qualities often leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life. By resisting external pressures and choosing self-acceptance, we break free from the constraints of societal expectations. We can pursue paths that align with our genuine selves.

Our inner critic, that nagging voice within, can be a formidable opponent. It tends to highlight our flaws and amplify our self-doubt. Understanding that this internal dialogue is not an accurate reflection of our capabilities is crucial. Challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with positive affirmations empowers us to rewrite our own story. Cultivating self-compassion allows us to acknowledge our imperfections without letting them define our self-worth.

It’s important to foster a mindset that recognizes setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than confirmation of inadequacy. When we let external judgments and our inner critic dictate our worth, we risk undermining our potential and limiting our possibilities. Embracing a mindset that values resilience and self-improvement enables us to navigate challenges with a sense of optimism. By dismantling the false tales imposed by the outside world and our inner critic, we pave the way for a more authentic, empowered, and fulfilling life.

You are never “too” good or bad to take on a worthwhile endeavor. Don’t confine yourself to certain viewpoints. You usually underestimate your strength, ability, and intelligence. That inner voice that makes you doubt your value? Give it your acknowledgement, but don’t ever listen to it. Acquire the skill to quiet it and substitute it with an uplifting voice that declares, “I can’t do this... yet” or “I’m not good at this... yet.”

You are a process, a sole traveler on a magnificent voyage of self-discovery, development, and advancement. Accept each step, acknowledge your accomplishments, and practice self-compassion when facing difficulties. You have the ability to write and re-write your own story for as many times as you need to.  So write your Life Story with resiliency, self-acceptance, and the knowledge that you are, in fact, a formidable opponent.

Embrace the journey of perpetual evolution. Your potential knows no bounds. Never limit yourself. Instead, thrive in the perpetual cycle of transforming, adjusting, gaining knowledge, and expanding. The adventure is yours to shape, and the horizon is limitless.

You are a wonderful work in progress, shaped and molded in the likeness and image of our Creator—ever-evolving, ever-becoming, ever-adapting, ever-learning, and ever-growing. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Why Chinese New Year is important for Filipinos



  • Food plays a central role in any Filipino celebration, and Chinese New Year is no exception. The culinary fusion during this time is a gastronomic delight that transcends cultural boundaries. 



In the vibrant history of Philippine culture, the celebration of Chinese New Year stands out as a captivating blend of tradition, festivity, and a harmonious fusion of two rich cultural heritages.

The annual event, also known as “Lunar New Year” or “Spring Festival,” brings together Filipino and Chinese communities in a colorful and joyous celebration that spans generations.

The cultural melting pot

At the heart of this festive amalgamation lies the undeniable influence of Chinese culture in the Philippines. Historical ties dating back centuries have woven the threads of tradition into the fabric of Filipino society. The influx of
Chinese immigrants over the years has not only shaped the demographics but has also left an indelible mark on the country’s customs and celebrations.

As January comes to an end, the anticipation for Chinese New Year starts to build across the archipelago. Streets adorned with red lanterns and vibrant decorations signal the impending arrival of the auspicious
occasion. The atmosphere becomes charged with excitement as Filipino-Chinese communities prepare for a festival that symbolizes renewal, prosperity, and good fortune. 

One cannot help but be mesmerized by the sea of red and gold that dominates the scenery during Chinese New Year. These colors, symbolizing luck and wealth, paint the towns and cities in a lively hue, creating a visual spectacle that captivates locals and visitors alike. From traditional clothing to intricate decorations, the vibrant palette sets the stage for a celebration like no other.


A gesture of goodwill

The tradition of giving Ang Pao, red envelopes containing money, is a cherished custom during Chinese New Year. In the Philippines, this practice has evolved to embrace the Filipino value of generosity. It’s not just limited to family members but extends to friends and even strangers, reflecting the warmth and hospitality ingrained in Filipino culture. What makes Chinese New Year in the Philippines even more fascinating is the inclusive nature of the celebrations. Filipinos from various religious backgrounds participate in the festivities, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. It is a testament to the country’s unique
ability to weave diverse strands into a harmonious tapestry of

Beyond the revelry, Chinese New Year in the Philippines is also a time for reflection and setting positive intentions for the coming year. Families visit
temples and engage in spiritual practices, seeking blessings for health, prosperity, and happiness. It is a moment of introspection, where individuals strive to let go of the past and embrace new opportunities with open hearts.  

A feast for the senses

Food plays a central role in any Filipino celebration, and Chinese New Year is no exception. The culinary fusion during this time is a gastronomic delight that transcends cultural boundaries. Tables are adorned with a variety of dishes, each bearing the distinct flavors of both Filipino and Chinese cuisines. From the iconic tikoy (a sweet sticky rice cake) to savory dumplings, the feast is a culinary journey that reflects the diversity of the communities celebrating together. 


The rhythmic beating of drums and the clashing of cymbals fill the air as dragon and lion dances take center stage. These traditional performances, believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck, are a mesmerizing display of skill and coordination. Communities come alive as the vibrant dragons and lions dance through the streets, accompanied by the enthusiastic cheers of onlookers.

The sky erupts into a kaleidoscope of colors as firecrackers and fireworks light up the night. The explosive display is not only a visual spectacle but also a symbol of driving away negative energy and welcoming the new year with a bang. The cacophony of sounds that accompanies the display adds to the sensory overload, creating an unforgettable experience for all.

While Chinese New Year celebrations in the Philippines stay true to many traditional practices, there is a distinctly Filipino flair that adds charm to the festivities. Families gather for reunions, exchanging gifts and sharing laughter. The spirit of bayanihan, or community cooperation, is palpable as neighbors come together to ensure everyone has a joyful celebration.


Bridging generations

Chinese New Year serves as a bridge between generations, fostering a sense of continuity and cultural pride. Grandparents share stories of old traditions
with wide-eyed grandchildren, passing down customs that have been upheld for centuries. The intergenerational exchange creates a profound connection to heritage, ensuring that the essence of the celebration endures through time.
In the Philippines, Chinese New Year is more than just a calendar event; it’s a celebration of diversity, unity, and the rich tapestry of cultural influences that define the nation. The fusion of Filipino and Chinese traditions creates a symphony of colors, tastes, and sounds that resonates with the spirit of a nation proud of its multicultural identity.

As the lanterns sway gently in the evening breeze and the echoes of dragon dances linger in the air, Chinese New Year in the Philippines stands as a testament to the beauty of cultural harmony. It is a celebration that transcends borders, bringing together communities in a shared embrace of tradition, joy, and the hopeful promise of a new beginning. In the heart of this festival, amidst the laughter and the feasting, one finds the essence of a nation that treasures its past while eagerly stepping into a future illuminated by the vibrant glow of unity.

No matter how you say “Happy New Year” in your own dialects and mother tongues, here is wishing everyone an abundance of blessings of health, wealth, and happiness!

Monday, January 1, 2024

How to spend the next 52 weeks

 Here’s a week-on-week guide to make 2024 your year of transformation


  • In 2024, let’s commit to 52 weeks of activities that not only enhance our lives but also contribute positively to the world around us.


Embarking on a journey of self-improvement doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, it can be an exciting and fulfilling adventure. In 2024, let’s commit to 52 weeks of activities that not only enhance our lives but also contribute positively to the world around us. From learning new languages to fostering gratitude and kindness, each week brings an opportunity for personal growth. So, let’s dive into a year full of transformative experiences!


Weeks 1–4
Learn a new language
Start the year by embracing a new language. Whether it’s Spanish, Mandarin, or French, learning a language not only expands your cultural horizons but also boosts cognitive abilities. Practical applications? There’s a lot!
Consider the practical advantages and envision yourself effortlessly navigating Seoul, seamlessly blending into the bustling scenes like a character from a K-drama, fluently expressing yourself in Hangul as if you were a native to the place.
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Weeks 5-8
Read one book a week
Dive into the world of literature and challenge yourself to read a book each week. Mix genres for a well-rounded experience and gain valuable insights that can shape your perspective. The pages you turn aren’t just stories. They’re gateways to understanding the human experience in all its complexity. Rediscovering the joy of reading is like rediscovering old friends and making new ones with every turn of the page, a personal odyssey that enriches your mind, broadens your horizons, and reignites the magic of storytelling in your life. 
Week 9–12
Practice kindness and gratitude
Cultivate a habit of kindness and gratitude. Small acts of kindness and expressions of gratitude can have a profound impact on your well-being and that of those around you. Kindness, expressed through simple acts like holding the door open for a stranger or offering a sincere compliment, radiates positivity that extends far beyond the initial gesture. It creates a ripple effect, uplifting not only your own spirits but also those of others who witness or receive these acts of goodwill.
Week 13–16
Tithe time to worthwhile missions
Dedicate time to volunteer for or support a cause you believe in. Contributing to worthwhile missions not only helps others but also brings a sense of purpose to your life.  Take time to check on what advocacies that resonate with your beliefs and contribute to the cause in whatever shape and form you can impart yourself in that mission.
Week 17-20
Tithe to uplift spiritual journeys
Allocate a portion of your resources to support institutions or initiatives that contribute to spiritual growth. This could involve supporting a local church, meditation center, or any organization aligned with your beliefs. Tithing money to support institutions or initiatives aligned with your spiritual growth is a significant step toward fostering a harmonious balance in your life. Financial contributions play a crucial role in sustaining and expanding the reach of organizations dedicated to spiritual development.
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Week 21–24
Spend time with parents
Family is invaluable, and spending quality time with parents fosters stronger connections. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a simple dinner, cherish moments with your loved ones. Beyond the joy of shared experiences, spending quality time with your parents is an investment in the emotional wealth of your family bonds.
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Week 25–28
Grow your own food
Explore the joy of gardening by growing your own fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Not only is it rewarding, it also promotes a healthier lifestyle. Explore plant-based cooking and learn new ways to use herbs in your healthy food.
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Week 29-32
Challenge yourself
Step out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s learning to wakeboard, trying a new sport, taking on a challenging project, or even asking for forgiveness (yes, it is this random), embrace the thrill of stepping into the unknown. Just dare to do something you haven’t done before and put a big check mark on that item on your bucket list.
Week 33-36
Explore local history and museums
Discover the richness of your own town by exploring local museums and delving into its history. Uncover hidden gems and gain a deeper appreciation for your community. No, visiting museums is not just for field trips! It is there for anyone to visit, enjoy, and experience the rich culture of their hometown.
Week 37–40
Declutter and recycle
Continue the decluttering journey. Donate items you no longer need and embrace a lifestyle of dynamic cycling and recycling to promote sustainability. A surprise awaits us for all those unopened boxes under the stairs and those that are tucked away high up in those cabinets that need dusting.
Week 41–44
Learn a new skill
Pick up a new skill that interests you—whether it’s photography, coding, or cooking. Lifelong learning keeps the mind sharp and opens up new opportunities. Continue to be interested in things you love doing but don’t have the time to do. Now is the moment you have been waiting for.
Week 45–48
Attend conventions and events
Immerse yourself in knowledge and networking by attending conventions related to your interests or industry. Connect with like-minded individuals and stay abreast of the latest trends. You will be surprised that new knowledge will spark your fire anew.
Week 49-52
Family albums, carpentry, swimming, and reflection
Wrap up the year by tackling that long-lost to-do list. Spruce up family albums, do that carpentry work in your kitchen you have been longing to do, conquer your fear of water by learning to swim, and take time for self-reflection. Celebrate your growth and become a better version of yourself every day.

As we embrace these 52 weeks of personal development, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Each week presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute positively to the world.

Let 2024 be a year of transformation, self-discovery, and becoming the best version of yourself. Cheers to a year filled with purpose and personal fulfillment!

Happy 2024, everyone!

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Why Pinoy Christmas comes early?

Starting our celebration in September helps Filipinos in so many ways


  • The 'Ber months mark the beginning of a cultural phenomenon as resilient as our spirit, as cherished as our loved ones, and as timeless as Jose Mari Chan himself.


SIMBANG GABI Many Filipinos go to churches to attend the simbang gabi for nine days.
(Juan Carlo De Vela)

In many parts of the world, Christmas officially begins in December, marked by the first sight of festive lights and the sweet jingles of holiday music. In the Philippines, a unique tradition exists where Christmas cheer ignites as soon as the calendar flips to Sept. 1. Yes, you read that right; The Ber months are the starting pistol for a marathon of merriment and festivities in the Philippines!


Now, you might be thinking, “September? But that’s still summer!” Well, in the Philippines, we’re not ones to let seasons dictate our Christmas spirit. For us, the Ber months signify more than just a change in the calendar; they mark the beginning of a cultural phenomenon as resilient as our spirit, as cherished as our loved ones, and as timeless as Jose Mari Chan himself.


So, why does the Philippines start celebrating Christmas three months early? 

One historical aspect contributing to the early Christmas celebration is the story of how Simbang Gabi came to be. During the Spanish colonial era, friars noticed that farmers who had to wake up early for work were unable to attend mass. To accommodate them, the friars decided to hold masses before sunrise, starting on Dec. 16. This tradition became known as “Simbang Gabi.” 


Over the years, Simbang Gabi evolved into a beloved Filipino Christmas tradition, with devotees attending the early morning masses, followed by a variety of festive activities. As September turns to October and November, anticipation builds like a crescendo in a beautiful symphony, bringing us closer to the grand culmination on Christmas Eve. This practice symbolizes both the religious significance and the sense of togetherness that Filipinos hold dear during the holiday season, making it a unique and cherished part of Filipino culture.


In addition to its historical origins, Simbang Gabi holds a fascinating layer of belief among Filipinos. It is said that completing the nine consecutive morning masses, which start on the dawn of Dec. 16 and culminate on Christmas Eve, is believed to grant any wish. This belief adds a profound sense of motivation and dedication to those attending these early morning services. It transforms Simbang Gabi into not just a religious practice but also a period of hopeful anticipation, where individuals come with their hearts full of desires and dreams, seeking divine blessings during the Christmas season.


For the younger generations, Simbang Gabi can sometimes serve as a clever excuse to spend quality time with their boyfriends or girlfriends. In a culture where family values are deeply ingrained, attending mass together provides a convenient cover for young couples to see each other, hidden within the agenda of going to church. This blending of youthful romance with tradition reflects the dynamic nature of Filipino society, where modern relationships coexist with time-honored customs.


As the anticipation leading up to Christmas builds, Simbang Gabi becomes a focal point of Filipino communities, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness. It’s not just about attending mass. It’s about coming together with family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate the season. After each early morning mass, the festive activities continue with traditional food, such as puto bumbong, bibingka, and tsokolate-eh cooking outside the church yard, creating a joyful atmosphere that permeates the entire community.


In essence, Simbang Gabi encapsulates the intricate tableau of Filipino culture, combining history, faith, aspiration, and even young love into a single tradition. It showcases the Filipino people’s ability to blend old and new, while always cherishing the values of togetherness, faith, and community, making it an enduring and cherished part of Filipino heritage.


The sights and sounds of the early Christmas season are equally enchanting. Malls and streets are adorned with colorful lights and decorations, turning every corner into a wonderland. Several places in Luzon, like Policarpio Street in the City of Mandaluyong, The Cross Winds in Tagaytay, The Paskuhan Village in Pampanga, The Fountain of Lights in Nuvali, and the Christmas Village in Baguio, embrace this tradition with gusto.


This extended celebration isn’t just about the calendar, it’s about the profound sense of belonging and unity it fosters. In a world that often feels divided, the Philippines’ early Christmas celebration serves as a beacon of unity and love. It’s a reminder that, no matter the challenges we face, the power of togetherness and the joy of giving can light up our lives.


Perhaps one of the most relatable aspects of this extended celebration is the feeling of nostalgia it evokes. Many Filipinos who live abroad eagerly await the Ber months to reconnect with their roots and traditions. The smell of Filipino food, the sound of Christmas songs in both English and Tagalog, and the warmth of family gatherings help bridge the gap between distant lands and cherished memories.


The Ber months in the Philippines are more than just an early start to Christmas. They are a testament to the resilience, warmth, and generosity of the Filipino people. This unique tradition is a poignant reflection that the true magic of Christmas lies not in the date but in the love and unity we share with one another. 


Whether it’s September or December, the Philippines’ heartwarming celebration of Christmas will always make you feel right at home, proving that the enduring Filipino spirit is, indeed, the heart of the holiday season.