By: Samuel Astacaan Escabarte
In the Philippines, there are several ways to earn money online. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of Filipinos who earn money online increased multifold. Being confined at home, Filipinos have turned online for livelihood to feed their families.
Online jobs of the Filipinos:
- Blogging. With basic knowledge in English language, many Filipinos turn to blogging.
- Vlogs. It's another platform for online livelihood for the Filipinos. Armed with smartphone or DSLR camera, many Filipinos have tried their luck vlogging.
- Online selling. Online selling has been the favorite livelihood of the Filipinos especially during lockdowns. Filipinos sell different items online from beauty products to ready to wear (RTWs) clothes.
- Online teaching/tutorial. Millions of Filipinos earn online through tutorial to different nationalities.
- Since the pandemic, lives of the Filipinos have been hard. Millions of Filipinos have lost their jobs temporarily and permanently. Many mothers plead for help online. Exchanging things for their babies' milk.’