Can you imagine that there are some benefits from keeping old newspaper clippings? I mean my old previously published columns. For me yes.
From life experiences, I see that progress and failure are both parts of my journey. My columns are mostly a view into a mirror. I am reminded of God's grace when I read (and wrote before) how He helped me to find solutions to problems. I also gained insight from past struggles that help with issues I am currently facing during this pandemic times. I remember one of my previous columns entitled "If failures get results".
God has indeed been faithfully working in my life.
I read a story by Dennis Fisher, who didn't keep publishing clippings but a spiritual journal. He advised: "Journaling may be useful to you too. It can help you see more clearly what God is teaching you on life's journey. To begin a journal, record your struggles, reflect on a verse that is especially comforting or challenging, or write a prayer of thankfulness for God's faithfulness."
Pandemic and Christmas. The most awaited season of the years has finally come. For many of us, December should still be a glow that blossoms across the eastern horizon bringing the promise of a new beginning. December and Christmas should be the song to awaken our hardened hearts, to touch those people around us, who might have waited a long time for such a move. Let's become "new people" at last.
Yes, I won't lose hope and belief in a better next year. The virus may be there but it can't erase Christmas.