Mother Teresa once said, "It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you".
That is why in November, Christmas will be celebrated early in Davao City. Seda Abreeza Hotel and Lighthouse Homeschooling Network (LHN) jointly pesent "A NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS- A Special Dinner-Concert for the benefit of 'special' (differently-abled) youth trainees at SHINE Life Skills Center.
The fund-raising event will feature Davao City's very own AVI (Agdao Violin Institute) String Quartet. Their live, soothing music will play, while guests dine buffet-style at the T'nalak Hall, Seda Abreeza Hotel on November 14, 2015 from 6 to 8 pm.
This is a rare event where people reach out to 'special' individuals. It is an opportunity to "let God love others through you" and actually find joy in doing it.
Be a part of this worthwhile evening of dining, music and dancing. Let it be Christmas in November.