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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

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Showing posts with label A six-session online course for writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A six-session online course for writers. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2023

A six-session online course for writers


Through writing, they will discover themselves more deeply.


  • Through writing, they will discover themselves more deeply.

Barbara 'Tweetums' Gonzalez-Ventura

Beginning July 1, a six-session writing course will begin at Sunshine Place. Called “Write About Life,” the online course will be conducted on Saturdays, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. by Barbara “Tweetums” Gonzalez-Ventura.

This is not an ordinary creative writing class. Participants will learn the best way to share at least one lesson that life has taught them. Through writing, they will discover themselves more deeply and find their voice to share life lessons.

Gonzalez-Ventura is a columnist for the Philippine Star. She is also the author of How Do You Know Your Pearls Are Real?, a 1991 National Book Awardee, and We’re History!, a collection of her columns on ordinary life.  She has been a columnist for 35 years and has been teaching about the art of writing since 1988.

She also served as creative director and editor of Finding the Sun, a book written by members of Sunshine Place: Senior Recreation Center.
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