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Showing posts with label Rikki Dela Pena. Manila Bulletin Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rikki Dela Pena. Manila Bulletin Entertainment. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Beauty queen Rikki Dela Pena gets featured on digital billboard



  • Ms. Philippine Youth International 2019, and reigning Miss Philippines Face of Tourism.
  • Rikki is the executive producer of Manila Fashion Runway. She will have a fashion show dubbed "Manila Fashion Runway Summer ‘23" which will be held at the White Space Manila on March 26.

Rikki Dela Pena (Facebook)

Spotted along the corner of Edsa and Magallanes in Makati City was the latest digital billboard of Block Modeling School, a school that trains aspiring and experienced models with the help of professionals in the modeling industry. 

Also seen at the same spot was the digital billboard of Modernò Eyewear founded by Rikki Dela Pena, Ms. Philippine Youth International 2019, and reigning Miss Philippines Face of Tourism.


Rikki is the executive producer of Manila Fashion Runway. She will have a fashion show dubbed "Manila Fashion Runway Summer ‘23" which will be held at the White Space Manila on March 26.


Special thanks to fashion designer Ana Matutina and Joville Reyes.

Moderno by Rikki billboard models: Trisha, Ana, Chin, Duke, Rikki, and Althea. Follow @moderno.official on Instagram and visit