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Showing posts with label upholds climate action through comprehensive approach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upholds climate action through comprehensive approach. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Vena Energy supports efforts for renewable energy, upholds climate action through comprehensive approach


With its continuous commitment to uphold climate action and the mission to expedite the transition of energy across the Asia Pacific region, Vena Energy expresses support for the country’s effort and active promotion of renewables in the energy mix, lowers prices, employment increases, and contributes to the nation’s growth. 

The Philippine government has set its priority on expanding and developing the country's energy supply to achieve a 35 percent power mix by 2030 and 50 percent by 2040. The government is continuously promoting renewables through extensive efforts such as the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP), and the Green Energy Auction Program (GEAP), which highly encourage companies to invest in renewable energy. 

Vena Energy is a Singapore-based independent power producer of renewable energy that supports the country's goals by developing sustainable and affordable renewable energy solutions that bring lasting economic, social, and environmental benefits to its stakeholders. Vena Energy has been able to develop, construct, operate, and commercialize renewable energy projects across the Asia Pacific region and has established a strong regional presence with 900 employees and 79 corporate sites. 

For over 10 years now, the company has established a presence in the Philippines by managing five solar power plants along with the 54 MW Pililla Wind Farm. The farm has gained a reputation as a popular tourist attraction in Rizal and has been highlighted in numerous local and international campaigns. 

More than that, the Rizal Wind Power Project upholds Vena Energy’s mission to accelerate energy transition while also being aware of its corporate responsibilities and environmental impact. It also looks after the communities it serves through job creation, economic development or revenue generation for the local government unit, and corporate social responsibility. 

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The Philippine government has been effortful in promoting renewables to achieve its goal of a 35 percent power mix by 2030. Renewable energy companies like Vena Energy based in Singapore are optimistic in its support of these objectives. One project that upholds Vena Energy and concerned parties' commitment to providing and promoting renewable energy in the country is the 54 MW Pililla Wind Farm.

The Rizal Wind Power Project prioritizes local hiring from the development stage to the day of its operation. The coordination with the LGU for local job hiring has resulted in 95 percent of employees in various Vena Energy operating plants being composed of residents from the community. 

Additionally, the economic benefit from the project comes from the payment of various local taxes such as real property taxes, local business taxes, government share and royalty tax, tourism, and farm-to-market roads; providing revenue for the local community. 

Vena Energy also conducts and implements long-term CSR initiatives, which are defined according to community needs. These project arrangements include initiatives such as scholarship opportunities, with a special focus on female learners pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), steps towards minimizing hunger struggles and promoting the preservation of vulnerable species of pawikan. 

The company also made sure that in every project, it adhered to government regulations and mandatory testing and compliance by obtaining all required permits, compliance with the Indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997, and consultations. 

Vena Energy has acquired several permits and certificates from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), has been issued a Certificate of Registration by the Board of Investments (BOI), and clearances from Protected Area Management Boards of UMRBPL (Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape). 

The Rizal Wind Farm has secured Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) from the Dumagat/Remontado indigenous people of Antipolo and Tanay. This was achieved through communication and consultation with the IP communities' elders and chieftains. 

The DENR Administrative Order (DENR DAO 2017-15) sets guidelines on public participation under the Philippine EIS System (PEISS), and consultations were held accordingly. Dialogue and discussions were also conducted with barangay and communities in Tanay and Antipolo, along with various stakeholders and representatives from DENR. 

Vena Energy is not only committed to providing sustainable and affordable renewable energy in the country but also strongly adheres to environmental laws. The actions taken by Vena Energy ensure the protection and preservation of our biodiversity, maintain ecosystem services and sustainably manage natural resources, which are prerequisites for sustainable development.