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Monday, January 23, 2023

AUDIOJUNKIE: Pop newbies, rappers and the class of Pinoy pop 2023

Published January 23, 2023, 7:12 AM

by Punch Liwanag

Photo composite (top, from left) official single art Matt Wilson, Cean Jr., Pusakalye, Celine Laroza; (below, from left) official art J emm Dahon King Lheanard Kushin, Ace Cirera, Zach x Zeph, Krisostomo Goonbogart Jessie Dave

Local music is booming, and here’s a sampling of the latest from newbies to rappers, R&B rap-singers and popsters.

Starting with Matt Wilson who makes his debut as a Wild Dream Records music artist with the wonderful sounding new song titled “Alitaptap.” Minimalist, wistful, yet modern sounding at the same time, “Alitaptap” is the perfect jump off point for listeners into the music of alt-pop singer-songwriter Matt Wilson.

Modern-day soulster and R&B singer-songwriter Cean Jr. brings out a vibey soul original on his new song “Hirap O Sarap.” Cean Jr. puts to music his own experience of loving someone and the result is this soulful ballad about love and relationships for ‘better or worse.’ 

Alitaptap by Matt Wilson Wild Dream Records official e-card Copyright January 2023

It’s R&B and rap on a new three-way song collaboration titled “Hin.” This new and original bop features rising rappers/singers Krisostomo, Goonbogart and Jessie Dave and is veritable word flow bonanza wrapped in city pop grooves.

Celine Laroza is a sweet-sounding singer-songwriter behind the acoustic flavored “Muntik Lang.” Simplified and devoid of studio gimmickry, Celine relies on her song’s inherent catchiness to get her point across as she sings about the what-could’ve-been of a relationship. Then there’s the acoustic pop flavored “Pang-gabi” which forms part of the back-to-back singles from Laroza. This song about a love that’s undecided and the confusion it brings, wrapped in barebones acoustic flavored pop, is the aesthetic of this talented pop singer.

Pusakalye releases the fine-sounding new single titled “Baka Pwede.” Pusakalye changes its tact and stops chasing tired sounding “hugot songs” for a more energetic, go-getter of a song in this upbeat pop rocker that sounds a lot more fitting for their name, skills and if it continues, a pop rock sound they can call their own.

Sibling music act Zach x Zeph tries to branch out into dance music via their new single titled “Won’t Stop.” According to the singer-songwriters, the song is “about the adoration of someone you like and the appreciation of all the wonderful feelings that seeing that person triggers in you.” That basically describes the feeling this song conjures, with its positivity and the upbeat dance club feels it manages to bottle in this song. 

Muntik Lang by Celine Laroza Blacksheep Records Manila official e-card Copyright January 2023

Three main men from viral rap group HOOD 047 namely J emm Dahon, King Lheanard and Kushin (Richard OIamit) collaborate on a J Emm Dahon-produced track titled “Space Jam.” This bouncy, trap-beat driven number is all about rising above in life through pursuing love and passion. Written by J emm, KL and Kushin, this is a warm up for an upcoming EP that will soon drop.

Rap music artist Ace Cirera makes his Viva Records solo debut via the flowing and lyrical bop titled “Sagot Kita.” Ace Cirera is a Pinoy rap music scene vet and is associated with acts such as Because and NexxFriday. He’s also one-fourth of the rap collective Flow Minister. Ace Cirera gets some assistance from R&B singer Yzkk who gets to sing the hook chorus vocals behind Ace Cirera’s blunt rap bursts.

New Vivamax movie “Panibugho” a new original Movie featuring Angela Morena, Stephanie Raz, Mikaela Raz, Kiko Estrada, Benz Sangalang and directed by Iar Arondaing features two popular music acts in the Pinoy music scene today. Starting with Bandang Lapis’ emotional brand of pop rock with “Pagsisisi.” Then there’s Lyca Gairanod whose previously released single, the endearing ballad “Malapit Na Akong Mahulog Sa Iyo” lends some sonic color for the tryst-and-turns of this new movie.

Fund for P2-B waste-to-energy project in Davao City still available

by Antonio Colina IV

DAVAO CITY – The 5.013-billion yen or P2.052-billion donation of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2018 for the construction of a waste-to-energy project in Davao City is still available, First District Councilor Temujin “Tek” Ocampo said.

In an interview, Ocampo said that the local government is just waiting for the National Economic Development Authority to approve the project because it requires a counterpart fund of at least P3.486 billion from the national government.

The local government plans to build a WTE project in a 10-hectare property in Biao Escuela, Tugbok District. 

Ocampo said he is hoping that NEDA will approve the WTE project within the year.

He believed the project would push through despite the strong opposition from different environmental advocates in the city.

“I will support the completion of the project because we are already in the implementing stage. The 19th Council approved the project, and it’s now in implementing stage. We are only waiting for updates from NEDA for the budget requirements,” he said.

He said that representatives from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Department of Energy expressed support for the proposed project when they visited this city in December. 

Ocampo said the WTE would generate a capacity of 11 megawatts. Of this total, 30 percent will be utilized to run the facility.

Various groups are wary of the establishment of WTE facility due to its potential hazards to the health of the local residents and Davao’s rich biodiversity, particularly the fragile watersheds.

Environmental advocates pointed out that the wastes generated in the city are 50 percent organic, which cannot be utilized to fuel a WTE technology.

This city generates around 600 to 700 tons of waste daily, according to the City Environment and Natural Resources Office.

Ocampo added that segregation will still be practiced even after the WTE project is established.

He also allayed fears that the project would have detrimental effects on the health of the public and the environment. 

Ocampo claimed that studies from countries utilizing the technology have shown that those facilities neither pose health risks nor threaten the environment.

“To be honest with you, the council has already approved the project, and we are now on implementing stage… We are asking the national government to allocate the budget so that we can push through the project,” he said.

Atty. Mark Peñalver, executive director of the Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS), said that a WTE facility is a “dangerous way” of generating power as it is not a renewable energy source and produces more greenhouse gasses than coal.

He said the incinerator, which emits highly toxic and carcinogenic substance, will affect residents of 20 barangays here – Mintal, Santo Niño, Catalunan Grande, Langub, Waan, Callawa, Riverside, Balengaeng, Tacunan, Biao Guianga, Angalan, Los Amigos, Talandang, New Valencia, New Carmen, Matina Biao, Tagakpan, Ula, Tugbok, and Biao Escuela.

The project site of the proposed WTE facility is located 2.2 kilometers away from Biao Escuela Elementary School, and 550 meters from a relocation site of displaced families in Catalunan Grande, according to Peñalver.

Cargo ship grounded off Sorsogon

by Martin Sadongdong

A cargo ship ran aground off Barcelona, Sorsogon due to rough weather condition, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported Sunday, Jan. 22.

Photo: PCG

An incident report from the PCG said landing craft tank (LCT) Regent 101 departed from Lazi, Siquijor on Jan. 19 enroute to Lidong, Albay when it encountered bad weather on Jan. 20. 

“While navigating the vicinity waters off Barcelona, the vessel encountered strong winds and big waves, causing it to be drifted into the shallow waters,” the PCG said.

The vessel was dragged into the vicinity waters of Sitio Boracay in Barangay Luneta, the PCG said.

The Coast Guard Station Sorsogon inspected the hull integrity of the distressed vessel for possible oil spill, and the nearby seabed for marine damage.

The distressed vessel is owned and operated by a certain Southern Regent Shipping Inc.

Kaum Handhabe bei verspäteter Brief- und Paketzustellung

In vielen Verteilzentren der Post ruht die Arbeit. Wer auf Pakete oder Briefe wartet, sollte Geduld mitbringen. © Carsten Rehder/dpa/dpa-tmn

In vielen Verteilzentren der Deutschen Post ruht die Arbeit, die Gewerkschaft Verdi hat zu Warnstreiks aufgerufen. Einige Menschen dürften deshalb länger auf ihre Sendung warten. Können sie etwas tun?

Köln/Bonn - Ob das mit Spannung erwartete Mode-Paket oder die Rechnung des Gasversorgers: Viele Sendungen dürften derzeit in den Verteilzentren der Deutschen Post stranden und auf ihre Weiterverarbeitung warten. Für Empfängerinnen und Empfänger kann das nicht nur ärgerlich sein, sondern auch unangenehme Folgen haben. Was Betroffene jetzt tun können? Wir geben Antworten auf wichtige Fragen.

Wie viel Zeit darf zwischen Aufgabe und Zustellung einer Sendung vergehen?

Wie lange Brief- und Paketsendungen unterwegs sein dürfen, schreibt die Post-Universaldienstleistungsverordnung vor. Demnach müssen im Jahresdurchschnitt mindestens 80 Prozent der inländischen Briefsendungen am Tag nach dem Versand zugestellt werden, 95 Prozent bis zum zweiten Werktag nach Aufgabe. Bei Paketen müssen 80 Prozent bis zum zweiten Werktag nach Einlieferung ausgeliefert werden. Sendungen, die bis 17 Uhr in einen Briefkasten eingeworfen oder in einer Filiale abgegeben werden, gelten am selben Tag als aufgegeben.

Laut Bundesnetzagentur muss nicht jeder einzelne am Markt tätige Postdienstleister diese Forderung erfüllen. Die Deutsche Post hat allerdings in einer Selbstverpflichtung erklärt, allen Anforderungen der Verordnung zu entsprechen.

Die Bundesnetzagentur überprüft die Einhaltung der Standards in regelmäßigen Abständen und stellt Mängel bei der Zustellung oder andere Verschlechterungen der Postversorgung durch eingehende Beschwerden fest. Nimmt sie Auffälligkeiten wahr, fordert sie das jeweilige Postunternehmen nach eigenen Angaben auf, die Mängel abzustellen. Sanktionsmöglichkeiten hat die Bundesnetzagentur aber nicht.

Was können Empfänger tun, wenn sie länger auf ihre Post warten müssen?

Wer lange auf seine Post warten muss, sollte sich zunächst an den jeweiligen Postdienstleister wenden. Dauern die Probleme länger an oder wiederholen sich, ist es sinnvoll, eine Beschwerde bei der Schlichtungsstelle Post der Bundesnetzagentur einzureichen. Das Verfahren ist kostenfrei und soll helfen, eine Einigung im Streit zwischen Kunde und Postunternehmen zu erzielen, wenn der direkte Weg erfolglos geblieben ist.

Wie finde ich heraus, wo die Sendung abgeblieben ist?

Als Empfänger schwierig. Einen Nachforschungsantrag, um herauszufinden, wo die Sendung abgeblieben ist, können bei geeigneter Versandart - etwa einem Einschreiben oder einem Paket - nur Versender stellen.

Schnee, Eis und Glätte in Bayern: Erneut viele Unfälle – Polizei zieht teure Bilanz

Die Glätte auf den Straßen Bayerns führte am Wochenende erneut zu vielen Unfällen. (Symbolbild) © Maximilian Koch / IMAGO

Von: Felix Herz, Merkur

Der Winter hat Bayern fest im Griff und die Wetterbedingungen sorgten für viele Unfälle. Die Bilanz ist – glücklicherweise – nur finanziell teuer.

München – Die Wucht, mit der der Winter vergangene Woche einsetzte, war überraschend. Am Mittwoch kam es bereits zu zahlreichen Unfällen, besonders im Norden des Freistaats. Auch zum Wochenende hin hielt der Schneefall an, am Samstagabend stieg die Lawinengefahr in den Alpen. Entsprechend schneeglatt war es auf den Straßen Bayerns – und das führte erneut zu vielen Unfällen.

Bereits am Samstag, 21. Januar, gab es enorm viele Unfälle. Bei mindestens 91 Zusammenstößen entstand ein Sachschaden von rund 400.000 Euro, berichtet die Polizei. Glücklicherweise waren die meisten Unfälle dabei glimpflich ausgegangen. In der Nacht auf Sonntag, 22. Januar, krachte es aber erneut mehrmals. Mindestens acht Unfälle mit einigen Leichtverletzten zählt die Polizei.

In Marktheidenfeld, Landkreis Main-Spessart, ist zum Beispiel ein Sattelzug gegen einen Stromverteiler und eine Straßenlaterne gefahren. Zuvor war das Fahrzeug des 46-Jährigen aufgrund der Schneeglätte ins Schleudern geraten. Zur Bergung musste zeitweise der Strom abgeschaltet werden.

Zahlreiche Unfälle im Süden von München – Winterglätte sorgt für Unfälle

Viele Unfälle gab es im Landkreis Starnberg. Am Samstagnachmittag kam eine 41-jährige Autofahrerin in Königswiesen aufgrund der Schneeglätte mit ihrem Wagen ins Rutschen. Sie geriet auf die Gegenfahrbahn, es kam zum Zusammenstoß mit einem Fahrzeug, ein weiteres krachte beim Ausweichen des Unfalls in einen Gartenzaun. Drei Personen wurden leicht verletzt.

In Argelsried war ein 22-jähriger Gilchinger zu schnell unterwegs und kam wegen der Glätte von der Fahrbahn ab – er landete in einer Hecke, wurde glücklicherweise nicht verletzt. Bei Frohnloh war eine junge Autofahrerin aus Krailling beim Abbiegen von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und in ein Verkehrsschild gefahren.

Schwerer Unfall in Rottal-Inn: DWD warnt vor weiterer Glätte zum Wochenstart

Die Polizei berichtet außerdem von mehreren Unfällen, bei denen Fahrer die Kontrolle über ihre Autos verloren oder generell von der Straße abgekommen sind. Auch wenn von der Polizei nicht wörtlich bestätigt, kann man davon ausgehen, dass die Schneeglätte auch hier eine wichtige Rolle spielte. Beispiel Mitterskirchen, Landkreis Rottal-Inn, wo zwei Frauen mittelschwer verletzt wurden. Am Sonntagmorgen war die 21-jährige Fahrerin von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und gegen einen Baum geprallt, sie und ihre 20-jährige Beifahrerin wurden im Wagen eingeklemmt und mussten von der Feuerwehr befreit werden.

What other countries have adopted Filipino celebrations and customs?

Profile photo for Datu Ulap

Datu Ulap

Due to trade with other former Spanish colonies and with Spain itself, local Filipino culture has made its way across oceans.

Mexico has adopted some customs and cultural imports from the Philippines.

  • In Mexico, the growing of palm wine came from the Philippines.
  • Mangoes, native to Asia, are now part of Mexican cuisine.
  • Coconuts, native to Southeast Asia and Melanesia have also been introduced to Mexico as a result of trade with the Philippines.
  • Distillation techniques to make coconut palm liquor called lambanog have been used to make tequila.
  • Chamoy might have been influenced by Filipino kiamoy, or dried sour fruits.
  • The Manton de Manila, derived from the Filipino panuelo is part of folk costumes.

Spain even got some influence from the Philippines, as the pith helmet was inspired by the salakot. This helmet has since spread throughout European military wear.

Guam, while a territory, also has some Filipino influence.

  • The carabao is the unofficial national animal of Guam. It was brought over by Filipino settlers.
  • Cuisine such as pancit, lumpia, dinuguan, and puto have also been brought over and part of local Guamanian dishes.
  • The Mestiza dress of Guam is highly inspired by the Traje de Mestiza of the Philippines with a blouse made of pina fiber.
  • Tschongka, a wooden board game played with shells into holes is inspired by sungka.

Sunday, January 22, 2023


THRILLMAKER: Newscasters in the running to be this year’s star

Published January 22, 2023, 7:17 AM

by Joee Guilas, MB

Joee Guilas

For more than two years now, I have already written about countless personalities and events with thrilling and exciting news to share with their publics. This time around, it is your “thrillmaker” who now wishes to share just how thrilled he is to have one of his pursuits finally recognized by some of the most discriminating people in this industry—the movie press.

Vic Lima

Yes, setting all modesty aside, I got the thrill of my life when I found my name among those nominated for the 35th Philippine Movie Press Club’s (PMPC) Star Awards’ Best Male Newscaster Category. Being cited as a finalist in the award giving body’s roster of excellence may no longer be a big deal for others who have already had the chance to be nominated or may have already won in the past (after all, the recognition program had already been on for 35 years!). For someone like me, however, making it to the list after only two years straight broadcasting as an anchor and while representing the “often overlooked” government channel, being a nominee is already sweet victory which affirms that good, committed work does get rewarded.

Arnold Clavio

I certainly have no big expectations about winning. My co-nominees are popular and respected personalities in the industry who, I know, have invested much time and dedication to the broadcasting profession. 

Raffy Tima

Four Kapuso male anchors made it to the nominees’ list. Arnold Clavio and Raffy Tima have already won their Star Awards trophies multiple times in the past. Ivan Mayrina and Atom Araullo, on the other hand, are two of the leading network’s young and promising newscasting heartthrobs. My PTV colleague, Aljo Bendijo, is undoubtedly among the most remarkable names on both radio and television, while Net 25’s Vic Lima is someone who had been a recognizable broadcaster long before I even joined my first TV network, three decades ago. As a co-nominee and fan, I have nothing but pure admiration and respect to these gentlemen.

Atom Araullo

This is why I consider finding my name side by side these media warriors’ a huge honor and privilege in itself. While 31 years of continued engagement in broadcasting pursuits (FM radio, included) also speak volumes about my love for the media, I have always had my heart torn between my passion, which is newscasting; and my need to express my creativity, through my profession as a corporate communications executive. While I already had the chance to host and even anchor some news programs in the past, it had only been since 2020 that I finally resolved to serve the public fully in providing them with information they need to know via a regular news program. I realized that doing the news is the best way for me to somehow give back something to society as it will allow me to give Filipinos information that can help them formulate and make the right decisions and choices for their lives. Just for that, yes, I believe I truly deserve the nomination because not only did I commit to that idea, I truly pursued it with passion.

Ivan Mayrina

So whose hands will eventually bring home the prestigious trophy, representing the best broadcasting work in an especially challenging pandemic period? I guess we’ll just have to really wait until the winners are announced on the 28th of January at the Winford Manila Resort and Casino in Manila.

Aljo Bendijo

In the meantime, as a tribute to those who came before us, here’s a list of the past winners of the PMPC’s Best Male Newscaster Award: 

1988: Noli de Castro (TV Patrol / ABS-CBN 2)

1989: Bobby Guanzon (GMA Balita / GMA 7)

1990: TG Kintanar (Headline 13 / IBC 13)

1991: Jose Mari Velez (GMA Headline News / GMA 7)

1992: Frankie Evangelista (TV Patrol / ABS-CBN 2) 

1993: Bobby Guanzon (GMA Balita / GMA 7)

1995: Angelo Castro, Jr. (The World Tonight / ABS-CBN 2)

1997: Mike Enriquez (Saksi / GMA 7)

1998: Angelo Castro, Jr. (The World Tonight / ABS-CBN 2)

2000: Mike Enriquez (Saksi / GMA 7)

2001: Henry Omaga-Diaz (TV Patrol/ABS-CBN 2)

2002: Henry Omaga-Diaz (TV Patrol/ABS-CBN 2)

2003: Julius Babao (TV Patrol / ABS-CBN 2)

2004: Julius Babao (TV Patrol / ABS-CBN 2) and Martin Andanar (Big News / ABC 5) [tied]

2005: Julius Babao (TV Patrol World / ABS-CBN 2)

2006: Julius Babao (TV Patrol World / ABS-CBN 2)

2007: Julius Babao (TV Patrol World / ABS-CBN 2) and Alex Santos (TV Patrol Sabado / ABS-CBN 2) [tied]

2008: Julius Babao (TV Patrol World / ABS-CBN 2)

2009: Julius Babao (TV Patrol World / ABS-CBN 2)

2010: Julius Babao (TV Patrol World / ABS-CBN 2) and Daniel Razon (Ito Ang Balita / UNTV 37) [tied]

2011: Anthony Taberna (Iba-Balita ni Anthony Taberna / Studio 23)

2012: Ted Failon (TV Patrol / ABS-CBN 2)

2013: Julius Babao (Bandila / ABS-CBN 2)

2014: Erwin Tulfo (Aksyon / TV5)

2015: Erwin Tulfo (Aksyon / TV5)

2016: Erwin Tulfo (Aksyon / TV5)

2017: Arnold Clavio (Saksi / GMA 7)

2018: Raffy Tima (Balitanghali / GMA News TV 11)

2019: Raffy Tima (Balitanghali / GMA News TV 11)

2021: Julius Babao (Bandila / ABS-CBN 2)

Davao City Rep. Duterte warns fixers

by Ivy Tejano 


Davao City Rep. Paolo “Pulong” Z. Duterte vowed to file charges against fixers using the name of First Congressional District Office for their nefarious activities.

Duterte recently received information that a woman claiming to be an employee of his office had been recruiting people that need medical assistance from the government.

The fixer claimed that Duterte’s office will release P30,000 medical assistance with P3,000 automatically going to her. 

Upon receipt of the information, Duterte instructed his staff to report her to the police and have the incident recorded in the blotter.

“Paludhon nako ni atubangan San Pedro Church duha ka gabii (I will let her kneel in front of the San Pedro Church for two nights) and then appropriate charges will be filed,” Duterte vowed.

He urged Dabawenyos approached by anyone claiming to be an employee of the First Congressional District Office and offering such assistance to report them to authorities.

“If naa mahitabo susama ana sa uban, i-report dayon sa police ug sa congressional office sa numerong (If there’s a similar incident like this, please report it to the police and to the congressional district office’s contact number) 09667510792,” Duterte said.


Saturday, January 21, 2023