Recognizing the need for equal opportunity for all in the workplace, the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) launched a livelihood project dubbed as "Karunungang Pangkabuhayan Pangkababaihan" to reintegrate women into the workplace and provide them with the opportunity to earn decent incomes for their families through a capacity building program.

Launched on April 26, over 150 women from four Gawad Kalinga communities were chosen as the first beneficiaries of said project, which not only extended training on the basics of haircutting and styling but employment opportunities for successful trainees as well as health intervention through free tuberculosis screening for seniors aged 50 and up.
PCCI Enunina V. Mangio said that this project will be rolled out nationwide through the PCCI regional chapters, in collaboration with the local government units.
“We hope to teach and educate more women with new skills and hopefully, reintegrate them into the workforce,” she said, adding that gender inequality used to be a thing of the past. “Women are treated secondary to men for a position with the same qualifications as men and women. Mostly, men are preferred, but not anymore,” she added. Mangio hopes that the project could generate support so that more women can benefit and be provided with the skills needed to earn for their families.
In the latest Labor Force Survey, the percentage of employed women this year slightly went down at 45.53 percent compared to 45.8 percent of the same period last year.
The project, an undertaking of the Office of the PCCI President together with the Committees on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), was attended by ambassadors from Colombia, Australia, Singapore, France, the Netherlands, and Malaysia, in partnership with Gawad Kalinga and Alay Buhay Foundation, and supported by Jollibee Foods Corporation, EMS Group, Reyes Haircutters, Francorp Philippines, and Coolaire Consolidated Inc.
The event included the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the PCCI and the Children’s First 1,000 Days Coalition led by Manila Hotel President Atty. Jose Lina Jr. he MOU seeks to undertake a community-driven approach to address the issue of malnutrition and stunting in the country. The event, the first undertaking of this kind which provides capacity building, employment opportunities and introduces health interventions to the needy, addressed the following SDGs: 1 No Poverty, 2 Zero Hunger, 3 Good Health and Well Being, 5 Gender Equality, 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10 Reduced Inequalities and 17 Partnership for the Goals.(Bernie Cahiles-Magkilat)