You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

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Friday, June 30, 2023

Issa Pressman marks Pride Month with coming out story

Issa Pressman shared an inspiring message to social media followers to mark Pride Month.

On Instagram, she noted how she has been "blessed" to experience "love" from both men and women.

"Blessed to be seeing who they are & how they loved me. Seeing beyond the physical," she said.

According to her, it’s the "heart, personality, dreams, and the connection" that becomes the basis of these relationships.

Issa shared that she first came out to sister Yassi via phone call.

"At 16, I was living alone. One night, I couldn’t sleep, I decided to come out to her. It was surprising news for her but she accepted me. If any, it was a start of us being solid,” she said.

“A couple of years after, I told my dad. He was honest he wasn’t for it, but said, ‘If this is what makes you happy, then be it,’ and he was there for me all the way.”

Issa reiterated that point of her post is that everything could have gone south if it weren’t for her loved ones.

"So may I inspire each household, friend group & work environment to accept & respect a loved one who wishes to or is too scared to come out," she said.

"At the end of the day, we should be on the side of happiness. We want to see the people we love glow. Let them be PROUD.”

In 2018, Issa made headlines making public her relationship with a girl.

She was in the news most recently, being romantically linked to James Reid.

The Gilas Pilipinas women achieve a milestone

The Gilas Pilipinas women achieve a milestone.  (Fiba Asia)

By Philippine Daily Inquirer


Hey there sports fan,

Here's a perfect way to start this newsletter. The Gilas Pilipinas women proved the rightly belong in Division  A of Fiba Asia with a milestone victory over Chinese-Taipei in the Women's Asia Cup recently. We'll have more on them as the tournament progresses.

In another victory of sorts for Filipino women athletes, the Premier Volleyball League opened in a flood of anicipation and excitement after a busy offseason. In case you missed it, several new players—and old hands playing for new teams—really heightened everyone's eagerness for the Invitational Conference.

If you want to brush up on how big this conference is, check out this wonderful cheat sheet and this list of players to watch in the current PVL tournament. 

It's also a season of transition for a lot of players, aside from those who jumped to the pros early and those who signed up with new squads. There are also players who will take on new roles, like F2 Logistics' Ivy Lacsina, and those who will return to the comfort of their old positions, like Creamline star hitter Tots Carlos.

And then there's another kind of transition, the one where standouts like Sisi Rondina and Bernadeth Pons take their beach volleyball talents back to the indoors.  

There's no reason anymore to skip your usual dose of PVL action, especially with the league expanding the platforms that fans can stream games on when they can't go to the venues. 

Madonna home from hospital following illness: source


  • The 64-year-old pop superstar had fallen ill with a "serious bacterial infection" that landed her in an intensive care unit, her manager Guy Oseary had said in a statement on Wednesday.

Madonna (Facebook) .png
Madonna (Facebook)

NEW YORK (AFP) - Madonna has gone home after a several-day stay in the hospital and was "feeling better," a source close to the matter told AFP Thursday.

The 64-year-old pop superstar had fallen ill with a "serious bacterial infection" that landed her in an intensive care unit, her manager Guy Oseary had said in a statement on Wednesday.

She is expected to make a full recovery, he said but had to delay her 84-date "Celebrations" tour due to start on July 15.

Her global, nearly sold-out tour was billed as paying homage to Madonna's more than four-decade long career.

Stops in the United States were to include Detroit, Chicago, Miami and New York, the city where her storied rise to superstardom began.

She was then slated to continue in Europe, with dates in London, Barcelona and Paris, as well as four dates in Mexico City.

The Grammy-winning icon behind classics including "Like A Virgin" and "Material Girl" has asserted incalculable influence over her stellar career as one of music's top stars.

Her manager had vowed to provide more information when available, including a new start date for the tour and for rescheduled shows.

In 2020 Madonna underwent hip replacement surgery following an injury sustained on her "Madame X" tour.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

BFAR-7 issues jellyfish warning


BFAR-7 issues jellyfish warning

CEBU CITY – The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Central Visayas (BFAR-7) reminded beachgoers to take
precautionary measures when swimming at sea due to swarms of jellyfish during this time of the year.


A BOX jellyfish is fished out of the waters of Clarin town in Bohol. The photo was uploaded by Sheila Mae Zafra, coastal extension officer of the Department of Natural Resources in Bohol, as part of the campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of jellyfish sting. (Sheila Mae Zafra)

It is jellyfish season in the country from April to June and hundreds of them are visible in coastlines as the hot weather temperature forces them to swim to swallow waters, said BFAR-7 Regional Director Allan Poquita.

Poquita explained that there are a variety of jellyfish and not all are deadly. There is even a kind of jellyfish that is safe for human consumption, Poquita said.
A deadly kind of jellyfish is the box jellyfish, the same marine animal that stung a 31-year-old local tourist from Bohol in Santa Fe, Bantayan, Cebu on Sunday, June 25. The victim, Leslie Ann Madronero, died with several jellyfish tentacles in her body.

Poquita said one of the first-aid treatments that can be applied is pouring oil on affected areas. He said oil will easily help remove jellyfish tentacles.

He advised against the usual practice of pouring vinegar on the affected area as this may trigger an allergic reaction that may worsen the victim’s condition.
When swimming at sea, one should observe the reminders issued by the local government unit, Poquita said.

It is also advisable to wear protective gear such as rash guards when swimming. Applying jellyfish repellant is also

When seeing a swarm of jellyfish, it is best not to swim at all, Poquita said.


Rente geht online: Neues Portal für Millionen Bürger kurz vor dem Start - Jetzt steht der genaue Termin

Von: Amy Walker 

Lange war sie angekündigt, jetzt steht sie endlich in den Startlöchern: Die digitale Rentenübersicht geht live. Das Portal stellt die Deutsche Rentenversicherung digital auf.

Berlin – Versicherte bei der Deutschen Rentenversicherung (DRV) können bald alle Informationen zu ihrer Altersvorsorge auf einen Blick sehen. Am 30. Juni 2023 geht die neue digitale Rentenübersicht der DRV online. Das bestätigte die Rentenversicherung Bund am Mittwoch. Für Millionen Versicherte wird es dadurch einfacher sein, zu sehen, wie gut sie finanziell für den Ruhestand vorbereitet sind. 

Rentenübersicht zeigt alle Altersvorsorgen auf einen Blick

Die Idee ist ganz einfach: Wer eine Altersrente über die DRV bezieht oder beziehen wird, kann sich in dem Online-Portal anmelden. Dort gibt es dann die Möglichkeit, nicht nur die persönlichen Ansprüche von der gesetzlichen Rente einzusehen – sondern auch alle privat und betrieblich abgeschlossenen Renten. Das betrifft sowohl monatliche als auch einmalige Zahlungen, die man zur Altersvorsorge abgeschlossen hat. 

In der Detailansicht können Versicherte dann auch sehen, ab wann genau sie Anspruch auf ihre gesetzliche Rente haben werden und wie hoch die prognostizierte Auszahlung ist. So soll es Versicherten transparent gemacht werden, wie viel Geld ihnen im Alter zur Verfügung stehen wird – und wo noch privat vorgesorgt werden müsste.

Digitale Rentenübersicht ist kostenlos

Wichtig: Das Portal ist kostenlos und nicht verpflichtend. Es dient lediglich als zusätzliche Informationsquelle. Jeder Versicherte erhält nach wie vor wie gewohnt per Post einmal im Jahr seine Renteninformation zugestellt. Die Adresse ist bereits live, ab 15 Uhr am 30.06. können sich Versicherte registrieren: 

Zur Anmeldung im Portal benötigt man einen digitalen Personalausweis (eID). Die eID ist bei allen Ausweisen, die nach 2017 ausgestellt wurden, automatisch enthalten – muss aber freigeschaltet werden. 

Probebetrieb im Sommer, Regelbetrieb im Herbst

Im Sommer werden zunächst nicht alle möglichen Altersvorsorge-Produkte einsehbar sein. Bis zum Herbst ist nämlich die Teilnahme für Anbieter freiwillig – danach müssen alle Anbieter in der Übersicht vorkommen. Heißt: Wer eine private oder betriebliche Altersvorsorge im Sommer noch nicht findet, bedeutet das nicht, dass sie verschwunden ist. Gegen Ende des Jahres sollte sie aber dann auftauchen.

Samal school receives new electrical laboratory from Davao Light


DAVAO CITY – The Samal Senior High School in the Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS) became a beneficiary of an Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) laboratory dubbed Project e.Lab donated by Aboitiz Power Corp. (AboitizPower) subsidiary Davao Light and Power Co. Inc. (Davao Light) and the Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (Aboitiz Foundation).

“This new EIM laboratory is more than just a physical structure; it is a symbol of our shared commitment to education and unwavering belief in the power of knowledge and transformed lives,” said Samal Senior High School Principal Percival Villegas. “It is a testament to our community’s unwavering spirit of collaboration and determination to provide all students with the very best possible learning environment.”


DAVAO Light President and COO Engr. Rodger S. Velasco and AboitizPower Distribution Utilities COO Anton Perdices turn over the key of responsibility to an Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) laboratory to IGACOS Mayor Al David Uy and the Samal Senior High School Principal Percival Villegas.

A classroom was refurbished and converted into an EIM workshop and assessment facility to be used by high school learners taking up the EIM strand. It is meant to help address the community’s need for electricians who will support ICAGOS’ continuing progress.

“Samal needs more skilled workers since a lot of businesses are still willing to invest in the island,” IGACOS Mayor Al David Uy said.

Samal Senior High School became a beneficiary upon the recommendation of the Department of Education (DepEd)- Region 11 (Davao region). The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority provides the training for EIM teachers and also conducts competency assessments for the students en route to earning a National Certification.

“We are equipping public schools with standard facilities to implement hands-on learning for students who wish to pursue a career in electrical works and engineering,” said AboitizPower Distribution Utilities Chief Operating Officer Anton Perdices. He noted how Davao Light continues to support the DepEd’s Technical Vocational Livelihood projects.

Davao Light and Aboitiz Foundation have donated EIM laboratories to 40 public schools since 2014. This is in line with the company's transformative goal of helping pave the way for the development of cities via the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 or to provide quality education for all.

Palawan reigns as the 'most preferred tourist destination' for Filipinos, survey says


The Filipinos have spoken—Palawan is their most preferred tourist destination in the country.

In the recent Pahayag 2023 Second Quarter Survey (PQ2), the top travel destinations preferred by Filipinos were revealed, showing Palawan ranking first on the list.

“Palawan emerged as the most preferred travel destination, with an impressive 23 percent of respondents expressing their desire to visit the breathtaking province," the survey bared.

"Known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and rich marine biodiversity, Palawan has captured the hearts of many Filipinos," it added.

The study provided valuable insights into the travel preferences of Filipinos and highlights the diverse choices among different regions of the country.

Aside from Palawan, Baguio, Cebu, Siargao, and Aklan also claimed their spots in the Top 5.

"Baguio City, tagged as the Summer Capital of the Philippines, secured the second position, with 16 percent of respondents selecting it as their preferred destination. Famous for its cool climate, scenic landscapes, and vibrant culture, Baguio City continues to attract travelers seeking a unique experience," the survey firm stated.

"Cebu and Siargao claimed the third and fourth spots, respectively, with nine percent of respondents choosing Cebu and nine percent opting for Siargao. Notably, Cebu stood out as the preferred destination among Visayans, with a significant 21 percent of respondents from the region expressing their interest in visiting the province. Siargao, on the other hand, captivated the attention of Mindanaoans, with 13 percent of respondents from the region selecting it as their preferred destination," it added.

Moreover, Aklan, home to the renowned Boracay Island, garnered eight percent of the respondents' preference.

"The stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife of Boracay continue to attract visitors from around the world," the firm said.

In addition, boasting its picturesque landscapes and unique culture, Batanes secured six percent of the respondents' preference, particularly favored by residents of North-Central Luzon with a significant 10 percent expressing their desire to visit.

Bohol and Davao also made it to the list, with 4 percent and 3 percent of respondents selecting them, respectively.

"Davao, popular for its natural wonders and vibrant city life, resonated well with Mindanaoans, with 10 percent of respondents from the region showing interest in exploring the province," the survey firm said.

The survey results underline the diverse preferences and interests of Filipinos when it comes to travel destinations, it was highlighted.

"The enchanting beauty of Palawan, the charm of Baguio City, and the cultural experiences offered by Cebu, Siargao, Aklan, Batanes, Bohol, and Davao have all contributed to their popularity among travelers," Pahayag noted.

"The Department of Tourism (DOT) of the Philippines has reaffirmed its commitment to showcasing the unparalleled beauty and attractions of the country with the launch of its new tagline, 'LOVE the Philippines'. This new tagline encapsulates the spirit of appreciation and admiration for the diverse landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality that the Philippines has to offer," it added.

The PQ2 is an independent and non-commissioned survey conducted by PUBLiCUS Asia, Inc. from June 7 to 12 2023. It is a nationwide purposive survey with 1,500 respondents randomly drawn from a market research panel of over 200,000 Filipinos.

Only registered Filipino voters were included in the sample, ensuring that the results accurately represent the sentiments of the voting population, it was disclosed.

From waste to treasure: Davao company turns biodegradable waste into biofertilizer

It’s no secret that the Philippines has a garbage problem. A World Wildlife Fund report in 2020 stated that only 33 per cent of the country’s garbage is disposed of in landfills, with only nine per cent of this going to recycling centers.

What if some of this could be turned into soil-nourishing fertilizer?

This is what Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation (DTBC) is trying to do.

The company began in 2014 when its founders, husband and wife Robert “Dr. Bo” and Olive Puentespina, acquired the technology to turn biodegradable waste into biofertilizer, which is a type of fertilizer that contains live microbes to aid in boosting soil health. “We don’t use any chemicals, we don’t use any machinery, all we do is compost,” says Olive Puentespina, Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation’s CEO, having taken over after her husband’s passing in 2021.

This is done through thermophilic aerobic composting, a high-temperature process that uses bacteria as an activator. This particular technology is patented in Japan and turns biodegradable waste in 45 to 50 days.

Once the collected waste gets to the facility, it is weighed mixed with activators, and assigned a bay where it will sit for 45 to 50 days while the bacteria does its work. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

Thinking of waste differently

DTBC works with clients all over Mindanao. Their trucks pick up institutional biodegradable waste from clients such as poultry farms, commissaries, and condiment producers. The waste, which is already segregated, can come in the form of food scraps, chicken feathers, and used cooking oil. The segregation is important because it makes it easier for the bacteria to work on.

“The businesses that we love to build with are businesses who are compliant with DENR,” Puentespina says. “Since we’re compliant, we’re also restricted to dealing with people who… have those mandates already in their organization.”

It wasn’t easy getting folks on board at first. Waste management isn’t really something a lot of people think of in the Philippines, and most people understand it as simply trash getting dumped in a landfill. It’s not understood that aside from being unsightly and smelly, they are breeding grounds for pests and disease, produce greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane, and contribute to environmental and noise pollution, not to mention prevent land from being used for other, healthier pursuits. When DTBC started, the concept of paying a company to take away one’s waste was almost alien.

Now, aside from attracting clients through marketing and word of mouth, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) sometimes recommends companies in need of waste disposal services.

Now, aside from attracting clients through marketing and word of mouth, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) sometimes recommends companies in need of waste disposal services. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation) Now, aside from attracting clients through marketing and word of mouth, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) sometimes recommends companies in need of waste disposal services. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

A streamlined process

Once a company has expressed interest in using DTBC’s services, DTBC does a site inspection to find out how much waste is being generated and what kind of collection vessel they need to send over. Puentespina emphasizes that all their trucks are covered and made from aluminum to minimize spillage.

Once the waste gets to the facility, it is weighed (“…only what we weigh you will be paying for,” Puentespina says), mixed with activators, and assigned a bay where it will sit for 45 to 50 days while the bacteria does its work. Each bay can take around 70 to 100 tons of waste. The bays are aerated regularly and their temperatures and moisture contents are regularly monitored. The mounds usually start with temperatures of about 20-25°C, but this can go up to as high as 80-100°C as the bacteria breaks down the organic material. The high temperatures also mean that the mound is being sanitized and any pathogens contained within are killed. After the process is complete, samples are taken to check for its NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) content. Once standards have been met, the biofertilizer is either bagged or turned into other products such as enriched potting mix or compost starter, all of which are sold under the brand Dr. Bo’s Farm Essentials.

One of DTBC’s products offered is enriched potting mix. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

“...over the last five six years of our existence, we were able to divert over 300 million kilos of biodegradable mix that would have gone to landfills,” Puentespina says in Taglish.

DTBF has been able to divert over 300 million kilos of biodegradable mix that would have gone to landfills. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

The potting mix and compost starter are sold through a distributor and through a hardware chain, but buyers can also contact DTBC directly to purchase. The biofertilizer is currently in the last stages of re-registration with the FDA (Food and Drug Authority) and should be available again soon.

The Yellow Drum Project

Private households can also avail of DTBC’s services. The company launched the Yellow Drum Project (YDP) during the pandemic to help households manage their organic waste. YDP is a door to door waste management collection system. Subscribed customers get a yellow 60 liter drum and a bag of compost starter to manage the smell of the organic waste that will go into the drum. After the drum is filled, which usually takes 1 to 1 ½ months, the customer calls the company to have the drum picked up. On the third pickup, the customer gets a gift of either compost starter or potting mix.

Private households can also avail of DTBC’s services. The company launched the Yellow Drum Project during the pandemic to help households manage their organic waste. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

Puentespina shares that they are in talks with certain villages who want to promote zero waste. “Because [under] RA 9003, you’re actually encouraged to do composting yourself at home,” she says, citing the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

DTBF’s compost primer is popular among home gardeners, especially during the pandemic. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

Biofertilizers for healthier soil

The waste management is just part of the whole process. The company also regularly engages in efficacy trials for their biofertilizer products. Puentespina shares that one of these involved using the biofertilizer on one hectare of a fusarium-infected banana plantation.

The company is collaborating with banana plantations to further test the efficacy of its biofertilizer. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

Also called Panama disease, fusarium wilt is a soil-borne fungal disease that has caused widespread damage to banana plantations globally. The farmer who volunteered his lot predicted that his banana plants were going to die within three months anyway, given the severity of the infection. “We used three applications and… they were able to harvest,” Puentespina shares, adding that the biofertilizer application was done in conjunction with the plantation’s regular conventional farming regimen. “...the biofertilizer will heal the soil… so that it will be able to take in the chemicals that you put [in].”

She specifies that this evidence is still anecdotal, but also promising. “Even though it’s not scientific because it’s just on one hectare with about 1000 plants, compared to about 20,000 hectares of banana in the whole Philippines… but with  what we saw, I am now emboldened to try and offer it to bigger banana plantations to give us a chance to do something,” she says. “Now we’re engaging with… banana corporations who are giving us a chance for them to do trials.”

DTBC also has collaborations with institutions like DOST (Department of Science and Technology), UP Mindanao, and the Philippine Geothermal Center. “We tried it in UP Mindanao on black rice. The performance was good but we’re still waiting for the results, which will come out when the research is published,” Punentespina shares. “We [aso] tried it with… irrigated riceland, [and] we were able to fix the pH from 5.5 to 6.8, increasing their yield.”

They’re also trying it with cacao, specifically in the Malagos cacao plantation, which the Punetnespina family owns and operates.

READ: Filipino Cacao Beans Given Heirloom Status

“I’m not averse to chemical versus organic [farming],” Puentespina says. “Each farmer has their own philosophy. Regenerative agriculture or intensive agriculture, for me, let’s give everyone the chance to do their thing.”

Towards a sustainable future

DTBC plans to continue marketing their services until they can fill up their facility;s capacity. “Once you fill up the capacity, your production cost gets lower, so you can either sell your fertilizer lower or sell your services lower because it’s more efficient,” Puentespina says. “We can actually build more [facilities], especially in the area where there is waste generated in small spaces. We can [also] situate [ourselves] in the rice granary. In the food basket, or wherever in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. That’s where we want to be….”

DTBF turns organic waste material into nutrient-rich biofertilizer on a large scale. (Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation)

They’re also looking for partners who are interested in building waste processing facilities in other areas in the Philippines.

“The overarching dream between my husband and I and the whole family is… of a waste-free Philippines…. We know that because of awareness, plastics, cans, glass bottles, and paper get recycled, but nobody recycles food waste and biodegradable waste,” PUentespina says. “If we become the element of change for that, we can… turn it into something that really will help our shortage in food, because shortage in food is directly connected to the nutrition and the productivity of our land.”

When it comes to waste management, every little bit counts. If that waste can be turned into fertilizer that can help boost soil health, so much the better.

Photos courtesy of Davao Thermo Biotech Corporation