You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ruhestand im Ausland verbringen: Diese Länder eignen sich zum Auswandern für Rentner

Bremen – Die Deutschen zählen zu den am wenigsten zufriedenen Bürgern in der EU. Das geht aus Daten des europäischen Statistikamts Eurostat hervor. Demnach gaben die Deutschen 6,5 Punkte auf einer bis zehn reichenden Skala für allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit. Kein Wunder also, dass immer mehr Rentner auswandern, um ihren Ruhestand im Ausland zu verbringen. Laut „Global Retirement Index“ soll ein mittelamerikanisches Land zu den heißen Favoriten zählen. 

Wenn Rentner auswandern wollen: Magazin kürt die weltweit besten Länder für die Rente

Welche Länder sich für den Ruhestand eignen, fasst das US-amerikanische Reisemagazin International Living jährlich in seinem Ranking zusammen. Nach eigenen Angaben ist der sogenannte Global Retirement Index (GRI) die umfassendste und detaillierteste Studie ihrer Art, die Rentnern dabei helfen soll, eine Entscheidung für den richtigen Ort zu treffen. Die Informationen sollen „von vertrauenswürdigen Quellen in den besten Ruhestandszielen auf der ganzen Welt“ stammen. 

Auf welche Daten stützt sich der Global Retirement Index?

Für das jährliche Ranking werden Hunderte Meinungen sowie Erfahrungen von Auswanderinnen und Auswanderern zusammengetragen. Darüber hinaus werden Faktoren wie Lebenshaltungskosten, Klima, Gesundheitssystem sowie Rentenleistung berücksichtigt. Ohne wissenschaftlichen Anspruch dient der Global Retirement Index lediglich als Hilfsmittel für Menschen, die vorhaben, in der Rente in ein anderes Land auszuwandern. 

Besonders auffällig ist jedoch, dass viele mittel- oder südamerikanische Länder aufgrund ihrer Nähe zu den USA gelistet wurden. Dementsprechend richtet sich der GRI eher an betuchte US-Amerikaner, die andere Standards gewohnt sind und vielleicht eher in ein anderes Land auswandern würden als etwa deutsche Rentner. Beispielhaft hierfür sind Kolumbien auf Platz zehn, Ecuador auf Platz sechs, Panama auf Platz vier sowie Mexiko auf Platz drei im internationalen Ranking.

Auch EU-Länder wurden unter den Top zehn gelistet: Frankreich besetzt 2024 Platz neun, Griechenland Platz sieben, Spanien Platz fünf und Portugal Platz zwei. Letzteres ist besonders für deutsche Auswanderer geeignet, da das Land ein unkompliziertes Visumverfahren hat und die Lebenshaltungskosten erschwinglich sind. Des Weiteren müssen fahrtüchtige Rentner vor Ort keinen neuen Führerschein machen, sondern können ihren gegen eine portugiesischen austauschen. 

Auf Platz eins im Ranking hat es Costa Rica geschafft. Das mittelamerikanische „Juwel“ sei heutzutage nicht nur ein Hotspot für Rentner, sondern auch etwas für digitale Nomaden und sogar Familien, berichtet International Living. Besonders überzeugt habe die Natur, die günstigen Lebenshaltungskosten sowie die Gesundheitsversorgung. Doch ohne EU-Zugehörigkeit und Sozialversicherungsabkommen könnte sich das Auswandern für Deutsche schwierig gestalten.

Mit Rente im Ausland leben: Darauf kommt es beim Auswandern im Ruhestand an

Nach Angaben der Deutschen Rentenversicherung (DRV) wird bei einer dauerhaften Verlegung des Wohnsitzes ins Ausland zwischen Ländern innerhalb der EU (einschließlich Island, Liechtenstein, Norwegen sowie Schweiz), Ländern außerhalb der EU und solchen ohne Sozialversicherungsabkommen mit Deutschland unterschieden. Bei letzteren beiden Varianten kann es demnach bei der gesetzlichen Auszahlung der Rente zu Einschränkungen wie etwa Abzügen kommen.

Ein männlicher Badegast am Strand in Cala Ratjada.
Wer in der Rente auswandern will, muss sich vorher genau überlegen, welches Land es werden soll. Der jährliche Global Retirement Index kann dabei helfen. © Bernd Feil/Imago 
Wenn das Land außerhalb der EU liegt, Deutschland mit diesem aber ein Sozialversicherungsabkommen geschlossen hat, entstehen in der Regel keine Nachteile. „Im Einzelfall kann es zu Abzügen bei der Rente kommen, wenn Ihr deutscher Rentenanspruch zum Teil auch ausländische Zeiten beinhaltet“, so die DRV. Als Beispiel wird das Rentenabkommen mit Polen von 1975 genannt. Zu weiteren Einschränkungen kommt es, wenn kein Sozialversicherungsabkommen existiert.

Diese Länder haben laut DRV ein Sozialversicherungsabkommen mit Deutschland: Albanien

  • Australien
  • Bosnien-Herzegowina
  • Brasilien
  • Chile
  • Indien
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kanada und Quebec
  • Kosovo
  • Marokko
  • Moldau
  • Montenegro
  • Nordmazedonien
  • Philippinen
  • Serbien
  • Südkorea
  • Tunesien
  • Türkei
  • Uruguay
  • USA

Die im GRI aufgelisteten Länder mögen im internationalen Vergleich gut abschneiden. Deutsche Rentner dürften aber beim Auswandern dorthin teilweise vor Hürden gestellt werden. Vor allem in Bezug auf die niedrigen Renten wollen die meisten wahrscheinlich keine Kürzungen in Kauf nehmen, da ihnen sonst langfristig finanzielle Schwierigkeiten drohen. Eine Besserung der Lage wird im Sommer 2024 erwartet, wenn die Renten in Deutschland wieder erhöht werden.

Das Ranking zusammengefasst: 

Länder und RankingEU-Land und/oder Sozialversicherungsabkommen
1. Costa Ricanein
2. Portugalja
3. Mexikonein
4. Panamanein
5. Spanienja
6. Ecuadornein
7. Griechenlandja
8. Malaysianein
9. Frankreichja
10. Kolumbiennein

So oder so bleibt die DRV für die Auszahlung der Rente verantwortlich. Daher wird darauf hingewiesen, dass spätestens zwei Monate vor dem Umzug dem „Renten Service“ der Deutschen Post mitgeteilt werden muss, in welches Land es gehen soll. Dort wird dann auch die neue Adresse und Bankverbindung hinterlegt. Zudem wird jährlich eine sogenannte Lebensbescheinigung fällig, mit der im Auftrag der DRV überprüft wird, ob die Rentenempfänger noch am Leben sind. (cln)

12 Golden things you learned with age

 12 Golden things you learned with age

  1. Your friends no matter how close, will disappear with time.
  2. The most important relationship in this entire world is the one you have with yourself.
  3. Nobody cares about your hard work, they just look at the result.
  4. Heart break and failures are part of life.
  5. There's no place like home.
  6. Family and money matters the most.
  7. Book is indeed a person’s best friend.
  8. Physical activity reduces stress.
  9. Wasting time in regretting and crying won't fetch you results.
  10. Whatever you want today won't matter to you tomorrow.
  11. Your decisions define your life, not fate.
  12. Childhood is the golden time.

MOVIEGOER: In honor of Pilita Corrales



  • Janine’s efforts to preserve the legacy of her now-inactive Mamita so warms the hearts of Pilita’s fans and admirers.

Janine Gutierrez (Images courtesy of Facebook)

Janine Gutierrez proudly announced on social media recently that she has been collaborating with award-winning documentarist, Baby Ruth Villarama, on a docu-film on the life of her grandmother, Pilita Corrales. Janine will host the film.

She said in a post, “I’ve always felt a deep responsibility to help preserve Mamita’s amazing legacy. I hope this project becomes another way for younger generations to learn about her story, not just as a legendary performer, but as a woman who defied expectations and truly paved the way.”

Janine said the project is in very early stages of development but is already being introduced at Producer’s Network and Spotlight Asia at Cannes International Film Festival.

The forthcoming film shall trace Pilita’s rise as a singer, who first found stardom in Australia, where she got stranded in the 1960s following a shipwreck. Her singing so mesmerized a local journalist who tagged her, Asia’s Queen of Songs. The title has stuck since.

Ms Villarama is the director of the internationally awarded reality film, Sunday Beauty Queen.

Janine’s efforts to preserve the legacy of her now-inactive Mamita so warms the hearts of Pilita’s fans and admirers. I wish I could say the same of the heirs of other Filipino movie and music icons.

Pilita Corrales

Janine’s magnanimous act reminds me of a recent encounter with an heir of a famous movie queen. I once suggested to the heir that a book project on the life of the deceased actress-producer, the biggest name in Philippine movies in the 1960s and 70s, would be the one best way to keep her legacy alive.

Sadly, the heir didn’t see my point and chose to turn a deaf ear.

Aside from Pilita Corrales, a number of local entertainment icons deserve to be remembered either through a docu film or a book as a form of tribute to their contributions to society. Off-hand, I could think of Amalia Fuentes, Susan Roces, Gloria Romero, Nida Blanca, Fernando Poe, Jr., Joseph Estrada, Vilma Santos, and of course, Nora Aunor, who’s already a National Artist.


The reunion film between Kathryn Bernardo and Alden Richards following smash hit Hello Love Goodbye will be co-produced by ABS-CBN and GMA. It will be shot in Canada.  

Clint Eastwood returned all 6  Oscar trophies he won through the years. “I don’t want to be associated with any of the woke nonsense in Hollywood,” he said, adding that Hollywood is morally bankrupt.

Meryl Streep personally received an honorary Palme d’Or at the 2024 Cannes International Film Festival.    

Eala stuns Aussie foe to stay on track of French Open main draw


Facebook / Alex Eala

Joey Villar -

May 22, 2024 | 7:48pm

MANILA, Philippines — Alex Eala knows the enormity of what she is about to accomplish — a feat that would change Philippine tennis forever.

So when Eala trailed by a set and 2-4 in the decider, the 18-year-old Rafael Nadal student from this archipelagic nation aching for sporting glory didn’t blink an eye and summoned everything she had to pull off perhaps one of the best victories of her life.

It came in a gritty, pulse-pounding 4-6, 6-4, 7-5 victory over world No. 137 and 30th seed Taylah Preston of Australia in the French Open women’s singles qualifier Wednesday night, which put Eala on cusp of setting a date with destiny and become the first Filipina to make a Grand Slam main draw.

But Eala, who booted out Chinese Ma Ye-Xin, 6-1, 6-1, the round before, needs to hurdle one last barrier to indelibly etch her name in the country’s history book.

And that one step would be to beat Argentina’s Julia Riera, ranked 93rd in the world, who turned back France’s Harmony Tan, 6-3, 6-2, in a showdown where Eala is expected to once again give it her all.

Already, this was Eala’s second victory in a Grand Slam and has somehow made heads turn with her girls’ doubles title three years ago alongside Russian Oksana Selekhmeteva and, recently, a maiden WTA 1000 triumph in Madrid that showed she had made significant strides.

But of course, nothing compares to making the main draw in one of the three biggest tennis events of the year and clashing with the best and brightest stars in the planet.

And that is what Eala is striving so hard to accomplish.

Possible 1st cyclone for 2024: PAGASA monitors LPA east of Mindanao


Possible 1st cyclone for 2024: PAGASA monitors LPA east of Mindanao. Satellite image shows a low pressure area east of Cagayan province on May 22, 2024

Gaea Katreena Cabico -

May 22, 2024 | 2:07pm

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Wednesday it is monitoring a low pressure area (LPA) east of Mindanao that may develop into the country’s first cyclone of the year. 

The cloud cluster east of southeastern Mindanao developed into an LPA this morning, according to PAGASA. 

The weather disturbance may enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) tonight or Thursday morning. 

It may affect and make landfall over the Bicol region-Eastern Visayas area by late Friday or on Saturday, still as an LPA. Then, it may emerge over the waters east of Luzon.

The weather bureau said that the development of LPA into a tropical depression around Sunday or Monday is “not ruled out, but less likely.” 

If the LPA becomes a tropical depression, it will be named Aghon, making it the country’s first cyclone of 2024. 

Another scenario shows the LPA recurving over the Philippine Sea near the Bicol Region or Eastern Visayas, potentially developing into a tropical depression by Friday or Saturday.

The Philippines may experience generally fair weather conditions with higher chances of thunderstorms, especially in the afternoon and evening, until Thursday. 

By Friday, the LPA may bring scattered rain showers and thunderstorms in Bicol region and Eastern Visayas. 

The through of the LPA, which may also develop into tropical depression, may dump scattered rain showers over the eastern portion of Southern Luzon and Eastern Visayas, which may trigger flash floods and landslides. 

PAGASA previously said the country may see up to two tropical cyclones this month as hot weather continues to affect the country.


While writing my next column, I listened to it. "Dream a Little Dream of Me" is a 1931 song with music by Fabian Andre and Wilbur Schwandt and lyrics by Gus Kahn. It was first recorded in February 1931 by Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra, soon followed by Wayne King and His Orchestra with vocals by Ernie Birchill. The most popular version was recorded by The Mamas and Papas in the 1960s, with Cass Elliot singing the solo.

This world always seems to be an unwelcoming place for dreamers. In music, dreamers find a place to let their most sincere emotions come to life in the form of ballads. They take us on a journey, while slowing life down to an almost dream-like state, allowing us to breathe in what the artist is conveying. They gave us the term "crooner," and we drank them like emotional wine. Ballads are nourishment for the soul, and they take us somewhere serene. That's exactly how I feel when I hear the song "Dream a Little Dream of Me."

Dreams at night: At one time, people thought that the figures appearing in  dreams were messengers from Gods. It has been generally believed that dreams came from something outside the persons with special skill.

Today, it is believed that dreams are created by the dreamer himself. And because dreams are something a person creates, they may have a special meaning for the person who dreams them.

Just why you have a particular dream when you do may depend on many things. Your health may have an effect on your dreams. A person who is ill or uncomfortable will have different kinds of dreams than that of a person who is well and happy.

If a person is hungry, or feeling cold, or very tired, his dreams may include these feelings. Many dreams seem to be made up of disguised feelings. Also, the events of the day before may have a lot to do with what one dreams. Often the persons or situations in a dream are those that you met during the day. Or your emotion may make you have the kind of dream you have. Needing or wanting something may be also expressed in a dream, and being frightened may become part of a dream.

The feelings of happiness or disappointment which come out in dreams were probably in the dreamer before. Filipinos get many dreams. They want to be free from all kinds of bondage because it is the only freedom they can see and enjoy the beauty of life. I learned this during the last 25 years staying in the Philippines for good.

Filipinos sing their songs of optimism that the future will be brighter than today knowing that the wheel of fortune will eventually roll up in their favor. Many times, prayers have become a monotonous refrain of hoping, asking and dreaming of better times. "Bahala na ang Diyos" ... God will take care!

Cayetano to lead Senate committees on trade, higher education




Senator Alan Peter Cayetano was elected as chair of two influential committees on Wednesday: the Committee on Trade, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship and the Committee on Higher, Technical, and Vocational Education.

This as the Senate reshuffled its leadership before the sine die adjournment of its second regular session following the assumption of Senator Francis Escudero as Senate President on Monday.

As the new chair of the Committee on Trade, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship, Cayetano will oversee matters crucial to both domestic and international trade.

His responsibilities will include oversight of private corporations, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and the regulation of entrepreneurial practices. Additionally, Cayetano will focus on quality control and consumer protection.

Cayetano's leadership also extends to the Committee on Higher, Technical, and Vocational Education.

In this committee, Cayetano will address issues directly related to post-secondary and tertiary education, technical education, distance learning, and vocational training. His agenda includes enhancing the welfare of teachers and students by managing scholarships, grants, and incentives.

Further solidifying his influence, Cayetano nominated Senator Francis Tolentino, the newly appointed majority leader, to chair the Committee on Ethics and Privileges. Tolentino will ensure the reputation of the Senate and its members.

These recent changes in committee leadership add to the two committees which Cayetano currently chairs, the Committee on Accounts and the Committee on Science and Technology.

With Cayetano's extensive experience and dedication, the independent senator is poised to address issues effectively and drive legislative advancements in trade, education, and government enterprises.###

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Explainer: Santacruzan, Flores de Mayo: What’s the difference?

 Deni Rose M. Afinidad-Bernardo -

May 22, 2024 | 12:37pm

From left: Karylle Tatlonghari-Yuzon is Reyna Elena, her mom Zsa Zsa Padilla is Reyna Emperatriz at Intramuros' Santacruzan procession for 2024

MANILA, Philippines — Every May, apart from Mother’s Day and National Heritage Month, the country observes many summer festivals, particularly, Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo.

Specifically popular in provinces, Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo both involve ladies parading all over town in elaborate gowns, and oftentimes, with an escort and a decorated arch being carried over their heads.

People usually use “Santacruzan” to refer to “Flores de Mayo,” and vice versa, and although there are similarities between the two, they are still different from one another, said The Philippine Heritage Society, an organization dedicated to preserve, promote and disseminate Filipino culture.

According to the Society, Santa Cruz de Mayo, or more popularly known as Santacruzan, “is a highly anticipated event in the Filipino calendar, celebrated across towns and cities in the Philippines. 

“This event is rich in history, religion, and features a beautiful and elaborate parade,” a Society’s representative said in a speech at a grand Santacruzan in Intramuros last Sunday.

“Introduced by the Spaniards in the Philippines in 1800s, actually it all started here in Intramuros, is a popular Filipino Catholic tradition that commemorates and retells the story of Queen Helena or Reyna Helena, mother of Constantine the Great who found the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified and was brought back to Rome.”

According to the Society, one difference of Santacruzan from Flores de Mayo is that in Santacruzan, every participant is assigned to represent a Biblical character.

“The virtues associated with the Santacruzan are hope, faith and charity, so these can be seen in the lineup (of queens in the parade),” the Society’s representative explained.

“Today, Santacruzan has evolved from a purely religious parade into an extravagant fashion (presentation)… Beautiful girls from each town are chosen to portray historical figures… and participants wear stunning multicolored costumes…”

The difference between Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan, said the representative, is that Flores de Mayo is a month-long event in May. 

“(It is) a processional pageantry, which honors the Virgin Mary,” the representative said.

“But, the Santacruzan held at the end of Flores de Mayo celebrates the Queen Helena of Constantinople’s finding of the true cross, lending historical reverence to a colorful procession.”

The representative added that the Catholic Church originally used Santacruzan as a preaching tool: “The actual parade of the Santacruzan is an effective way for the younger generation and the Catholic faithful to be (evangelized).”

Philippine Heritage Society President Kate Bellosillo, in a speech before the Intramuros parade last Sunday, said, “We’re going to have a procession to commemorate the search for the Holy Cross after the death of Jesus Christ, by Saint Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great. Kaya po ang tawag sa ating celebration today ay Santa Cruz de Mayo.”

“Iba po ito sa Flores de Mayo – a flower festival that pays tribute to the Virgin Mary,” she stressed.

“Truly, the Santa Cruz de Mayo is a symbol of our strong religious tradition as a nation and our deep respect of our religious roots and heritage. Mahalaga pong maalala natin saan ba tayo nanggaling para alam natin kung saan tayo pupunta bilang isang bansa.”

Marcos cites need to invest in women's health


President Marcos has stressed the need to invest in women's health as it has a "multiplier effect" in the country's healthcare system.

Ted Herbosa.jpg
DOH Secretary Ted Herbosa (Photo courtesy of PPA/Ryan Baldemor)

Health Secretary Teodoro Herbosa said Marcos made the statement during a sectoral meeting on Wednesday, May 22. 

The President emphasized the need to invest in women’s health because women are marginalized and they are often the ones who take care of the whole family.

He added that this has a multiplier effect in the healthcare system.

"[W]e talked about the reforms that the President wants implemented in our healthcare system. It focused really on… emphasis on primary care. We talked about how the idea of we’re spending a lot of money on improving a lot of our specialty hospitals but a lot of the diseases that Filipinos die from are actually preventable if we have good primary care services at the local level," Herbosa said in a palace briefing on Wednesday.

"So this was the gist of the presentation where we will focus on: number one, health promotion and disease prevention; number two, acute care; and, number three, women’s health," he added.

During the meeting, the Department of Health presented the National Human Resources Master Plan 2020-2040, which aims to address the gap in human resources for health. This is in keeping with the Philippines’ commitment to meeting the UN sustainable development goals. 

In the discussion, the President highlighted the importance of a few things from the national plan, including the focus on human resources and preventive healthcare, the Bagong Urgent Care and Ambulatory Services, the corporatization of tertiary hospitals, investing in women’s health, and the need to include the five gems of tourism in the hospital system beyond first aid.

Rabiya Mateo, MJ Lastimosa reveal their favorite candidates in Miss Universe Philippines 2024



  • Rabiya has this message to the candidates. "Kung ibibigay sa iyo ni God, ibibigay niya talaga sa iyo. You're gonna have that winning goal."

The 53 candidates of Miss Universe Philippines 2024

"Bardagulan" or a "bloodbath." This is how some pageant watchers describe the intense competition among veteran queens who are also frontrunners in Miss Universe Philippines 2024, which will have its grand coronation night at the MOA Arena on May 22.

Rabiya Mateo, who represented the country in Miss Universe 2020, said: "I know! bloodbath talaga. And it makes me excited as a pageant fan because they're really trying to deliver a great show for us."

Meanwhile, actress and host MJ Lastimosa - who represented the country in Miss Universe 2014 - said there is nothing wrong with proclaiming a seasoned queen as the winner of Miss Universe Philippines 2024.

"Ang sabi ko sa kanila, mag-bardagulan sila hangga't gusto nila. It's good for our country, meaning hasang-hasa ang mananalo kasi paghihirapan niya talaga ang korona," MJ said.

Rabiya Mateo

There's a record of seven experienced queens competing in MUPH 2024 and some of them have placed globally. They are Kris Tiffany Janson, Miss Intercontinental 2014 2nd runner-up; Christi Lynn McGarry of Taguig, 1st runner-up in Miss Intercontinental 2015; Ahtisa Manalo of Quezon Province, Miss International 2018 1st runner-up; Cyrille Payumo of Pampanga, Miss Tourism International 2019; Alexandra Mae Rosales, Miss Supermodel Worldwide 2022; Victoria Velasquez Vincent, Miss Universe Philippines Charity 2021; and Stacey Gabriel of Cainta, Bb. Pilipinas 2022 2nd runner-up.

MJ, also known in showbiz as Mareng MJ, opined that the seasoned queens have "unfinished business" or "what ifs" in life, and that's why they are returning.

She related this to her own experience, having tried three times before gaining the right to represent the Philippines in Miss Universe 2014 where she placed in the top 10. "Pag pangarap mo kasi pangarap mo eh.Di mo naman kasi masasabi ang timing, what if ito na yung perfect time for the girl who's returning? For me talaga may the best Miss Universe Philippines candidate win! And  ang Pilipino naman, kung sino ang ipapadala sa international stage, we will support her," MJ remarked.

MJ Lastimosa

Rabiya has this message to the candidates. "Kung ibibigay sa iyo ni God, ibibigay niya talaga sa iyo. You're gonna have that winning goal."

The Ilongga beauty queen revealed that she is rooting for fellow Ilongga Alexie Brooks but clarified that she also supports the rest of the girls.

"I'm rooting for Alexi, of course. But also, I have a lot of friends na kasali. And I know also their personal struggles, you know. And I'm also rooting for them. Overall, masasabi ko bilang isang kandidata dati, mahirap po yung pageantry. So instead of comparing or rooting for just one girl, pray for everybody. Kasi hindi madali ang journey nila," Rabiya pointed out.

Meanwhile, MJ admitted that she supports Kris Tiffany Janson because they are batchmates in Bb. Pilipinas 2014, and they have been friends for 10 years.