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Showing posts with label Fete de la Musique going big for 30th year in the Philippines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fete de la Musique going big for 30th year in the Philippines. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

Fete de la Musique going big for 30th year in the Philippines

Kristofer Purnell -

June 7, 2024 | 7:58am

MANILA, Philippines — The annual Fete de la Musique is marking its 30th year in the Philippines with even more performers and more stages nationwide.

Fete de la Musique first began in France back in 1982 and ultimately found its way to Philippine shores 12 years later.

Back then the event was held in Remedios Circle with just three bands and around 40 attendees, but over the years it moved to Malate then grew in popularity when it was held in El Pueblo.

After moving to the Fort then finding a present home in Makati, Fete de la Musique turns 30 years old in the Philippines, expanding the different genres on display in multiple pocket stages around the country.

Pocket stages were first introduced in 2011 then destination stages — venues outside of Metro Manila — began six years later.

Over the years, many headliners have taken the Fete de la Musique stages such as Barbie Almalbis, Ben&Ben, Joey Ayala, Lola Amour, Up Dharma Down, Radioactive Sago Project, Sugarfree, and The Itchyworms.

The main stage of Fete de la Musique 2024 will be at the Greenbelt 3 Park on June 21 featuring the likes of Autotelic, Dilaw, Any Name's Okay, Dwata, Morobeats, and Jason Dhakal.

The pocket stages will begin a week later, most of the over 40 ones occuring in Makati's Poblacion area, coinciding with the district's fiesta celebrations.

This year there are 70 destination stages, the most in Fete de la Musique to date, across Luzon (El Nido, Naga, Baguio, Pampanga, Puerto Galera, Baler, Los Banos, Albay, Zambales, Laguna, Masbate, Cavite), Visayas (Cebu, Siquijor), and Mindanao (Siargao, South Cotobato, Davao, Cagayan de Oro).

Local performers are expected to grace the pocket and destination stages, all of which are free and open to all, with some more to be added in the coming days.

"Freedom of expression shows France is a country of culture," said Cultural Attache of the French Embassy in Manila Martin Macalintal in a media conference launching Fete de la Musique 2024, adding the French always focuses on "promoting and protecting the arts."