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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The lost sheep and the lost coin

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

          THE parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin (cfr. Lk

15,1-10) remind us that instead of distancing ourselves from those who

are in error or even who are in some conflict with ourselves, or with

whom we have serious differences, we should rather give them some

special attention, concern and care. That is what Christ wants to

impart in us through these parables, and we should just try our best

to learn and live it with God’s grace.

          Like Christ, we should have the same love for everybody,

irrespective of how they are with us. They can even be our enemies.

Thus, Christ himself told us very clearly that we should love our

enemies. (cfr. 5,44) This is the kind of love that is the very essence

of God and that is also meant for us. It has a universal scope even if

it never compromises the truth. It can prefer to suffer and die for

the truth.

          On our part, we just have to learn to adapt our mind and

heart to this kind of love that God through Christ in the Holy Spirit

is actually sharing with us. We have to develop a certain compassion

for the lost sheep and know how, like Christ, we can fraternize with

those in error spiritually and morally, or at least with those wrapped

up with all sorts of weaknesses.

          If we are truly Christian, we should have a true and abiding

compassion toward everyone, especially the poor and the needy. But we

have to understand that compassion should have a universal coverage.

It should not be limited to the sentimental aspects of things, nor to

relieving the economic and material needs of people alone. It lets us

enter and get involved in the life drama of the others.

          It should cover the whole range of human needs in their

proper order of importance, foremost of which is our need for God. We

have to learn to distinguish between the pressing and precious needs

of man, and to cope with the tension that sometimes arises in our

effort to put these two kinds of needs together.

          The material needs of man may be pressing and urgent, but

these should not detract us from giving priority attention to the

precious spiritual needs of man to relate himself with God and others

in true love, irrespective of whether he is rich or poor, a prince or

a pauper.

          It’s true that looking after the pressing material needs of

people can already be an overwhelming task. This should not be

attended to on an ad hoc basis only, giving dole-outs and temporary

relief. This has to be given stable and effective solutions, like

creating jobs, enabling poor people to find work through education and

continuing training, especially considering that the world economy is

rapidly evolving, etc.

          But over and above this concern is the care of the more

important necessity of man—his spiritual life, his relation with God

that should be developed according to God’s love and concern for

everyone, and thus, his relation with everybody else. Christ himself

gave more importance to forgiving sins than to curing the paralytic.

(cfr Mk 2,1-12)

          We have to learn how to fraternize with everyone, especially

replicating Christ’s attitude towards sinners, who actually are all of

us—of course, in varying degrees. We have to give special attention to

the lost sheep and to the lost coin. We have to open all possible

avenues to be in touch with all sinners.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


What is the right time to decide what to do in the future?

I think there is no right time to decide, because in your childhood you want to become something, as you grow your field of interest changes. Most importantly your wish doesn't remain the same life time, at every stage of life it will differ. When you explore many fields your interest will keep on changing. Whenever you decide what you want to become at that point only start preparing for that and that is the right time you can say. Off course, there is a limitation for this. If you are a hard worker it will take a long time, but if you are a smart worker you can finish the same task in optimal time.

Anytime actually, you can decide now, right now what you want to do in future, but the wish to follow up that decision is up to you.

Life changing decisions come from the most humbling moments in life, like when you are taking a dip or having a bath. 

If you mean matters such as education or decisions that may or may not shape your future, then I should say anytime that is well beforehand and can be easily planned.

You can go through much of life deliberately avoiding hard decisions. But sometimes you have no choice: the situation forces you to make a decision. Consider an example from the sport of mountain climbing.

Sooner or later, every mountain climber faces a dreaded section of slick granite that offers no ledges or cracks to grasp. When you climb such a wall, you can abandon the climb. Or, you can risk a move like "the pendulum". The pendulum works the way it sounds: as high above you as you can reach, you fasten a loop with a metal nut and slide the rope through the loop. Then you climb down a few feet, dangle on the rope's end, and try to swing across the sheer section. It takes nerve!

The author of Hebrews wrote to people who faced just a climactic, can't-turn-back decision. It involved not a mountain climb, but their entire future.

My motto is always: Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, keep it. Have fun living it too. Follow your passion.

DTI launches first OTOP Hub in Davao de Oro

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Davao de Oro launched its first One-Town One Product (OTOP) Hub at Jorge Town, Montevista during the celebration of the 2021 Online Bulawan Festival on October 28, 2021.

DTI Provincial Director Atty. Lucky Siegfred M. Balleque in his opening statement explained the importance of OTOP Hub as a reliable mechanism in assisting micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) in promoting their products with global standards.


"Mao kini ang atoang solution sa mga MSME nga mahatagan sila ug lugar diin ilang mabaligya

ang ilahang produkto at the same time ma showcase usab natu kung unsa ka quality ug competitive ang mga produkto sa taga Davao de Oro", Balleque said.


The hub serves as a one-stop retail store where market-ready OTOP products such as arts, crafts, wearables, home styles, food, and beauty and wellness products are made available to both local buyers and tourists.

All of the items displayed were attributed to the richness of the province's natural resources as the direct source of raw materials of the products.


The agency also provides intervention programs to MSMEs through various training sessions and seminars that would enhance the design, quality, production, and marketability of each product.


The highlight of the event was the ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between DTI Davao de Oro and Jorge Town on the establishment and operations of OTOP Hub.


Present during the event were DTI Regional Smed Division Chief Marie Anne J. How, Jorge Town CEO Maria Teresa D. Zamora, DTI-DdO Division Chief Patrick Kim B. Evangelio, Provincial Women Development Council Chairperson Sholai Lim, and officials from the provincial and municipal office.

 (Rheafe Hortizano - Provincial Information Office, Photos by DTI DdO)

Detachment in the life of a disciple

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

          TO be sure, a certain detachment from the things of this

world and even from people is required of us if we want to be a true

and effective disciple of Christ. He himself said it quite clearly:

“If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and

children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my

disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me

cannot be my disciple.” (Lk 14,26-17)

          We obviously have to understand these words properly. We are

men and women with material and emotional needs. We cannot let go of

our loved ones if we want to retain our humanity, and of course, of

our Christianity. But we have to realize that meeting these human

needs should be animated by the proper spirit of love that Christ is

showing and giving us. It should not displace such spirit.

          Again, let’s be reassured of what Christ promised us if we

observe the proper priorities in our life. “But seek ye first the

kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be

added unto you." (Mt 6,33) And, “Everyone who has left houses or

brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields

for the sake of My name will receive a hundredfold and will inherit

eternal life.” (Mt 19,29)

          We need to have a certain detachment from persons and things

to be able to give our heart entirely to God, and with him, we

actually have everything else we need. As St. Teresa of Avila put it

graphically, with God we have enough—“solo Dios basta.”

          So the detachment our Lord is asking of us actually does not

mean that we hate our life, our parents and others, and the things of

this world. Rather it is a detachment that asks of us to have

rectitude of intention, that everything that we do be for the glory of


          To be a disciple of Christ, we have to give everything of

ourselves to him and to the tasks such discipleship entails. This will

allow the very power of Christ to work on us. So instead of hindering

our apostolic work, that detachment that Christ requires of his

disciples would only enhance that work.

          Detachment does not remove our involvement and engagement in

our human, earthly and temporal affairs. It simply puts them in the

right context and the right direction. It frees us from unnecessary

baggage. It improves our vision and understanding of things, and

predisposes our heart to the real love which can only be a sharing in

God’s love.

          We should not be afraid to go through the required

sacrifices and self-denial that this proper sense of detachment would

involve, since these can only lead us to the joy and peace meant for

us. We need to do better than have a shallow and narrow view of our

earthly life, giving knee-jerk reactions to things.

          We need to give due attention to this duty of rectifying and

purifying our intention, filling it with love, and expressing it with

generosity and heroism even. We should do away with any ulterior

motive we would be tempted to have. Our problem is precisely our

tendency to take this duty for granted, and so we open ourselves to

the subtle forces of pride, greed, lust, envy, anger, gluttony, sloth,

etc. Christian detachment protects and liberates us from these


* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

Monday, November 1, 2021

Will Davao City soon surpass Manila as the second largest city (proper) in the Philippines?

It largely depends how fast both city is growing now. If both grows at the same rate they did between 2010–2015 (City of Manila - 2015 - 1,780,148 at 1.43%; Davao - 2015 - 1,632,991 at 2.3%), Davao City will marginally surpass the City of Manila’s population by 2026. Using the same population growth rates, both will reach more than 2 million by 2024.

Davao City can actually become the second largest city at an earlier time considering the attention (and investments) it has been getting as President Duterte’s hometown. Or it could be a little longer if the good news generated by Manila Mayor Isko Moreno entices people to return to the capital. We can better gauge this when we see the results of the 2020 Census.

Update (July 2021):

The results of the 2020 Census has been released. The City of Manila’s official population count is now 1,846,513 and Davao City at 1,776,949. Between the two censuses, the former added 66k and the latter 143k. Assuming the same number will be added in the next 5 years, Davao City will be marginally larger than the City of Manila by the next Census. And both cities won’t reach the 2M milestone just yet.

The Solemnity of All Saints

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

THIS Solemnity is not only an occasion to celebrate the success stories of

holiness of those who are already in heaven, and are recognized and canonized by the

Church as saints. It is also a strong reminder that all of us are called to holiness. And

the way to holiness is clearly spelled out by Christ himself when he preached about the

beatitudes. (cfr. Mt 5,1-12)

Everyone can be a saint because God calls all and empowers all to be so. Ever

wondered why Christ chose his apostles practically randomly? He, for example, would

just pass by Matthew in his tax collector’s table and say, “Come, follow me,” without as

much checking on Matthew’s background.

Same with brothers Peter and Andrew, and James and John. Christ would just

call them, and without asking any question they simply left their nets, for they were

fishermen, and followed Christ.

In the end, he would also call Judas Iscariot who would later betray him. Christ,

being God, would have known that Judas would turn him in. But that did not deter him.

He called Judas just the same to be one of his 12 apostles.

The only reason I can find for this behavior of Christ is that he has the right to call

anyone and everyone to follow him. And that’s simply because, as God, he has that

right since all of us come from him and belong to him. As redeemer, he calls everyone

to follow him.

Yes, everyone is called to holiness, because everyone is a creature of God, and

as such is therefore created in the image and likeness of God, adopted a child of his,

and meant to participate in the very life of God.

There is a basic and inalienable equality among all of us insofar as we are God’s

creatures and children called to holiness. Regardless of our position and state in life,

whether we are priests, religious men and women, or ordinary lay faithful, we have the

same calling and purpose in life.

Corollary to this truth is that there is also a basic and inalienable quality of

everything in the world to be an occasion and means for our sanctification. To be holy

does not mean that we only spend time praying, going to church, availing of the

sacraments, etc.

To be sure, prayer, the sacraments, the doctrine of our faith, obedience to the

Church hierarchy are important and indispensable, but these would hang on thin air if

they are not supported and made as the goal and expression of a sanctified life that is

consistent to the teachings and the spirit of God as lived in the middle of the world.

And given our wounded condition, we have to understand that the road to

sanctity will always pass through the ways of suffering in this life. Thus, Christ preached

about the beatitudes where what we usually consider as human disasters or clear

disadvantages and inconveniences according to worldly standards are converted into a

source of joy, a means of our redemption, a path to heaven, narrow and difficult though

it may be.

They expand our understanding of what would comprise as our true happiness

by including those situations which we normally regard as unsavory and therefore to be

avoided as much as possible and hated.

We need to study well the content and spirit behind the beatitudes by looking

closely at the example of Christ. There we will have the reassurance that all the

suffering and sacrifices that we have to go through would be all worth it.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Filipino people are generous compared to American?

Fact or opinion? Can you explain why?

Profile photo for Holly Benedicto
Holly Benedicto
Bisaya. Has travelled all over the Philippines, some Asian countries and the United States. Scientific background. Has worked extensively with Americans.

Generosity has nothing to do with race or nationality.

Filipinos, however, have a custom of “pasalubong”, where anyone who’s going anywhere is obliged to buy something for whoever was left behind. This is well and good but it also puts financial pressure on the person that can cause them to lose money for their own use.

In the US, there is no such custom. When I went to the US, I brought my colleagues souvenirs but I received nothing in return. I did receive a free tour but that was taken against company budget. And that was fine by me. I could afford to buy stuff. And I did buy stuff for my family because while I was on a budget, there were some incredibly cheap designer items I could not let pass. And I guess the custom is ingrained in me.

Filipinos also have this toxic habit of asking others for “palibre”, which is coercing somebody to purchase something for you for no reason other than you want them to. A person celebrating their birthday is pressured into buying free food for other people.

In the US, the person having the birthday is the one that receives a party and gifts.

From a political point of view, I’m actually not sure what the Philippines has given to the US ASIDE FROM CHEAP LABOR.

Maybe you are confusing tradition with actual kindness.

Why compare anyway? If you are generous, then you are generous. That doesn’t mean everyone else is or isn’t.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Dealing with our doubts about Christ

By Fr. Roy Cimagala 

WE cannot deny that all of us can have some doubts about who Christ is and

what he is to us. These days in the world in general, we can see strong evidence of a

culture of skepticism, agnosticism, religious indifferentism, if not, outright atheism.

This should come as no surprise to us because even during the time of Christ,

many of the supposedly religious leaders were skeptical of him and were often

suspicious of him, always trying to find fault in him.

The quick reason for that phenomenon is that the person of Christ is largely

shrouded by mysteries that are difficult if not impossible for us to understand. That he is

both God and man, that he was brought to earth through a virgin birth, are just some of

the mysteries many people do not even bother to consider.

There are, of course, many other reasons. Many people are lazy and do not

bother to know Christ, let alone, study the gospels. And even the Bible is considered by

many people as a mere collection of myths and legends. And we can go on and on with

reasons for the lack of interest in Christ.

But what we can do is first of all really to pray, to humble ourselves, realizing that

the question about Christ is a matter of faith which is a supernatural gift that can only be

appreciated by us if we are humble enough to accept and correspond to that gift. Of

course, Christ can strike a most powerful grace to convert a person instantly into a man

of faith, much like what happened to St. Paul.

But there definitely is also a need to evangelize, to give faithful and consistent

witness to our belief in Christ, making ourselves effectively “another Christ” as we ought

to be, since that is the only human way we can convince people of the reality of Christ.

What is clear that we have to be guided and live by faith always. More, we have

to incarnate that faith. It should not just be a theoretical or intellectual affair.

We need to keep our faith alive and burning. We should never allow it to cool

down. That’s why we should strive to develop a vibrant life of piety that is supported by

a concrete plan for which we should not be sparing in our efforts and sacrifices. It

cannot be denied that a plan to support our life of faith and piety will always involve a lot

of effort and sacrifice.

Things should come to the point when we somehow can see Christ in all the

situations of our life, and discern his will for us at any moment. In other words, that we

practically make ourselves contemplative souls even in the midst of the world.

This is not falling into fantasies. This is, in fact, making ourselves most realistic,

because in spite of our limitations, we cannot deny that Christ is in everything and is

actually intervening in our life always. This is because being God, Christ is the very

foundation of all reality. He is everywhere. 

Let us hope that we can have a vivid awareness of the presence of Christ all

throughout the day, 24/7, and that we can be drawn always to correspond to his loving

and merciful will. We should feel as much as possible God’s continuous love for us, and

we should try to repay that love with our love. Let’s never set him aside.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Are we truly prayerful persons?

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

“Jesus went up to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God.”

(Lk 6,12)

What a tremendous fact in the life of Christ for us to consider! We should be

edified by that example. Christ is God and therefore has no need to pray. Yet he is also

man and as such is in need of prayer as a way to be always in touch with God, as any

man should be.

What we can adduce from this fact is that, like Christ who is the pattern of our

humanity, we are supposed to be men and women of prayer. We need to do everything

for us to make this ideal a reality in our lives.

We have to realize that prayer should always have priority over all other activities

we have during the day. Better said, we have to learn how to convert everything into

prayer so that we can say that our whole life is a prayer itself, as it should be.

And that is always possible because all we have to do is to fulfill our duties and

responsibilities out of love for God and neighbor, doing them in the best way we can, for

such is the way of love. And the duties and responsibilities we have are the usual tasks

we do everyday.

It’s when we pray that we manage to relate who we are, what we have, what we

do, etc. to our ultimate end which, to be sure, is not something only natural but is also

supernatural. Nothing therefore can rival the importance of prayer. In other words,

prayer is irreplaceable, unsubstitutable, indispensable. It’s never optional, though it has

to be done freely if we want our prayer to be real prayer.

Of course, we also have to understand that prayer can lend itself to many

different ways. There’s vocal prayer, mental prayer, contemplative prayer, liturgical

prayer, ejaculatory prayer, etc. It can adapt itself to different situations and conditions.

The absolutely important thing that makes prayer real prayer is when we manage

to give all our mind and heart to God in whatever thing we do or in whatever situation

we may find ourselves in.

We have to be reminded that the quality of our prayer determines in the end the

quality of our life. How our prayer is will somehow shape how our life will be. 

And that’s simply because our prayer is the basic way of connecting with God who is the source and keeper of our life, and in fact, in whose image and likeness we have been created, and whose life we are supposed to participate.

In other words, the ideal life we ought to have is when our life enters into the very

life of God. And that ideal is basically pursued in our earthly sojourn through our prayer

which is how we first and last relate ourselves with God.

If we do not have a life of prayer, the best thing that can happen to us is to simply

lead an animal life. It might be a rational life too, but it would only be up to there at its

best state, which is not yet what is ideal for us. And certainly, that rationality would be


We should do everything to cultivate a life, if not, a culture of prayer. Let’s take

the challenge. We should not just acknowledge this need. We have to attend to it with

an appropriate action plan.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 27, 2021



The last word is the best news of all. A happy ending after all? Really?

We sense it at rare moments. We see the good, the beauty in new crops, in flowers, in sunshine, and even in rain. The last thunderstorm in Davao City scarred me a lot. Lightning, flood … wow.

This world may be full of pollution, war, crime, and hate. But inside us, all of us, linger remnants that remind us of what the world could be like – of what we could be like.

The Old Testament prophets dreamed of “that day”, when creation would be made new. And those sensations, following a dismal monotone of predicted catastrophes, burst out of the last few chapters of Revelation. That perfect world is not merely a dream. Yes, I am pretty sure, it will come true.

I really enjoy reading Revelation again and again. Revelation shows us a new world at last. There will be no more tears then nor pain.

Revelation ends on a note of great triumph. Somehow, out of all the bad news augured here, good news emerges -spectacular Good News. I remember my radio show hosting on a Good News Radio FM- station in Davao City more than 20 years ago. Yes, good news … .

To those who believe, Revelation becomes a book not of fear, but of hope. God will prevail. All will be made new.

The Bible began, remember, back in Genesis, with a tragic defeat, when humanity, made in the image of God, rebelled. It ends with a reunion – a marriage, Revelation calls it. A happy ending after all … .

A perfect world? How could you design it? What would it look like? I am really waiting for your comments and suggestions.