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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Public service… is it for you?





Public service is often romanticized as a noble endeavor, a calling for the greater good. The reality of being a public servant, however, is far from simple or ceremonial. 

Government work entails navigating complex bureaucratic processes, balancing diverse stakeholder interests, and enduring intense public scrutiny, all while striving to deliver essential services with limited resources.

In the case of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), managing the budget while attempting to address the diverse and growing needs of various sectors is a constant challenge. We likewise have to deal with economic challenges, inflation, and other macroeconomic factors that can affect revenue collection and budget planning. So many factors are at play.

It is especially challenging now that it is the budget season, a critical time for the Philippine government, when we set the financial framework for the country's programs and initiatives, influencing economic development and public service delivery.

Two weeks ago, I participated in a series of Executive Review Board (ERB) meetings, where I witnessed the dedication and resilience of the top brass of DBM. For context, the ERB consists of the DBM leadership, headed by Secretary Amenah “Mina” F. Pangandaman. It evaluates all proposals and funding amounts from agencies, for inclusion in the proposed National Expenditure Program (NEP). The finalized NEP is then presented to the President and the Cabinet, and, once approved, to Congress for scrutiny. 

The late nights, the tireless efforts, and the unwavering commitment to ensuring that every budget allocation is meticulously reviewed and justified—all these are part and parcel of the process. I salute the individuals who sacrifice a great deal of time and energy to guarantee that every session is productive and every decision is made with the nation’s best interests in mind.

One of the most demanding aspects of our role at the DBM is the delicate balancing act we must perform. We have to serve the interests of both the public and private sectors, a responsibility that requires not only a keen understanding of economic principles but also a deep empathy for the needs and aspirations of the people.

On one hand, we must ensure that public funds are allocated efficiently and effectively, supporting essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. These allocations directly impact the quality of life of Filipinos and are crucial for the nation's development.

On the other hand, we must consider the needs of the private sector, which drives economic growth and creates employment opportunities. Striking the right balance between these often-competing interests is no easy feat and requires a nuanced approach that takes into account the broader economic landscape and the long-term implications of our decisions.

Beyond DBM, and I have said this often, public service is not for the weak-kneed and craven. It is a thankless job that tests your strength and deprives you of sleep. There are times when you will experience spending days away from family, and yet, in return, you get to be the public’s object of ridicule, hate, and mockery. But, still, you have to always work hard.

Serving the public involves a level of dedication and resilience that few other professions require. The scrutiny we face, both from the public and from various stakeholders, can be intense. Further, the pressure to deliver results promptly, often with limited resources, can be overbearing.

Reflecting on the DBM once more, the duty of managing the nation’s budget is enormous, with high stakes. Any misstep can have far-reaching consequences, affecting millions of lives and the country’s economic stability. This is why I am incredibly impressed by how Sec. Mina handles these complexities with remarkable skill.

Of course, despite these tribulations, there is a profound sense of fulfillment in public service. The knowledge that our work has the potential to create positive change and improve the lives of our fellow citizens is great motivation. It is this sense of purpose that keeps us going, even when the going gets tough.

Public service may be an unforgiving and often unappreciated work, but it remains an essential and honorable pursuit. For those who choose this path, the merits are not measured in accolades or financial gain but in the lasting impact of their work on the nation and the Filipinos.

There is hope!

Daddy underrated

Or why fathers are underappreciated for the role they play in parenting


  • He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father. — Jonathan Safran Foer

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Dads are different now.

I’d go as far as saying that men are different now. As a result of decades or centuries of struggle for gender rights and equality, where women—and the LGBTQ+ community—have been historically the ones struggling, fighting, the men aren’t exactly the oppressors anymore.

At least not in my world, at least not within my circle in Manila, where women have always been powerful, such great characters equal to men in terms of intelligence, cunning, potential, and sometimes even physical strength.

I’m no father, but I’ve had the privilege of playing a major role in raising two nieces and a nephew and, as they were growing up, I could see a sort of reversal of roles. The girls, having been brought up in #metoo time, encouraged to be ever braver, more aggressive, less compromising, have turned out to be more independent, less needy whereas the boy, my nephew, is proving to be more affectionate, more expressive, more sensitive, even more clingy, and that’s because the world has been nagging boys like him to be kinder, gentler, more attuned to their “feminine” side, more open to their emotions. Men are being asked to be more like women while women are being asked to be more like men.

I don’t know how this reversal of roles will play out once these kids become parents themselves.

My father became a parent at a time distant parenting was the norm. To be fair, so was my mother, but women in those times were constrained to be the caring, nurturing side of the parental team. It was the mother who woke up to get their children ready for school. It was the mother children looked for if they were running a fever or they bruised up from a fall or if they needed money for school projects. The men, on the other hand, were expected to be the breadwinner, the provider and, if we must go by stereotypes, did not really take an active role in their children’s lives. At any rate, while I was growing up, most of the parenting chores were delegated to the yaya, the nanny, who often became as close to their wards as the parents in addition to becoming confidante. The role of fathers in our lives, unlike mothers, aren’t sentimentalized. If it’s given any thought, it is often underrated. The phrase “Mother knows best” isn’t exactly innocent in establishing the role assigned to each gender. It implies, maybe without meaning to, that it is their mother children should turn to should they find themselves in any sort of conundrum. 

Even the celebration of Mother’s Day goes earlier back in time, all the way to the 1860s, whereas the seed of a Father’s Day celebration was only planted in 1910 when, inspired by a West Virginia church initiative of delivering a sermon in tribute to the 362 men who perished in a mine explosion in 1907, Sonora Smart Dodd, who worked briefly in fashion for Hollywood, pledged to celebrate it in honor of her father, the American Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart. I hope we are different now, although it’s funny how now we applaud the dad who walks his daughter to school and still condemn the mother who arrives half an hour late at the schoolyard to pick up her son. The burden of societal expectations on mothers is still heavier, but I suppose more and more of that weight is being transferred to the father, who is now expected to hold his wife’s hand while she is giving birth, who is now expected to take turns with his co-parent to feed the baby or change his or her diaper, or read a child a story at bedtime.

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MEMORIES OF A FATHER My father was a distant authority, but he was allpresent, a great inspiration — his love of movies, music, good food, and coffee made a lifelong mark on me

I have no qualms about the way my father raised me, although I could say he was technically an absent parent, as far as the chores of parenthood were concerned. I don’t remember him ever taking me to National Book Store to buy my books, notebooks, and school supplies at the opening of a new schoolyear. I don’t remember him ever helping me tie my shoelaces, put on my socks, or button my shirt. Did he ever put a towel on my back when I was all sweaty in the playground? Or made an airplane of a spoonful of carrots and broccoli on its way to my cave of a mouth to get me to eat my veggies? And did he ever read me passages of The Wizard of Oz at bedtime?

Maybe not, but my father was all-present, a looming figure, a giant in my eyes growing up, even if he was mostly out. He did hold my hand walking into a dark theater in what used to be Quad in Makati to watch King Kong or Star Wars. He did carry me on his shoulders so I could have a good look at the animated Christmas display at COD (Christmas on Display) in Cubao, Quezon City. He took me and the rest of the family to occasional dinners that were always special, costing more than my mother would consider reasonable.

My father never told me what I should be, what I should do, what success or failure should mean to me. He let me figure it all out on my own, unaware that I took cues from everything he did, like the newspaper he would tuck in his armpit on his way to the bathroom, or the way he would rhapsodize over Marlon Brando, whistle a tune from The Bridge Over the River Kwai, or talk at length about his opinion on the Cold War, the benefits and repercussions of nuclear energy, and the complexity of time as caught in the very first of The Terminator franchise.

I think the most important thing he had ever done for me as a father, eclipsing what today’s standards might consider his omissions or even negligence, is that at no point in my life, even in those times I was at odds with him with my teen hormones in full attack mode, did I ever have to doubt that he cared for me and, more important, that he loved me.

K-pop group Mamamoo’s Solar sings BINI’s ‘Pantropiko’ at her Manila concert


K-pop girl group Mamamoo’s leader Solar surprised Filipino fans by performing P-pop group BINI’s “Pantropiko” not once but twice at her concert in Manila. 

She held her "Solar 2nd Concert [COLOURS] in Manila" on June 16 at The Theatre at Solaire Resort. 



Mamamoo's Solar performing at her solo concert in Manila on June 16 (Jonathan Hicap)


P-pop group BINI (Instagram) 

“There is a song that I prepared. I expected you guys to know this song,” she said. 

As Solar started singing “Pantropiko,” the audience screamed. After her performance, the audience chanted “BINI! Solar! BINI! Solar!” 

“One more time? Okay,” she told the audience and performed  “Pantropiko” for the second time. 

As the audience chanted “BINI! Solar!” again, Solar said, “BINI, Solar collaboration.” 

“The song was really nice,” said Solar about ““Pantropiko.” 

“Pantropiko” was released in November last year. 

 The "Solar 2nd Concert [COLOURS] in Manila" was organized by O.N Worldwide and co-organized by Three Angles Production. 

Going beyond our human standards

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

WE should never forget that we are meant to live our life with God. Our life therefore should not simply be purely natural and human. It has to be supernatural and divine. The standards we use should not just be human. They should be, above all, divine.

We are reminded of this truth of our faith in that gospel reading of the Mass on Monday of the 4th Week of Easter (cfr. Mk 5,37-42) where Christ told his stunned disciples: “You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.”

And clarifying what that would mean, he said: “When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles…”

Definitely, if we are to consider these words according to our human standards, we would find them crazy. But precisely these words of Christ are an open invitation for us to enter into his supernatural and divine way of life. We can only observe them if we have faith in Christ and do our best to follow him and identify ourselves with him, who after all is the pattern of our humanity and the savior of our damaged humanity.

We have to learn how to drown evil with an abundance of good. That’s how things should be. Instead of responding to evil with evil, hatred with hatred, we should rather respond to evil with good, hatred with love. That way we turn things around, rather than plunge into the spiral of evil and hatred.

This was specifically articulated by St. Paul in his Letter to the Romans where he said: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” (Rom 12,17-20)

We have to try our best to erase whatever disbelief, doubt or skepticism we can have as we consider this teaching, since most likely, our first and spontaneous reaction to it would precisely be those reactions. We can ask, even if done only interiorly, “Is Christ really serious about this? Can this thing that Christ and St. Paul are telling us, possible, doable?”

With God’s grace and our effort, let us learn to live with unavoidable evil in this world. “Let them grow together until harvest.” That was the answer of the master in one of the parables about the kingdom of heaven. (cfr Mt 13,24-43) He was telling the servants to let the weeds down by his enemy to grow together with the wheat. Pulling the weed out now would just endanger the wheat, he reasoned out.

This parable is an image of how our life now, with all its good and bad elements, is already the beginning of the kingdom of heaven. We have to learn how to live in this condition, where evil is unavoidable, without getting confused and lost.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Philippine eagle’s flight for survival

What can we do to keep the Philippine eagle flying high?

On June 5, 2024, a new addition came to the halls of the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) in Manila City. It was not a painting nor a sculpture, but a taxidermy mount of a Philippine eagle named Geothermica. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the National Museum of the Philippines (NMP), the Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF), the Energy Development Corporation, and Boeing Southeast gathered to witness the coming of the memento, which coincides with the celebration of Philippine Eagle Week.

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Geothermica's taxidermy mount (Photo from NMP and PEF)

Unlike other forest raptors, Geothermica was a pioneer and an international ambassador. He was one of the two Philippine eagles selected for the first international loan program under the Wildlife Loan Agreement between the Philippines and Singapore. The other one was his female partner, Sambisig. The two were sent to Jurong Bird Park in Singapore in June 2019 for a conservation breeding program. Sadly, in September 2023, Geothermica passed away at age 19 due to a severe lung infection.

“Today, we gathered here for Geothermica's taxidermy, symbolizing the Philippines and Singapore's partnership and commitment to preserving the critically endangered species, such as our Philippine eagle,” Edgar Chua, PEF chairman, said during his speech. “I would very much prefer that we are here to celebrate the release of a Philippine eagle to the wild. But instead, we are here to immortalize Geothermica's story, which is a reminder of our ecosystem's fragility.”

As the National Bird of the country, the Philippine eagle is something we see everywhere. We can see it as an art depicted on canvas and jeepneys and a representation of brands, schools, and government offices. Political leaders chose it to be their emblem. A costume inspired by the bird took home an award at Miss Universe 2019. Even Manila Bulletin’s mascot is a Philippine Eagle. More recently, it appeared as the new character on the 1,000 peso bill. With its brown feathers, shaggy crest, and intense blue-gray eyes, the bird is a sight to behold whether it is perched on a tree branch or soaring in the sky, making it the perfect muse for artists. While there are thousands of Philippine eagle depictions here in Manila, the same cannot be said when it comes to their number in the wild.

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Philippine Eagle Sarangani returned to the wild on June 13, 2022. Sarangani was turned over to the PEF for rehabilitation after a farmer found it trapped in a forest. (Photo by Keith Bacongco)

According to the DENR-Biodiversity Management Bureau, an estimated 392 pairs of Philippine eagles are in the archipelago. This rate put the forest raptor on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s list of critically endangered species. Deforestation and illegal hunting are among the causes of the declining number of Philippine eagles in the wild. But hope is not lost for the beloved bird. Together with the government, the PEF, a non-profit organization, has been on a mission to save the Philippine eagle and its rainforest habitat.

In a conversation with the Manila Bulletin, PEF’s director for operations Dr. Jayson C. Ibañez gives us a glimpse of the conservation breeding programs they do at Philippine Eagle Center in Davao, the role of indigenous people in safeguarding the forests, and what can we do to keep the Philippine eagle flying high.

First off, there are 392 pairs of Philippine eagles in the country. Where are they located?

60 percent are in Mindanao, so more than 200 pairs. There are 120 pairs in Luzon. The rest are in Leyte and Samar. They require 6,800 to 7,000 hectares. They are very hard to find. They prefer remote forests. That's why it is hard for ordinary Filipinos to see them, except the indigenous people.

What is the role PEF’s indigenous partners play in the conservation program?

We have measured, estimatedly, two million hectares of suitable eagle habitats. 80 percent of that are within indigenous ancestral domains. If you want to conserve the eagles, you need to work with the indigenous communities. One, there's a conscious decision not to harm the Philippine eagle. If they found a nest, they help protect it. We train them and help them become forest guards.

We have at least 14 indigenous partners in Mindanao. The nice thing about indigenous people is that they know the forest like the back of their hand. It is their playground, they grew up there. They have this certain attachment to the land. If you harness that sort of moral responsibility to the land, help them become forest guards, and pay them fairly, it becomes a green job and that motivates them further to protect the eagles.

Just imagine, if we support the indigenous people, pay them, and make forest guarding a decent work, they would take care of the forest and species on everyone's behalf. When we are sleeping, we have warm bodies protecting the birds and the forest.

Philippine Eagle Foundation director for operations Dr. Jayson Ibañez and animal keeper Dominic Tadena carry a pair of Philippine eagles upon arrival in Barangay Kabagna, Burauen, Leyte. (Keith Bacongco)

Since 1992, PEF has produced 29 eagles. How many have been released to the wild and survived?

We have produced 29 captive-bred eagles. We only have 17 surviving now in the facility. We released three captive-bred eagles. We released one in 2004. Unfortunately, that bird got electrocuted. We released two eagles between 2005 and 2010. One of the eagles was hunted, the other, we had to take it back because it was starting to hunt domestic animals. We’re worried people might shoot it.

We are not successful in releasing captive-bred birds. But we are very successful in releasing the rescued and rehabilitated birds because they can easily adapt.

In 2009, we released a rescued bird, a female Philippine Eagle named Kalabugao. After seven years, the released bird actually found a pair and laid an egg. We know that it is working. We are giving an eagle a second chance to live and breed in the wild.

Which type of conservation breeding does the foundation find to work best, the Natural Pairing or the Cooperative Artificial Insemination?

They are both useful. They are both standard techniques. In tandem, they can help our efforts. But, I think, the downside of Cooperative Artificial Insemination is that you have to make sure that the eagle being bred using artificial insemination is trained to think as an eagle.

If you do Natural Pairing, when the eaglet hatches, it will see its parents, a male and female eagle. It would imprint on the right species and it would become a proper eagle. If you release them in the wild, you will not have issues with them chasing people because they are wild in nature.

But for Artificial Insemination, you need to make sure that the eaglet, once it hatches, doesn't familiarize itself with people. If you are not careful, eaglets that are hatched using artificial insemination might think that they are human beings. In that sense, Natural Pairing has more edge.

How much does conservation breeding cost?

For a single eagle, you need at least half a million pesos to take care of it every year. We have this Adopt an Eagle program. Our captive-bred birds are up for adoption. If there is an individual corporation willing to adopt one bird, they would pay half a million pesos for its care. That pays for the veterinary, its medicines and vitamins, the salary of the caretaker, the facility and checkups, and the tests needed.

Do we need more laws to ensure the survival of Philippine eagles?

There is a particular law that we are trying to popularize right now or lobby for. It is called the National Bird Act. This is a soon-to-be-proposed law that gives more resources to Philippine Eagle conservation and engagement with the indigenous people.

But, in general, we think that the laws are already there. We have the Wildlife Resources Conservation Protection Act. We have the P.D. No. 705, which is about forestry laws. What we need to improve on is enforcement. I think that is generally true in the Philippines. We have so many laws but we are relatively lacking in terms of law enforcement. Maybe that is something that we should focus on. When people are shooting the eagles, they should be penalized. If there’s an illegal logging, there should be penalties.

Geothermica’s mount and the Philippine Eagle exhibit are on display at the Shell Philippines Centennial Courtyard in the NMNH until June 24, 2024. To know more about PEF’s works and donation programs, visit philippineeaglefoundation.org or @phileaglefn on Instagram.

Friday, June 14, 2024

World Blood Donor Day: Saving life, celebrating humanity


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Every year on June 14, the world observes World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) to promote the importance of blood donation. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the crucial role blood plays in saving lives and the immense value of blood donors. 

The World Blood Donor Day was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004 to raise awareness about safe blood donation. 

This year, as it marks its 20th year, World Blood Donor Day will be observed with the theme, “20 years of celebrating giving: Thank you blood donors!” This celebration is an opportunity to express gratitude to those who selflessly contribute to this life-saving cause.

Blood donation has ancient roots, dating back to the 17th century. English physician Richard Lower reported the first successful blood transfusion among animals in 1665. To keep a dog alive, he transfused blood from other animals.

In 1667, Lower and French physician Jean Baptiste Denis reported successful blood transfusion from animal to human. In 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an American-Austrian immunologist, identified the A, B, and O blood groups. His work revolutionized blood transfusion safety and earned him the Nobel Prize in 1930.

While blood is an essential lifeline, there is a dearth of donors that makes transfusion a challenge in times of emergency.

Many countries still rely on paid donors or family members for blood. Therefore, encouraging voluntary, unpaid blood donation is crucial.

Blood donors play a vital role in helping those in need. Their contributions impact patients’ lives, making blood donation a lifeline for countless individuals.

This is why celebrating World Blood Donor Day is imperative as it aims to create public awareness and builds a culture of voluntary blood donation.

Thanking blood donors and motivating them to donate regularly help ensure a steady supply of safe blood for emergencies, surgeries, and medical treatments.

Donating blood isn’t just impactful for recipients; it benefits donors, too. Regular blood donation helps maintain donors’ health, including reducing chances of heart diseases and the role it plays in burning calories.

Now, start donating blood to save lives.

According to WHO, one is qualified to donate blood if he or she is 18 to 65 years old and in good health condition, weighs at least 50 kg, passes initial blood sampling screening, and is well rested and hydrated.

Those who do not qualify are persons who had been tested positive for HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases; have a cold or flu or any other kind of infection; have low or high blood pressure; illegal drug user or are under the influence of drugs/alcohol; one who recently underwent a minor dental procedure; had a tattoo done within the last six months, among others. 

So, let’s honor blood donors, continue promoting safe blood donation worldwide, and observe World Blood Donor Day — a celebration of compassion, humanity, and a remarkable gift of life.

Cayetanos deliver aid to Lumban, Laguna communities



June 13, 2024

“Kung mayroon pong mga turista, mayroon po kaming pinagtitindahan. Pero kapag wala po, wala rin pong tinda. Kaya napakalaking tulong po nitong tulong nila Senator Alan at Senator Pia Cayetano dahil magagamit ko ito para sa pang-tuition fee ng aking anak.”

These were the heartfelt words of Reysie delos Reyes Cacalda, an espasol vendor from Lumban, Laguna as she expressed gratitude for the assistance from the sibling senators which will significantly contribute to a higher cause—funding her child’s education.

“Makakapagpa-graduate na po ako ng aking anak na [may kursong] Civil Engineering,” she added joyfully.

Cavalda was one of the 1,000 beneficiaries from the partnership between the senators and the Department of Social Welfare and Development's (DSWD) Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program. This partnership brought support to the Municipality of Lumban in the Province of Laguna.

On June 11, 2024, the senators’ offices reached out to community workers, women, and small business owners in Lumban to provide assistance for their needs.

The distribution was organized in coordination with Lumban Vice Mayor Belen Raga, who expressed her gratitude to the senators on behalf of the beneficiaries.

“Ako po ay lubos na nagpapasalamat sa tulong na dinala nila sa bayan ng Lumban. Sobrang blessing po ito para sa aming bayan at nawa po ay ibalik ito ng siksik, liglig ni Lord sa inyo,” she said.

The activity also featured a Medical Assistance Desk to help individuals with medical expenses, covering hospital bills, medications, laboratory tests, and other diagnostic procedures.

These initiatives are part of the Cayetanos’ ongoing efforts to support marginalized communities across the country. While the Senate is on a session break, their offices remain active, visiting various areas to bring aid closer to those in need.

They closely collaborate with government agencies and local units to ensure that Filipinos receive the necessary assistance. ###bansa sa isa't isa, lalo na sa mga panahon ng pangangailangan.

Whatever the problems are, [such as] economics, transportation, [and] the pandemic, we find a way to be relevant to each other,” wika niya.

“When you need us, we will be there for you, and when we need you, you’re always there for us,” dagdag niya.

Sa pagtatapos ng kanyang talumpati, pinasalamatan ni Cayetano si Paul Chan Mo-po, ang Financial Secretary ng Hong Kong, at nanawagan ng patuloy na pakikipagtulungan upang mapanatili ang matatag na relasyon ng dalawang rehiyon.

“Thank you for the hospitality and the kindness you’re showing the Filipino people,” wika niya.

“As you celebrate with us, you know the world is changing quite fast, but as long as we continue to be reliable, we continue to be relevant, and we continue to be resilient members of one family, we will continue our record,” dagdag niya. ###

Thursday, June 13, 2024

BINI stops 'Araw ng Kalayaan' show due to rowdy crowd


Jan Milo Severo - Philstar.com
The STAR / File

MANILA, Philippines — P-pop girl group BINI needed to cut their performance at the "Araw ng Kalayaan" concert in Quirino Grandstand yesterday for security concerns.

BINI performed at the government's Independence Day celebration after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered his speech. 

The girl group appealed to the crowd to behave after performing their song "Lagi," after seeing some fans have already fainted. 

They then noticed that some fans climbed the scaffolding, and this prompted them to cut short their set to avoid untoward incidents. 

In their official Facebook account, BINI thanked their fans for showing their support in the event, but they made sure that safety came first. 

“Thank you to everyone who supported us tonight! However safety should always come first and we hope for your understanding," they wrote. 

"More chances to see each other real soon! We hope everyone gets home safely tonight. Thank you so much! Happy Independence Day,” they added.

How do you support our nation?

Four ways to show how much you love the Philippines.



  • As citizens of this nation, we must strive to educate ourselves enough to distinguish fact from fiction.

Image by Freepik

As we celebrate our 126th Independence Day, we are likely to see the numerous flags being waved and a countless flurry of “Proud to be Pinoy” posts on social media. It’s one thing to brag about being Filipino, but it’s another to actively participate in activities that help support the country. Here are four simple ways you can show your love for the Philippines and actively help our fellow countrymen.


There are countless volunteer organizations out there to help the less fortunate. What better way to show you love our country than to lend a helping hand to our fellow Filipinos in need? You can use services like VolunteerMatch.org to find organizations that need our help. Check with your local LGUs or barangay centers to see if there are any community activities you can offer your services to. Just remember, don’t be a martyr. Only take what you can handle and know your limits when it comes to providing support toward others.

Support the local art scene 

You’ve likely heard “support local” as the go-to cry from Filipino artists to ensure we remain at par with the international artists we follow. One of the simplest ways you can do so is by watching Filipino-made shows and movies, listening to OPM, and following local content creators on any of the available streaming platforms out there. You can go the extra mile by attending your favorite local artist’s shows live or buying any of their available merchandise.

Spend, spend, spend 

Call this the go signal to go on that shopping spree you’ve been thinking about. By spending on small local businesses and vendors, you are providing support to the local economy. You might think nothing of these small purchases, but every centavo counts. As more people invest on local produce, products, and goods, we strengthen our nation’s economy and provide ample sources of livelihood for the owners of these small businesses.

Learn our history 

In this day and age, the lines between fact and fiction continue to blur as fake news and conspiracy theories reign supreme. As citizens of this nation, we must strive to educate ourselves enough to distinguish fact from fiction. One of the simplest ways to do this is to visit historical museums or landmarks. Often, these places offer tours accredited by the Department of Tourism and have tour guides who have an extensive knowledge of these areas. You can also visit any local library to read up on our rich, if complex, past. These books open a path for you to learn about our country’s long and winding history.