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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

How do you support our nation?

Four ways to show how much you love the Philippines.



  • As citizens of this nation, we must strive to educate ourselves enough to distinguish fact from fiction.

Image by Freepik

As we celebrate our 126th Independence Day, we are likely to see the numerous flags being waved and a countless flurry of “Proud to be Pinoy” posts on social media. It’s one thing to brag about being Filipino, but it’s another to actively participate in activities that help support the country. Here are four simple ways you can show your love for the Philippines and actively help our fellow countrymen.


There are countless volunteer organizations out there to help the less fortunate. What better way to show you love our country than to lend a helping hand to our fellow Filipinos in need? You can use services like VolunteerMatch.org to find organizations that need our help. Check with your local LGUs or barangay centers to see if there are any community activities you can offer your services to. Just remember, don’t be a martyr. Only take what you can handle and know your limits when it comes to providing support toward others.

Support the local art scene 

You’ve likely heard “support local” as the go-to cry from Filipino artists to ensure we remain at par with the international artists we follow. One of the simplest ways you can do so is by watching Filipino-made shows and movies, listening to OPM, and following local content creators on any of the available streaming platforms out there. You can go the extra mile by attending your favorite local artist’s shows live or buying any of their available merchandise.

Spend, spend, spend 

Call this the go signal to go on that shopping spree you’ve been thinking about. By spending on small local businesses and vendors, you are providing support to the local economy. You might think nothing of these small purchases, but every centavo counts. As more people invest on local produce, products, and goods, we strengthen our nation’s economy and provide ample sources of livelihood for the owners of these small businesses.

Learn our history 

In this day and age, the lines between fact and fiction continue to blur as fake news and conspiracy theories reign supreme. As citizens of this nation, we must strive to educate ourselves enough to distinguish fact from fiction. One of the simplest ways to do this is to visit historical museums or landmarks. Often, these places offer tours accredited by the Department of Tourism and have tour guides who have an extensive knowledge of these areas. You can also visit any local library to read up on our rich, if complex, past. These books open a path for you to learn about our country’s long and winding history.

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