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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Friday, November 11, 2016

Malaysia Allowed to Enter Philippines Waters to Pursue Militants and Kidnappers

M’sia allowed to enter Philippines waters to pursue militants, kidnappers

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte and Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak shake hands before a welcome ceremony in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Photo: Reuters
Mr Najib also said he discussed with Mr Duterte the repatriation of some 7,000 Philippines immigrants in Sabah.
UPDATED: 8:07 PM, NOVEMBER 10, 2016
PUTRAJAYA — Malaysian authorities will soon be able to cross into Philippine waters while in “hot pursuit” of militants that have been a bane in South-east Asia in recent years, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced after meeting with the Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte in Malaysia on Thursday (Nov 10).
A fuller discussion to hammer out the legalities will take place later this month involving the defence ministers from both countries and also Indonesia, which faces a similar predicament.
“We can now go into Philippines waters during a hot pursuit and act on militants by chasing them but we must inform their maritime enforcement agency upon entering their waters,” Mr Najib told a news conference after meeting Duterte.
Mr Najib said the defence ministers’ meeting is scheduled for Nov 22. “Duterte also expressed his concerns on eradicating kidnapping cases in the southern Philippines and Sabah, and hence the decision, because we cannot just stop [half way] from chasing the bad guys,” he said.
Thursday's meeting is Mr Duterte’s second time meeting Mr Najib since taking office in June, but his two-day visit marks his first official trip to Malaysia.
Militants, namely from the Abu Sayyaf terror group, have been kidnapping Malaysians and tourists from Sabah’s east coast — just half an hour’s boat ride away from their southern Philippines hideout — for huge amount of ransoms and have even carried out beheadings.
In response to the growing terror threat, Malaysia set up the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom), but the abductions persisted. According to Mr Najib, a total of 10 Malaysians have been abducted and released while five are still held captive.
Mr Najib also said he discussed with Mr Duterte the repatriation of some 7,000 Philippines immigrants in Sabah.
"We have agreed that these Philippines immigrants will be sent back to their home in stages," he said.
Apart from that, Mr Najib said they also discussed on setting up of a Philippines regional office in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah to boost economic ties between both countries. MALAY MAIL ONLINE

Pia Wurtzbach Stuns Bashers With Bikini Post For a Cause

3 days ago
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Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach will soon end her successful reign, but she's not yet done with her chosen cause of promoting HIV awareness.
In a post on her Instagram account, Pia posted a photo wearing a bikini while addressing her bashers.
"Just to get some things straight. I haven't forgotten about my advocacy, ok?.. I said I would raise awareness. Putting the spotlight on it so we can start talking about it."
Pia explained that it wasn't her style to seek attention by posting all the work she is doing behind the scenes to promote her advocacies online.
"Just like during the competition, I wasn't posting my everyday pageant activities and that upset a lot of fans. They thought I wasn't doing any effort. I just really did not like posting anything online… I don't work like that. I put my phone down and I work. And did it work? Yes."
Pia has previously posted a bikini photo to promote HIV awareness.
Now that you're all aware that Pia is indeed doing her duties, here are some other pictures of our very own Miss Universe sizzling in a bikini. Bikini photos for a cause? Sounds like a win-win situation.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Filipina Fencing Champ Feted by IOC

Filipina fencing champ feted by IOC

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Maria Leonor Estampador | IOC/Philippe Woods
MANILA, Philippines — Filipina fencing champion Maria Leonor Estampador was given the Continental Award for Asia in the International Olympic Committee Women and Sports Awards, Monday, in Lausanne, Switzerland (Tuesday in Manila).
The IOC Women and Sports Awards recognize the outstanding achievement and contributions made to develop, encourage and strengthen the participation of women and girls in sports.
Olympic.org said Estampador, the first female national fencing coach, championed by providing broader opportunities for women in both administrative and technical responsibilities within the sport.
Estampador was a gold medalist for the Philippines in the 1993 Southeast Asian Games in Singapore. She is currently the administrative manager and assistant secretary of the Fencing Confederation of Asia.
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Other winners were Felicite Rewemarika of Rwandra, USA's Dr. Caroe Oglesby, Majken Maria Gilmartin of Denmark and Moya Dodd of Australia.
Ethiopian sports journalist Dagim Zinabu Tekle made history as the first male recipient of the world trophy.
Sportshub ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
Tekle founded the Lisan Women's Sport Radio Progamme in 2011. The program was dedicated to raise awareness on women's achievement in sports and inspire others to pursue their dreams in sports.
Sportshub ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

Facebook - Facebook

Facebook – Facebook

Do you have a Face-book ac-count? You might reply, “What a crazy question! Of course, I do have!” How do you deal with hatred comments? Do you know how to deal with it? Delete – block – report etc. etc. Did you try it?
A German Munich court to try Facebook’s Zuckerberg for inciting hatred. Mark Zuckerberg and several other senior Facebook staff are facing charges of abetting crimes like Holocaust denial. German authorities believe the social media giant is not doing enough to censor the offensive posts.
The Munich court has opened a lawsuit against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, German media reported last Friday. News outlet “Der Spiegel” wrote on its website, before the main weekly magazine’s Saturday release, that it had obtained court documents charging the social media mogul with incitement to hatred. Zuckerberg is reportedly being charged alongside Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg, chief Europe lobbyist Richard Allan, and his Berlin counterpart Eva-Maria Kirschsieper.
According to the “Spiegel”, the complaint comes from the Würzburg-based attorney Chanjo Jun. In the suit, he accuses Facebook of tolerating appeals for murder, threats of violence, and Holocaust denial, among other things.
Laws regulating hate speech in Germany are extremely tight, with most Nazi symbolism and racist propaganda strictly forbidden, a legacy of Germany’s role in World War II. Although Facebook is obliged to remove illegal content from its site, it has repeatedly garnered hefty criticism for the time it takes to do so.
German Justice Minister Heiko Maas has made hate speech on social media something of a pet project, threatening Twitter and Facebook specifically with being “too slow” in removing offending posts. Maas has pushed a new initiative in Brussels to create EU-wide laws that would hand out stricter penalties for racist or xenophobic content. Spreading racist ideology can come at a hefty price in Germany. Last month, a man in Würzburg became the latest to see jail time over an online post advocating racial hatred. The posts in question advocated violence against Jews, foreigners, and refugees. Although the defendant expressed remorse, he was handed a prison sentence of two years and three months.
We all know: Face-book has often said it stands unequivocally against hate speech, and would work in the future to ensure a swifter removal of related posts. But what did really happened?
Last December 2015, Facebook, Twitter and Google pledged to remove offensive posts in Germany within 24 hours. Users say their requests to take down hate speech often go unheeded. “In Europe we’re currently discussing the audiovisual directive,” Maas said in a veiled warning. It would regulate media providers’ material, including social media outlets that were currently “privileged” in not paying for such content, he said. In Europe! How about in Asia – in the Philippines?
I strongly also agree with the German Justice Minister who stated, “The Internet is an asset”,  but we have a right  this first, to ensure that hate mail is deleted and, second, that the perpetrators are detected.”
Two weeks ago, Volker Kauder, the leader of Merkel’s parliamentary faction warned that he had “run out of patience.”
He suggested a fine of 50,000 Euro (US$ 55,000) if Internet companies failed to take down hate posts within a week. The Brussel’s draft audiovisual directive already includes a passage entitled “prohibition of hate speech” that refers to a 2008 EU “framework decision” to tackle racism and xenophobia via criminal law proceedings.
Its first two articles urge the bloc’s 28 member nations to punish persons who publicly incite or aid and abet violence and hatred with prison terms of up to three years. Liable legal entities can be fined or lose subsidies.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Religion and music

Religion and music

Yes, both belong together like a fish and an ocean, light and life, the voice and the ear. In the entire universe, we humans are probably the only beings capable of creating and hearing music. The ability to hear is one of the specific gifts that our Creator gave us.
Our fragile blue planet is surrounded by a thin layer of gases only a few kilometers high. Only this atmosphere is the reason why sound waves can spread through the air. Everything behind this atmosphere is ruled by the sheer endless vacuum of outer space, where galaxies and stars explode and implode in impenetrable silence.
According to the biblical narrative, the world began when God broke through this deadly quiet: “And God said: Let there be light!” (Genesis 1:1). God spoke – and light and life resulted from His audible voice. Because life was created by the word, it depends on the word. That is why it is in the nature of every person to listen. Like a parabolic mirror, our souls are created to listen to the eternal space of the hereafter, to try and sense whether a word, a sound or a voice is trying to reach us from there, in order to fill us with meaning.
I love music. I can’t live without music. Hold on, this is not one of my earlier columns in this paper. But from time to time, I need to express myself if it comes to this topic. And, I know, that Filipinos love big tunes with great words and beautiful melodies, especially, when it comes to classical music. I experienced this many times during the last six years while hosting several radio shows with classical music and inspirational thoughts.
Email: doringklaus@gmail.com or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visit www.germanexpatinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic.blogspot.com.