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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

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Showing posts with label Rufa Mae Quinto says not sad losing P1 million in 'LOL: Philippines'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rufa Mae Quinto says not sad losing P1 million in 'LOL: Philippines'. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rufa Mae Quinto says not sad losing P1 million in 'LOL: Philippines'

Jan Milo Severo - Philstar.com

August 29, 2024 | 12:23pm

MANILA, Philippines — Comedienne Rufa Mae Quinto revealed that she didn't feel sad about losing in the reality show “LOL: Last One Laughing Philippines.”

In an interview with reporters, Rufa Mae said that the show became "dirty."

“I didn’t feel bad about losing because I already knew where it was heading. The game was starting to get really dirty, so I opted out," she said.  

"Of course, who wouldn’t want to win P1 million? I could have tried to fight for it, but I decided to let it go," she added. 

The actress said the show became "dirty" when the remaining contestants Chad Kinis, Jerald Napoles, Empoy Marquez, Victor Anastacio and Pepe Herrera started playing the game of cards, kissing each other. 

Rufa said she did not want to "lock lips" with her fellow contestants. The actress has a husband and a child and she did not want them to see her doing it on TV. 

She added that she her brand of comedy is different from her fellow contestants. 

Wen asked what she learned from the show, Rufa Mae said, “Keeping one’s self from laughing is so difficult that you would eventually cry. Also, the secret to not laughing is to keep yourself feeling hungry. You will eventually get angry at everyone around you and won’t feel like laughing at all." 

The comedienne revealed that she ate too much during the lunch break and it made her rush to the toilet in the middle of the competition. 

The first edition of the "LOL: Philippines" also featured Jayson Gainza, Kim Molina, Negi and Tuesday Vargas.

The 10 contestants vied to win the P1 million prize money, which will be won by the one who will be able to stop smiling or laughing at the end of the challenges. Chad Kinis eventually won the show's first season after its six-episode airing last July.