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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Jeric Raval, Ara Mina lead cast of ‘Mamay’ biopic


Leah C. Salterio - The Philippine Star 

September 18, 2024 | 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines — Veteran actor Jeric Raval cannot be any prouder when he was tasked to play the title role in the three-hour-long biographical film, “Mamay: A Journey to Greatness,” which is based on the life story of Lanao Mayor Marcos Mamay.

Ara Mina plays the supportive wife of Mayor Mamay and Teejay Marquez is the young Mamay.

Others in the cast are Julio Diaz, Ali Forbes, Sabrina M, Ron Angeles, Devon Seron, Jethro Ramirez, Alvin Coronel, Via Veloso, with line producer and part of the cast Shiela Delgado and Baby F. Go.

Neal “Buboy” Tan is at the directing helm. The film is designed to be a biography and hoped to be an inspirational piece.

Veteran singer and PCSO director Imelda Papin.

“This is not a political film,” insisted Mayor Mamay who is now serving his third and last term. “The script is written from the perspective of someone who dreams of overcoming hardships and achieving his goals.”

Mamay cannot be happier that the MTRCB (Movie and Television Review and Classification Board) gave “Mamay” a Parental Guidance (PG) classification.

“Mamay,” which recently had its premiere at SM Megamall Cinema 1, also featured music by Gerald Santos. The singer recorded the theme, Hamon, penned by Vehnee Saturno, which added an emotional depth to the film’s narrative.

Mamay is contemplating on submitting the biopic to the 2024 Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).

“The MMFF is highly anticipated and could share my life story to a wider audience,” he said. “Regardless of the outcome, I hope the film will inspire viewers to chase their dreams and contribute to their communities.”

‘Mamay’ lead stars Jeric Raval and Ara Mina with Lanao Mayor Marcos Mamay (rightmost), who is also one of the executive advisers of the Actors’ Guild. Other cast members are Teejay Marquez, Victor Neri, Julio Diaz, Ali Forbes, Sabrina M, Ron Angeles and Devon Seron.

This film is also inspiring especially to those students who cannot finish their studies because of hardships. “Let’s not do it as an excuse not to finish our studies,” added Mamay.

The film particularly depicts Mamay’s life from childhood to becoming a public servant. He graduated second honorable mention from grade school at Sapad Elementary School in Lanao del Norte. He was an honor student when he finished at the Kapatagan National High School in 1996. Then, he finished his college at the Mindanao State University, with a degree in BSBA Business Economics. He ventured into the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), but was not able to finish the course because he had to evade his family’s conflict. The film also touches on his love story with his wife.

Mamay carefully supervised the filming, especially since there were flashbacks that needed to be shown in the movie. As CEO of Mamay Productions, which bankrolled the biographical film, he is enthusiastic about future collaborations among local filmmakers as well as producers.

The cast and production are joined by special guests at the red-carpet premiere of ‘Mamay’ at SM Megamall Cinema 1.

“We are excited about working with other film outfits,” said Mamay. “We are also considering a new advocacy film centered on education. We are particularly interested in featuring Alden Richards and Kathryn Bernardo as the stars.”

The national vice president of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) and president of the LMP-Lanao del Norte Chapter also expressed support for the industry through active roles in entertainment and leadership.

“As one of the executive advisers of the Actors’ Guild, it’s my advocacy to help other sectors of the industry, not just one,” said Mamay.

“We need to support the film industry. At the same time, we need to do our advocacy. We need to show that poverty is not a hindrance to success.”

BINI performance, dance classes highlight three-leg G Fest celebration


BINI performance, dance classes highlight three-leg G Fest celebration

Kristofer Purnell - Philstar.com

September 18, 2024 | 7:24pm

MANILA, Philippines — Telecommunications company Globe is ramping up celebrations for its annual G Fest event this year which will involve the "Nation's Girl Group" BINI.

The P-pop girl group leads the line-up of performers that also includes Denise Julia, Jason Dhakal, SunKissed Lola and Aster.

That isn't the only BINI-related portion of G Fest as the group's coaches Mickey Perz, Reden Blanquera and Matthew Almodovar will lead a "Dance Like BINI" session.

art of the event's "Go Lang Nang Go" workshops, the three coaches will the choreography for BINI's latest single "Cherry On Top" while Denise and Jason will join forces to share insights on "How to Be a Pop Star."

G Fest will kick off on Sept. 22, 2024 at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City though the event will be streamed live on the telecommunications company's social media pages.

After Luzon, G Fest will hold additional legs on Oct. 5, 2024 at the Iloilo Convention Center and on Nov. 16, 2024 at Davao's SMX Convention Center.

The event is part of Globe's G Day celebrations marking the iconic prefix 0917.

"[G Fest] is a celebration of creativity, collaboration, and courage, and we can't wait to see how it will inspire and empower the next generation to break boundaries and pursue their dreams with confidence," said the company's Vice President of the Feel Valued Tribe Bianca Wong in a statement.

Junior PGT champ outshines pros with gutsy 73



  • In a remarkable display of poise and skill, 13-year-old Yunju An upstaged a seasoned field at the Ladies Philippine Golf Tour, carding a gritty 73 under wet conditions to take a two-shot lead at the ICTSI Forest Hills Classic here on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

ANTIPOLO – In a remarkable display of poise and skill, 13-year-old Yunju An upstaged a seasoned field at the Ladies Philippine Golf Tour, carding a gritty 73 under wet conditions to take a two-shot lead at the ICTSI Forest Hills Classic here on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

An Yunju (PGT)

The young Korean golf sensation, fresh from a victory in the Junior PGT Luzon Series 6 at Mount Malarayat, proved her mettle once again on the Nicklaus course, despite challenging weather and an hour-long delay.

Yunju, the only amateur among the 19-player field, started strong with a birdie on the opening hole but stumbled with bogeys on holes 2, 9, and 14. Nonetheless, her steady play allowed her to climb to the top of the leaderboard in the opening round of the 54-hole tournament, the seventh leg of the LPGT circuit organized by Pilipinas Golf Tournaments, Inc. 

“I just took a break and was able to prepare,” Yunju said through an interpreter, reflecting on her time off after her victory in Lipa City, Batangas.

However, despite her inspiring start, she expressed slight disappointment, saying, “I couldn’t hit a lot of birdies,” vowing to stay focused in the upcoming rounds.

Jiwon Lee, coming off a victory at Splendido Taal in her LPGT debut, surged early with two birdies and two bogeys in her first nine holes. But bogeys on Nos. 12 and 14, followed by a double bogey on the par-5 16th, dropped her to joint second with a 75, tied with Florence Bisera and Apple Fudolin.

Bisera, a former LPGT champion at South Pacific, was steady through the first 10 holes, but a costly double bogey on the 12th left her with a 36-39 card, while Fudolin, despite birdieing the eighth and 16th, finished the day with a 38-37 round. 

Meanwhile, Sarah Ababa, who also birdied the first hole, found herself sharing the lead despite three bogeys over the next nine holes. However, three additional bogeys in the final five holes dropped her to a tie for fifth, alongside Chihiro Ikeda, Miya Legaspi and Kayla Nocum, all of whom carded 76s.

Veterans Seoyun Kim and Gretchen Villacencio posted matching 77s, while Kristine Fleetwood recorded a 78 to round out the top contenders.

Mikha Fortuna struggled with five bogeys in her final seven holes, finishing with a 79, tied with Velinda Castil, Laurea Duque and Pamela Mariano, while Mafy Singson also had a rough day, carding an 80.

However, it was Harmie Constantino, a three-leg LPGT winner and one of the pre-tournament favorites, who endured the most difficult round. She shot an error-filled 82, marred by six bogeys and a double bogey on the front nine, and failed to recover on the back nine.

With two rounds left, local veterans and previous winners, including Lee, are expected to make a push. But Yunju remains focused on capitalizing on her solid opening round and extending her lead over the shaky field.

Guided by faith always

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

GIVEN the fact that we are not meant to remain only in the natural level, relying simply on our human powers, but rather are meant to enter and share the supernatural life of God since we are his image and likeness, we have to be clear that we have to be guided by faith rather than simply our own reasoning and our other human ways of knowing.

Faith is God sharing his knowledge with us. It is how we begin to share the life of God. And he gives it to us very willingly. It just depends on us on whether we receive it or not, and to respond to it or not. 

Faith contains truths that go beyond the natural realities of our life. Thus, it has supernatural truths or mysteries which we have to learn to feel at home with. This means we have to learn not to stick to our natural reasoning alone, but to go beyond it.

To be sure, faith does not supplant our reasoning or intelligence. Rather, it makes full use of it, although its scope is far wider and deeper than what our intelligence can fully know and understand.

As the Catechism puts it, faith is first of all a gratuitous gift of God, it is grace. But it also requires the correspondence of our intelligence. It is also a human act. It asks us to do our best to understand it as much as we can. It seeks understanding.

Besides, though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason, since it is the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith in us and who also bestows the light of reason on the human mind. He cannot contradict himself. (cfr. CCC 156-159) Thus, faith and human science cannot contradict with each other, though the latter cannot cope with what the former teaches and shows.

We have to remember that since the reality that governs us transcends the natural order, our human faculty of intelligence and reasoning just cannot depend on the data provided by our senses and our own understanding of things. 

Otherwise, we will be trapped in our own world that does not jibe anymore with the reality meant for us. This is especially observable in the world of politics where partisan and ideological interests get so strong as to go to the extent of pushing all kinds of fallacies and blatant falsehoods, supported by so much rhetoric and theatrics, that even clear immoralities like divorce, abortion, atheism, etc. can be espoused and legalized.

Our reason needs to be guided by faith. In that regard, we need to be humble enough to acknowledge the need for our reason for the guidance of faith. That’s because no matter how perceptive and intelligent we are, we can always detect that there is another world that is beyond the sensible and the intelligible. This is the world where our senses and intelligence cannot anymore cope.

This is where we need to humble ourselves, a predicament that many of us find hard to resolve. We tend to hold on only to our own ideas and the facts and data that we can manage to gather, guided mainly by our senses and intellect. In short, we make our own selves, and to be more specific, our own senses and intellect, to be our own sole guide, our own god.

We have to do something drastic about this. And the first thing we should do is to feel the need for God from whom all of us and the entire creation come and to whom we all belong.

Starthilfe: Rentner haben Anspruch auf dieses Geld nach der Witwenrente

Altes Paar läuft spazieren
Rentenansprüche kann man auch wieder verlieren: Das gilt zum Beispiel für Witwen und Witwer, die eine Hinterbliebenenrente beziehen und wieder heiraten. (Symbolbild) © Uwe Umstätter/Imago

Auch bei der Rente kann man eine Abfindung erhalten – immer mehr Betroffene machen davon Gebrauch. Ein Überblick darüber, wie es funktioniert und wer anspruchsberechtigt ist.

München – Rentenansprüche kann man auch wieder verlieren: Das gilt zum Beispiel für Witwen und Witwer, die eine Hinterbliebenenrente beziehen und wieder heiraten. Denn damit verzichten sie auf eine Weiterzahlung der oft auch umgangssprachlich genannten Witwenrente – sie können allerdings eine Rentenabfindung erhalten. 

Nach Wiederheirat: Zahl der Rentenabfindungen steigt

Laut Deutscher Rentenversicherung (DRV) handelt es sich bei der Abfindung um eine Starthilfe für die neue Ehe. Diese haben im vergangenen Jahr wieder mehr Witwen und Witwer nach einer erneuten Heirat erhalten. Demnach fielen im vergangenen Jahr genau 5.127 Hinterbliebenenrenten wegen einer Wiederheirat weg, wie aktuelle DRV-Daten zeigen, die ihre-vorsorge.de vorliegen. Das waren 3,2 Prozent mehr als 2022. 

Wie hoch ist eine Rentenabfindung?

Dabei ist die Höhe der Rentenabfindung vor allem davon abhängig, ob es sich dabei um eine große oder kleine Hinterbliebenenrente handelt. Bei der großen Witwenrente erhalten die Betroffenen als Abfindung grundsätzlich zwei Jahresbeträge der durchschnittlichen Rente der letzten zwölf Kalendermonate, wie die DRV berichtet.

Das Sterbevierteljahr wird aber dabei nicht berücksichtigt. Wenn das eigene Einkommen auf die Hinterbliebenenrente angerechnet wurde, dann zählt der Betrag der Rente nach der Anrechnung. Die Abfindung nach einer kleinen Witwen- oder Witwerrente fällt geringer aus, da diese in den meisten Fällen höchstens 24 Monate ausgezahlt wird. 

Beispiel der DRV für eine Rentenabfindung:

Lea K. erhält seit November 2021 eine große Witwenrente, weil ihr Partner gestorben ist. Da sie im März 2023 wieder heiratet, endet aber in diesem Monat schon wieder ihr Bezug der Hinterbliebenenrente. In den zwölf Monaten vor dem Wegfall der Rente - 1. April 2022 bis 31. März 2023 - hat sie durchschnittlich 540 Euro Witwenrente erhalten – also nach Einkommensanrechnung und vor Abzug der Eigenanteile zur Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung. Damit beträgt die Abfindung 24 mal 540 Euro, also 12.960 Euro.

Wie kann eine Rentenabfindung beantragt werden?

Die Rentenabfindung muss beantragt werden. Laut DRV funktioniert dies formlos bei dem zuständigen Rentenversicherungsträger. Dabei muss neben der Versicherungsnummer des verstorbenen Partners die neue Heirats- oder Lebenspartnerschaftsurkunde eingereicht werden.